Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Rebalance [UPDATED - Read OP]


    A few months back we announced the change detailed below, although due to feedback we decided against making the change. You can find more details on why in the following article: https://www.seaofthieves.com/news/legendary-sea-dog-commendation-update

    Good afternoon to all you glorious Sea Dogs! Jason Cross, Producer on The Arena here with a rebalance update.

    We recently realised how difficult it was for Pirate Legends to achieve Rank 5 for the Legendary Sea Dog Commendation. As a result, we have lowered the required number of wins for each grade, making it easier to achieve Grade 5 and earn the Commendation.

    However, we have been incredibly impressed by those Legends who have already achieved Grade 5! Therefore, in a patch coming sometime over the next few weeks, any Legend who has already reached 240 wins will be rewarded with a unique weapon cosmetic.

    Any Legend looking to claim this unique weapon cosmetic after that point will be able to unlock it with 240 wins, as per the original Commendation target.

    The old and new number of wins required are displayed below:


    • Grade 1: 5
    • Grade 2: 15
    • Grade 3: 60
    • Grade 4: 120
    • Grade 5: 240


    • Grade 1: 1
    • Grade 2: 5
    • Grade 3: 25
    • Grade 4: 50
    • Grade 5: 100

    Thanks for all your continued support.

    'Cast Away Cross'

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  • Thank you for letting us know that we have a one month deadline!

  • Dang, I was putting Arena off until I cleared TT's.

    Thanks for the heads up!

  • So I need about 8 wins a day over the next month. That might be difficult to pull off. This will probably be something I miss.

  • So there was an achievement for 100 wins as a pirate legend already but the commendation was at 240? Why wouldn't they both be at 100 to begin with?

  • @MoronicStraw thanks for all you guys are doing we truly appreciate y’all taking on this Sea Dogs mantle for us all.

    Might I highly suggest a Matchmaking system be added to the Arena if you are going to lower the achievement win numbers needed... cause right now about 85% of Arena matches are just rofl stomps with 1 team completely dominating and the others spinning circles... (note: I have recorded all 180 games played so far of which I have 169wins (hoping to make this final grind push to 240 soon! Yaaargh!))

    I know there are a lot of good crews out there playing at the same time and WANTING to play each other but because of the way the servers work and the amount of servers and No Matchmaking we are just going against super easy to beat crews... so really this “Legendary Sea Dogs” achievement you speak of is already just a Time-gate achievement... 240 was already fine, should have been 500 in my opinion because then it would have meant something more to see people with the title. I appreciate the add in of the unique reward as a salute to the grinders, but still wish their was a Skill-gate put into the game that a Matchmaking system totally would do... because the more you win then the more skilled enemies you would be matched with to have to overcome to accumulate wins for the title making it truly more prestigious than its current timegated form where any half decent crew could get Rofl-stomp wins.

    *Also Please Please Please consider also having a unique reward be a jacket that looks like DeMarco’s or Lesedi’s with all the potions and gadgets attached to it as a unique item for 240 achievers or at least a full set of Unique weapons (but if can only be one weapon than I really hope it is a Sword because it is by far the most heavily Seen by others and Used weapon in the game, especially for us PvP Boarders). But wow a full set would be cool as would a Demarco-like or Lisenda-like Jackets with all the little items on them be awesome to rock around.

    Thank you Soooo Very Much @MoronicStraw and Team for all you are doing for us Arena Players.

    *Tiphat *
    Wesley Sanguin

  • Push the grind!

  • @lonegoatknifer thought that too, but they changed it to 240 shortly after the update...or with the update...
    I'm happy they change this, because I don't want to play that much arena...but 100 wins should be doable...

  • "A special cosmetic weapon" - Should have an whole arsenal for doing that grind.

  • Question, @MoronicStraw,

    Does this mean we need to achieve 240 wins in first place before June 24th, or is the rebalancing today and does that mean we have to achieve 100 wins?

    We had the Overachiever Sails in the past, in which we had to achieve the rebalance Grade/Achievement instead of the original one. Is it the same thing in this case?

    @moronicstraw said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    Due to this we have lowered the required number of wins for each grade and thus making achieving Grade 5 and the commendation easier.

    With today's update/server maintenance?

    @moronicstraw said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    Therefore, in our next update after June 24th, any Legend who has reached Grade 5 by then will receive a special cosmetic weapon.

    This states every Pirate Legend that reached Grade V will receive a cosmetic after the 24th of June's next update.

  • Keep making game for litle crybabys its best way for lose. Xd

  • @lt-swag-johnson sagte in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    Question, @MoronicStraw,

    Does this mean we need to achieve 240 wins in first place before June 24th, or is the rebalancing today and does that mean we have to achieve 100 wins?

    We had the Overachiever Sails in the past, in which we had to achieve the rebalance Grade/Achievement instead of the original one. Is it the same thing in this case?

    @moronicstraw said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    Due to this we have lowered the required number of wins for each grade and thus making achieving Grade 5 and the commendation easier.

    With today's update/server maintenance?

    @moronicstraw said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    Therefore, in our next update after June 24th, any Legend who has reached Grade 5 by then will receive a special cosmetic weapon.

    This states every Pirate Legend that reached Grade V will receive a cosmetic after the 24th of June's next update.

    Was wondering about that too...even if I won't get the 100 wins in that time...

  • @schwammlgott said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    Was wondering about that too...even if I won't get the 100 wins in that time...

    @MoronicStraw wrote: "Due to this we have lowered..."

    That's written in past tense like it already happened.

  • @lt-swag-johnson said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    Question, @MoronicStraw,

    Does this mean we need to achieve 240 wins in first place before June 24th, or is the rebalancing today and does that mean we have to achieve 100 wins?

    Clearly stated in the message, every Pirate Legend that wants this special one off cosmetic has to win 240 total before JUNE 24th

    We had the Overachiever Sails in the past, in which we had to achieve the rebalance Grade/Achievement instead of the original one. Is it the same thing in this case?

    The Overachiever sails where handed out to pirates who did the grind and got at least 1 of the achievements at its old value so before the rebalance.

    With today's update/server maintenance?

    Nope clearly state in the message the update coming AFTER june 24th, this is not a update its a patch/bugfix maintenance

    This states every Pirate Legend that reached Grade V will receive a cosmetic after the 24th of June's next update.

    Yes and until june 24th the grade V commendation will still be set at 240

  • No, it doesn't, @callmebackdraft

  • @reapinglegion which you do you also get the entire PL armory available now including this one of special cosmetic weapon, i know all others get them as well after that at 100 wins BUT we can get them early :-)

  • @callmebackdraft said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    Clearly stated in the message, every Pirate Legend that wants this special one off cosmetic has to win 240 total before JUNE 24th

    No, it doesn't clearly state that.

    @callmebackdraft said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    The Overachiever sails where handed out to pirates who did the grind and got at least 1 of the achievements at its old value so before the rebalance.

    No, it was the rebalanced commendations/achievements.

    The Overachiever Sails could only be obtained by achieving the following achievements before the 14th of December 2018.

    • Black Powder Merchant - 100 Gunpowder Barrels delivered on time
    • Merchant Voyager - Complete 250 Merchant Alliance voyages
    • Merchant Forager - 50 Banana Crates delivered on time
    • Voyager of Lost Souls - Complete 250 Order of Souls Voyages
    • Golden Voyager - Complete 250 Gold Hoarder Voyages
    • Hoarder of Barnacled Gold - 300 Shipwrecked Chests
    • Hoarder of the Captain’s Gold - 360 Captains Chests
    • Master Hunter of Villainous Skulls - 360 Villainous Skulls
  • 2 or 3 month deadline please,my team hasnt time to reach that,when i play with my team we win almost every round,but without a familiar team its impossible reach grade 5.and im sure im not the only one, give us sloops and brigs before you rebalance...

  • @lt-swag-johnson hmm i might be mistaken, i guess we will see after the patch today.

    In any case we have to make grade V before june 24th and that means either 100 wins (if rebalance today) or 240 (if rebalance june 24th)

  • @callmebackdraft said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    @lt-swag-johnson hmm i might be mistaken, i guess we will see after the patch today.

    In any case we have to make grade V before june 24th and that means either 100 wins (if rebalance today) or 240 (if rebalance june 24th)

    Exactly what I was thinking. It looks like we won't get an answer before the servers come back online.

    I just would like to know if it's 100 or 240, because that difference depends if it's possible for me to achieve this goal.

  • @lt-swag-johnson the overachiever sails where changed apperantly from the thing The dev update at the time...

    How uninformed i am huh... well snap they mean a whol lot less now i guess and the name doesnt even make sense anymore but hey i got them :-p

    Sorry for the misinformation

  • I do like that the commendation is being reduced to it is easier to achieve. However I find this unfair for those who HAVE been playing arena but have NOT been going for wins but instead the kill commendations. Lots of people )myself included) have not cared about wins(obviously want to get the commendation but that can be done later) and instead went for kills to max out the weapon commendation. Basically what I’m saying is those who have maxed out the kill. Kill Commendations completed by the 24th should get some sort of reward(for each commendation. This is because cannons are not happening for anyone that does it legit for at least 3 months) My main reason for saying this is because 99.9% of the players who have the 240 wins or close to it run away the entire match collecting chests... ITS A PVP GAME MODE. And tbh it’s not hard to win matches especially when doing something like that.

  • @lt-swag-johnson i luckily only need to got 8 more wins if the rebalance is today and 100 has to be attained, if its 240 i need 5 wins a day which is also attainable so for me its looking good :-p

  • @moronicstraw
    So i know plenty of pirates that were conerned about the crossplay opt out being delayed till after the anniversary update. They were concerned also, about time sensitive cosmetics being offered in arena while the opt out was unavailable.

    The fact that arena is the initial target of the opt out suggests that Rare acknowledges the disparity. Console players that have kept away from the arena for this reason, are now being punished via exclusive content. 240 wins in 30 days is a minimum of 4 hours of arena every day, assuming you win every match. Thats a little much. Anyone at Rare care to comment?

  • Boys, this is a Marketing trick.

    They want you to grind it, they trigger the greedy to which these stuff has "meaning".

    And so they want you to grind your butt off to get the 240 instead if the 100 only.
    Grind Arena, watch it on Mixer, push it to show MS they did it right and have thousands of people playing.

    They arent playing, but grinding and working it off to bragg with it and then have that "meaning".

    It's not the same with Overachiever sails.
    In the end it is, but Overachiever sails came after lot of complains after they reduced numbers.
    Now they try to trigger those who think it needs to be done.
    Those who then are proud to have it done, repetetive grind fun or not, they "put the effort" in and think those pixels have a meaning.
    If it means something to you, great.
    I care less and nobody can impress me with having it.
    It more reminds me of someone playing too much and exagerating.
    I also play a lot, but i dont exagerate that much and i'd never let me soaked into that sort of grind.
    Never ever, it's already exhausting me to level HC from 20 to 30.
    I immediatly stopped it although i really like to have the Killer Whale.
    But i recognized i got greedy and impatient too and instantly take a break playing for 3 days.
    No chance to get me in that treadmill and start working things off.
    It's not that people really play because of having fun or because they want to play, it's because they cant let go and cannot aproach it playfull but only performance focussed.

    This is btw the No.1 cause of too much seriousness and toxicity playing games.
    Compensation and meaning of pixels you achieved, segreration from others while bragging with "effort" you put in when we talk about playing a game.
    It's ridiculous and very sad.

    Don't answer me, it's wasted time you could already have grinded one more win.
    Good luck i'm going to relax outside and maybe play in the evening if i want to and not because i think i have to and otherwise miss a cosmetic.

    But guess how many do so?
    I'd say more than 75% of all players are now in a silly rush.

    Happy working it off.

  • @testakleze All due respect 8 wins a day is very easy. And I don’t even go for wins 9/10 times when I play.

  • @pomalotacusmk3

    They just want to make it easier for players to see in game which ones of us are PC gods. LOL!!

  • @skilledgnome0 You're right. Unfortunately circumstances aren't in my favor. About four hours a day is all I get if I'm lucky. My usual crew isn't on that time of night so I'm left without them. Wins might be few and far between.

    If the required goal turns out to be 100 instead of 240 than I might have a good chance of reaching it though.

  • As someone who already has Legendary Sea Dog, I really appreciate the special cosmetic for players who already grinded beforehand.

    I hope we see more cosmetics like this if there is any other commendation nerfs :)

    @moronicstraw said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    any Legend who has reached Grade 5 by then will receive a special cosmetic weapon.

    I hope it's either a cutlass or a reskin of all the legendary weapons :P Only 1 specific gun would be kinda weird.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 it might be that a mere 100 is required before june 24th we are uncertain about that fact as of yet and will most likely get that info when we log in after the servers are back up.

    Altough 100 or 240 is still a bit much in a month for some, that is why they give out a special cosmetic. I have 92 wins as we speak and at least 40 of those where done on XBox so its definitly possible to do this on an xbox in the current crossplay situation

  • @skilledgnome0 said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    @testakleze All due respect 8 wins a day is very easy. And I don’t even go for wins 9/10 times when I play.

    Still, that's about 4 hours of play each day for a month straight. I am not complaining, but that's only for the most dedicated players or the ones that have too much time on their hands.

  • @weedstar-deluxe sagte in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    2 or 3 month deadline please,my team hasnt time to reach that,when i play with my team we win almost every round,but without a familiar team its impossible reach grade 5.and im sure im not the only one, give us sloops and brigs before you rebalance...

    Really? Cry me a river...if you don't get it done 'til 24 june because you had no time or whatever, you don't get the reward. Period.
    I won't get it, because my own crew don't really want to play arena and the other people I play arena with don't come together that often we would have the chance to do it...so I don't bother and I won't cry for more time

  • @weedstar-deluxe said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    2 or 3 month deadline please,my team hasnt time to reach that,when i play with my team we win almost every round,but without a familiar team its impossible reach grade 5.and im sure im not the only one, give us sloops and brigs before you rebalance...

    Well didn’t they do just that a 2 month deadline ?? In al fairness one month has already passed but still, you had a total of 2 months to do this when june 24th has come around....

    You have untill june 24th to get this commendation knocked out, giving it a larger deadlin will only devalue the special cosmetic the people (and hopefully me) get for achieving this.

    You have untill june 24th get on it if you want it

  • @callmebackdraft said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    @reapinglegion which you do you also get the entire PL armory available now including this one of special cosmetic weapon, i know all others get them as well after that at 100 wins BUT we can get them early :-)

    Whatever the f you just said: Ok :P

  • Rare oh Rare.
    When will you learn.

    You guy's need to learn how to make a game or test a game.
    everytime you change the things in the game
    and the things THAT must be changes are still left.

    When will you learn

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