Why does everyone have the same gold hoarder curse?

  • This is a horrible design choice Rare. Everyone wants to be unique but you made the curse look the exact same on everyone. I understand that some people did not get curses they like, but now the ones that did have one they don't like. Instead of giving everyone the same generic curse, make it customizable. Maybe every time you un equip it and then re equip it you get a different one. These are really simple choices that were completely overlooked. Everyone who has this worked extremely hard to get it. Playing 45 Tall Tales is not easy! We all deserve our own unique curse. And anyone who reads this please help bring attention it.

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  • @nagthenaggy

    Just FYI, it was never "unique to each player" It was picked from between like 10 or 12 NPC Gold Hoarder presets, so tons of people were probably getting the same ones. I think people are overreacting quite a bit by acting like this one Gold Hoarder curse cosmetic is the deciding factor in being super unique...

    I like the new one a lot better, and they did right by prioritizing a fix and giving an intended design for those of us who got screwed.

    With that said, I think the right thing for them to do is give options to pick from the presets while making sure people can keep the intended design if they want. At this point, it's their best course of action since they made the mistake of letting people get different ones to begin with.

  • Im not trying to undermine your position chronodusk, but i would say you are definitely in the minority on this topic, and im not saying they shouldnt have made a change for the people like yourself because of that, but its pretty sad that this “bug” is perceived as better design than what they actually intended. This should be a bit of a wake up call for them imo.... sure have some things preset and generic and have rewards based on rng..

    The thing is that if you didnt think yours was cool, that is part of the reason why it would be cool to others or other “cooler” versions actually would be cooler. Now its kinda meaningless. Shows you played a lot, thats about it.

    If they had like 5 curses with rng potential you would likely get one or two good ones, this would be a much better solution.

    As is its like they dont know what parts of the game actually need balance.

    They price cosmetics all the same and tell us the curse being variable is a “bug” and we are all supposed to be the same, then they add cursed cannonballs and dont implement crossplay opt out with no word for months.

    I just dont get it...

  • @a-cranky-eskimo

    Although I do not agree that it makes as much of a difference as people hype it up to, I do think it was cool to have the potential of getting something different from your crewmate. I totally get the charm in that. so don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not anti-choice when it comes to this matter.

    The unfairness came from the fact that someone could have gotten a nice curse with a lot of gold, whilst I put in the same effort and time and got one with minimal gold. That is truly unfair.

    Not only that, these NPC presets were purposely designed with gold only on specific areas on the front and nothing around the back and such, simply because they were designed specifically for the NPCs and how their clothes worked. The new one is designed specifically as a player cosmetic should be designed.

    I think it is important that everyone is guaranteed to be able to have Rare's intended design at the very least. But as a consequence to them making a mistake and allowing the NPC presets to be obtainable, I think it is only fair that they make all of those available to players as options.

  • I just though it was a curse... not something you were supposed to have any control of. This is like "I got the flu...but what I really wanted was mono. Can we change the flu to be more like mono?"

    I wouldn't have cared if my curse only covered the big toe on my left foot... and whining about it is just silly. No one got "screwed"...except everyone. You all are cursed...

  • @fluidsc

    I don't agree with the rationale you're trying to use here. Whether it's a curse, a jacket, or a birthmark, it's still a cosmetic reward in a video game, and the quality should fit the time we put into it. Which it previously did not for all of us.

    Thankfully the devs have control over that, don't they?

  • @chronodusk said in Why does everyone have the same gold hoarder curse?:


    I don't agree with the rationale you're trying to use here. Whether it's a curse, a jacket, or a birthmark, it's still a cosmetic reward in a video game, and the quality should fit the time we put into it. Which it previously did not for all of us.

    Thankfully the devs have control over that, don't they?

    You don't have to agree... but it is still a curse... be it in a game, or for cosmetic purposes... you get what you get.

    I think Rare should have gone with a hash value to create curses... and just generate a new one every time you put the item on, or even give you a way to set it... so you can generate your own until you are happy and then lock it at that until you want to change it again.

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