Limited edition Spartan ship skin

  • I tought if i logged in and played for a while i would get the Halo skin in 24/72 hours but iv'e played everyday since 11.06 and still nothing.. Will i get the skin evetually or bad luck?

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  • Dont worry u will get it some friend taked 3 day for me i got it the day after i ve played

  • @plunder-bob It should arrive at max 72 hours after your play sessie in that week. If not contact support by raising a ticket through the supportsite:

  • @plunder-bob
    If you played every day since the 11th of June and still haven't received it, you should submit a support ticket.

    Use this link:

  • im the same as OP, that ive been playing and logged in since tuesday 11th june and been playing it all that week, so sent a ticket to support on friday and they are saying they have no records of me playing the game on tuesday :( i even streamed me playing the game on the thursday :D

    and that i had to wait 72 hours from friday to get it, and still nothing :(

  • Same here. Played on the dates, even popped achievements on the 11th from a tall tales voyage.. Submitted a ticket with that as proof but nothing, yet my friends who sailed on the same voyages got their spartan set within the 72 hours. Sometimes really wonder why i bother...

  • So had a response from support...

    "*Ahoy there,

    Our team have had an overwhelming amount of players log in to receive the Halo inspired Spartan Ship Set, as such the distribution of these items is taking longer than we first anticipated.

    We are continuing to distribute these items currently and we hope to have the items to all players by end of day Wednesday, should you still not have received after this time please get back in touch.

    Thank you for your continued patience.*"

    Guess we shall see...

  • @plunder-bob said in Limited edition Spartan ship skin:

    I tought if i logged in and played for a while i would get the Halo skin in 24/72 hours but iv'e played everyday since 11.06 and still nothing.. Will i get the skin evetually or bad luck?

    I've got it and it looks amazing

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