3D Printed Sea of Thieves Coin

  • Please note that I am not making this to sell, it is purely for my own use/collection.

    Click here for look at completed model

    This is the kind of thing I would like to see included in the Sea of Thieves collectors edition, so take note Rare hahaha *winks
    I mentioned in a thread: here that I would like to see a Rare Coin.

    Well I wondered what that would look like, so I set out to convert the image from my mind to a 3D object. This is what I have, I still have a few tweaks to make but once it's cleaned up I'm going to print it with my 3D printer. (Once its completed I will post pictures here)


    alt text Front of coin, skull

    alt text Back of coin, Rare logo

    Video of detailed 5cm print.
    Photo of size test print.
    Detail comparison 4cm-5cm print

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  • Looks good. I'm curious to see it in its final color and such though :)

  • Love it.

  • @TheAaronLeigh Looks awesome! How big is it going to be when completed?

  • @xDILLIGAFx1974

    Currently test printed at 4cm diameter. Printed okay, a bit thin and the skull had too much "fine" detail so I have simplified the skull a lot. I've also made it thicker (about .5cm) and now printing again at 5cm diameter.

  • Here's a test print to check on sizing. (5cm diameter)

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  • Size and detail comparison from the 4cm diameter print.

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  • @TheAaronLeigh

    Looks great! I like the uneven ridges and edges throughout too. The attention to detail is spot on.

    ~Captain Jay
    The Crow's Nest

  • Wow! That came out great! :)

    You reminded me of this coin that was on top of one of the skeleton statues at E3:

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  • That is damn pretty. Now if you can turn the artwork from the fan kit into a card deck you could have a real good pirate poker evening.

  • Well I've done it ya'll.

    The quality turned out great. Much better than the initial print. I think it may still be too big through so I'm going to reduce its size once more.

    What do you think? Too big? Or decent for a Pirate worthy doubloon? I think it looks too much like a medal haha

    Video of 5cm Print here

  • @IOnEI-Falcon That's super cool! Thanks for sharing with me, totally helped with my paint ideas for the coin.

    @Armament-Jay Thanks for the kind words. I've actually surprised myself with this build. Quite new to 3D modelling.

  • Behold. A Rare Coin.

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    Turned out way better than I could have hoped for.
    I can't take credit for the paint job though. I recruited the help of my best friend who has many-a-year of Warhammer miniature painting under his belt.

  • @TheAaronLeigh Preeeetty!

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  • @TheAaronLeigh Woah... That has got to be the coolest looking coin I have ever seen. It hope it's not cursed :D

  • @TheAaronLeigh That is gorgeous! Great work sir!

  • Genuinely awesome, love it!

  • @TheAaronLeigh

    AMAZING! First dibs when you make more! :D Pretty Pleeeeeeeeeease!

  • You should use the 3D printed version to make a mold, then create a small personal foundry for melting metal, and cast some "real" doubloons out of aluminum or other metals.

  • Awesome job man. Very cool. :)

  • @JediKnightXIII If @TheAaronLeigh used old (washed out and dried) soda cans, it would be awesome. Recycling done right, yes?

  • @xDILLIGAFx1974 @JediKnightXIII

    Thanks everyone!

    Jedi, that sounds extremely cool/way beyond my skill set hahaha. I toyed with the idea of hollowing out a spot in the middle to put a washer or weight in it.

    EDIT: I'd be more than happy to send one of the prints to someone if they wanted to make the mold and cast out of metal.

    Dilly, good suggestion if I could I would.

  • Holy cow that is epic! Nice work! :)

  • All in favour for a Sea of Thieves doubloon to be included with Collectors Edition say, Aye!

    Rare, I've got the render if you want it.
    Get your people in touch with mine (me)... we'll do lunch ;) haha

  • @TheAaronLeigh Come to think of it, after checking how much it would cost to set up a mini-forge, it's not really expensive. Also, if you wanted a cast that already has an "antique finish" a simple wet sand mold might work. After you cast in the wet sand mold, the new casting has a slightly rough texture from the sand. If you used aluminum (from cans) it wouldn't be too hard to clean it up using a wire buffer.

    (I've done projects like this before. Just not recently.)

  • @xDILLIGAFx1974

    Any links to "How To's" I'll give it a crack.

  • @TheAaronLeigh I know there is a channel on YouTube called "Cody's Lab" you could have a look around and you might find what your looking for.

  • My friend has reported the successful hand over of the Rare Coin to @JoeNineTee at SDCC!

    Hope you enjoy your new found riches Joe, thank you and the team for all the work you're putting into Sea of Thieves.

    (Still intend to send a bag of smaller coins for the rest of the crew)

  • @TheAaronLeigh Probably best to send more coins. We all know what happens to a Captain who does not have enough loot to divide amongst the crew... Mutiny!

  • @TheAaronLeigh said in 3D Printed Sea of Thieves Coin:

    My friend has reported the successful hand over of the Rare Coin to @JoeNineTee at SDCC!

    Hope you enjoy your new found riches Joe, thank you and the team for all the work you're putting into Sea of Thieves.

    (Still intend to send a bag of smaller coins for the rest of the crew)

    Yeah, I saw your friend give Joe the coin. Very cool! Glad it made it over safely!

  • @IOnEI-Falcon Is that your way of saying "your lucky I didn't have time to intercept him"; no one would blame you, we are pirates and that is valuable swag.

  • @IOnEI-Falcon said in 3D Printed Sea of Thieves Coin:

    @TheAaronLeigh said in 3D Printed Sea of Thieves Coin:

    My friend has reported the successful hand over of the Rare Coin to @JoeNineTee at SDCC!

    Hope you enjoy your new found riches Joe, thank you and the team for all the work you're putting into Sea of Thieves.

    (Still intend to send a bag of smaller coins for the rest of the crew)

    Yeah, I saw your friend give Joe the coin. Very cool! Glad it made it over safely!

    Good to hear my friend wasnt lying and took it for himself haha
    Unless you two are in cohoots and this is all an elaborate plan to make off wit me booty!

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  • @TheAaronLeigh look at your coin making Twitter! I love the active community. I wish I could contribute physically like that.

  • Link here: https://twitter.com/SeaOfThieves/status/759077789698035713

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