Reapers Run Not Counting

  • So me and my friend were doing the wanderers refuge reapers run and joined an alliance mid game with the flag still on and it didn’t register with it as a completed run with the flag on, is that on purpose or did we just get completely robbed?

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  • @idjxy ahoy! Sadly joining an alliance does lower your reaper for a moment, so that would be why. Be sure to make any alliances before you put the reaper up, and after that just don't touch the flag box until the voyage is over!

  • This is a serious glitch in the game. It took my crew 11 reapers missions to get 5 to count for all members. The flag was put up at the beginning, and not taken down until all received credit for the 5 total.

  • @sgt-kid-dad I agree. I just have gave up on doing mine. The ship skin is cool but when these events start feeling like chores to do, it becomes unfun to play and not fun to do.

    There will be other skins later with a actual fun event. Hopefully.

  • We had the Reapers Mark up, ran three of the Shipwreck Bay voyages. It didn't count any of them for the final commodation. It still says 0/5!!!

  • Yea I have done 10 Reaper missions with the flag up from before we lay down the mission and before we start the mission and it has only counted 3. I just did a reaper mission that had the flag flying before the mission was put on the table and no one in the crew got credit for it. It is more of a lottery if you get credit or not.

  • Same issue have ran 5 with Flag up before voyage dropped (0/5) even though i fet the payout of special currency...

  • So I have ran these reaper mission east and west so many times I used up all of my blue coins. I only have 1of3 on west and 2of3 on east the flag has béen up the entire time. I have let pirate legends buy quest I have bought them it is glitched out or something. Total b.s. the only thing on the game I wanted was the reaper sails next to black clothing but I got to tell you I am very upset about this for sure get it together rare.

  • Ahoy maties!

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