New to Pirating

  • Ahoy there fellow sea dogs,
    I have been playing for about a week, I got the game off the xbox store as it was arf price arrghh. I jumped straight in and sailed a sloop by myself, I encouraged two friends to play on the week friends play free and now they're in. I still sail alone and avoid any sails I see if I can, but today whilst treasure hunting another sloop sailed in. I got the mega phone out and hailed them telling the crew I had nothing worth taking. To my shock and horror they answered back ! They said thanks for letting them know and could they have some nana's, I said sure help yourselves and they did. AND I DIDN'T DIE !!! low and behold they made an alliance with me and left. Whilst I spent an hour killing a skelly pirate (he was tough), I was sailing away to make some coin, and I earned nearly a 1,000 gold off them guys CHEERS!! I thought I was gonna help them as I was less than a mile from an outpost.....then came the Kraken and ate me and my spoils. It's been a very long time since a game has ever done this to me, made me feel danger and comradery at the same time, I'm Captain Hooked now and will play this for a good long while, so if you see me on the high seas, I wont shoot first...Promise.

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  • Excellent! Great story.
    There are good people on the Seas.
    Welcome aboard & happy sailing

  • @jonny-jacko Ahoy Matey and welcome to the Sea of Thieves and to these here forums. SoT is unlike any other game out there and Rare has done a magnificent job of creating a game that inspires all sorts of emotions. While I too sail solo from time to time, I must say, most of my best adventures have been in a crew. So I would strongly recommend that you try to find a crew of peeps that you get a long with, that have similar playing styles, and will encourage you to #bemorepirate. There are plenty of great ways to find new mates, either through the official discord channel for SoT or through side discord groups/communities specific to SoT. And of course there are also old salt's that are always willing to help out.

    Keep checking these forums as there are many old salt's that have contributed great articles that are very helpful to land lubbers just getting their feet wet matey.

    Happy sailing to you and welcome!

  • Ahoy @jonny-jacko! It warms my heart to hear such a story! I totally hear you about the shock and awe that you weren't killed! It can be a mite hard to play the game without growing cynical...but there are wonderful scalawags out there like both you and me who love a good alliance or crew romp. Glad to hear you made it work and had a fun time beside :)

  • @jonny-jacko You are welcome. Once infected, the spirit of the salty seas will overwhelm you.

  • Thanks for the messages of support, I’m now nearly two weeks in and my friend whom I got in via the the friends play free offer have been been Sloop da Looping nearly every night. Last night we finally did the Rum Runners mission, wow! We dug up all the treasure then got robbed, I watched from the crows nest as the robbers (#theyweremorepirate) then got attacked by two ghost ships and sunk. We completed the other missions and with our large haul we headed back to Galleons Grave, two miles out a Kraken awakes, we thought we were gone to see Dave Jones! We fought hard (I got eaten) my pals on the cannons while I’m patching holes and bailing....and we beat the creature!! We survived to sell the spoils buy some goodies and renamed our sloop The T*a Bag
    I turned 50 only two weeks ago and been gaming since I was 13, this has been the best virtual experience I’ve ever had! I hope to see you all on the high seas one day, and thank you Rare !!

  • This way it is meant to be played imho.
    Have Fun playing the game!

  • on the other shoe...
    i had a sloop join me at a fort i was half way done with.
    They seemed like new players so i told them i didn't need the loot and they could have it. We made an alliance, finished off the fort together, i pointed out the key to them, let them open it and even help them load their ship. After they were loaded up i was playing music w one of them at their ship.. meanwhile the other guy gun powdered my ship.. i only had a grog chest on board so i didn't really care, i let it sink as i tried to reason w him.. he shot me.
    When i respawned elsewhere i sent him a message asking what the point was.. If they wanted a fight Id happily fight for the loot 2v1, i relish a good fight. His response was "this is literally a pirate game where your meant to break alliances." i just laughed about it. I gave them the fort loot and they sank me over a grog chest. SMH

  • @li-jratt-li there’s all kinds of stupid out there lol. Especially on the other multiplayer games, I have come across a small pocket of idiots but most have played to the spirit of the game.

  • Excellent story. Glad you enjoy the game..if u need a team mate to make some more gold feel free to add me same GT as here

  • @jonny-jacko Awesome to hear that! There are nice people there on the seas, not everyone is a bloodthirsty thief. I hope I will meet you some day while sailing.

  • excellent to hear, there are more who are nice than those who seek to sink you. Keep that head on a swivel especially sailing solo. It's the hardest way to money.

  • @aglasgowthing I will add you’re GT, cheers

  • @aglasgowthing
    Seems we sail from the same outpost from the Clyde

  • Welcome to Sea of Thieves! Although that is a nice story, I think you may have already figured out that not every pirate on the seas will be as kind to you as that sloop was. The good news is that the community in general on these forums are (mostly) great people who will always offer great advice that will help guide you on you’re journey. Don’t ever be afraid to come here and ask questions and you’ll be sailing with your Pirate Legend gear in no time!

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