Crew System

  • So,

    Let's talk about ship customization.
    Custom flags... Back in the golden age of pirates, the first thing people looked at was what flag the ship was flying. If they knew what flag it was, they knew what crew it was. So I was thinking...

    Rare could add a custom crew system like GTA V has, one person creates a closed crew and invites people into it.

    So the leader of the crew can then design a custom flag with a integrated emblem designer (Just like Rockstar's socialclub). The leader of the crew can then lock the emblem and "claim" it as his.

    Only people that were invited and are in the crew can sail under that flag.

    To prevent unacceptable flags and other things like "sw*stikas" etc, they can add a "Report flag" option, and then one of the employee's can check if this is relevant or not.

    I hope they add it, because this is one of the ways to get yourself known on the Sea of Thieves.

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  • Love this idea, been wantin' it since day one. But something as customizable as Rockstar's emblem creator would probably be too open to abuse. A buddy of mine has the emblem of a well known outlaw MC in GTA, and it includes supremacist imagery he didn't even notice until I pointed it out. Too many ways to abuse a system like that.

    I think a system like WoWs guild emblem would work better, allowing a wide array of colors and motifs to be mixed and matched for each crew.

  • @jaffatm @Tundra-793

    Along side the "Report a flag" button they could also introduce an option to show custom flags or not. Similar to Call of Duty's emblem system.

    This way if you don't want to see the custom flags you don't have to as they are replaced by normal Rare made flags. If you do want to see the custom flags then that is your choice.

    ~Captain Maximillian Zeus:
    The Damned Rider of the Ferry
    and Master of the Song of the Dead

  • Awesome idea dude! I really want them to make ship names locked to one specific persons ship when they come out aswell.

  • @maximillianzeus It's a solid solution, but it defeats the entire purpose of custom flags. It's not a bad idea, but it's an all-or-nothing deal. Either you accept all custom flags, or none.

    The WoW comparison I made would, I feel, allow the best of both worlds. No one would have to opt-out for fear of offensive flags, and with enough work, we could still have enough diversity to let crews stand out.

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