Gameplay for the casual player?

  • i tried SOT again last night after letting it develop somewhat.

    I was solo Sloop as i didn't really have long to play and finding a decent co-pirate to play with would have taken all evening so off i went...

    Order of souls mission taken and 4 island to go conquest, one was a massive PITA island so forget that one, and the other 3 were close to each other.

    On my way there the was a shadow pirate ship on the map, best avoid that i though and then spend 45 minutes collecting skulls,

    ^^ you know the usual charm of needing to light up the skeletons, spawns of 15 skeletons all with blunderbuss, and then golden skeletons 17 miles from an ammo case all meant delay delays delays and more delays, throw a storm into the mix between the islands and then before you know it 45 minutes have gone.

    4 skulls in the hold, and back off to the outpost i go because i've already been at this for an hour.

    nothing on the map other than the outpost 2 mins away

    On the way the music changed and some galleon pirate ship on the horizon (skeleton ship),so i stuck the sloop into fastest angle of sail and..... it still caught up

    some silly NPC with god like powers and speed and nonsense cannon balls making you sick and fall overboard.... thanks

    but alas despite that shower of dingle gameplay i did get back aboard and plug the holes and bail the water out and somehow escape that NPC bulldingery ship by exploiting sailing through rocks while that piece of rubbish got stuck

    so back to going to my outpost delayed by another 15 minutes but ooohhh no Rare cant be having that nonsense can they? game crashes and i'm back to the loading screen

    1 hr gaming for sod all profit, i mean even if i did get the 4 skulls sold for ~400Cr each and a custom sail costs an eye watering 49,000Cr

    Rare, added to the "never buying a game ever again from" list

    Why cant there be gameplay for the casual 30 minute gamer? why must i commit 1hr - 1hr30 each time if i want to progress a tiny amount.

    let us save treasure and skulls if we "log off" and carry on where we left it!

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  • @kenneth-mcgrew Ok what would stop people just 'saving' and logging off as soon as another player ship starts to approach them?

  • Just do a bunch of message in a bottle jobs. They cost nothing and are the quick and dirty thing.

  • So you didn't have time to play a game and are angry at the developer because they made a game that costs more time per session than you have?

    Maybe we should have little icons on games that say the average seeion length like they have on boardgames.
    But I feel like this is mostly on you. Having just an hour for a gaming session is just short. Heck in the average JRPG I can't even get from one save point to the next within an hour.

  • @octopus-lime

    cant log out while in sight of or during combat, problem solved

  • @kenneth-mcgrew Dont buy a game before knowing what you buy. Problem solved FOR EVERYONE
    Plus, Arena is coming and the sessions are going to be about half an hour

  • I think i have some cheese for that wine. This game takes patience, you don't have any it appears. sorry.

  • Allow me to summarize...

    TLDR: I'm bad at the game and I'm upset about it. Game sucks apparently.

  • Hey @kenneth-mcgrew! I hear you -- I too tend to have 1-hour blocks, so I can feel a bit rushed trying to finish things up. I personally enjoy the way the game is paced to orient towards longer sessions though -- when I actually get a 3 or 4 hour block free, it's quite lovely. For when you have less time, though, the Arena should be a faster, more condensed version for you! More details March 20, so be sure to check back in then

  • let us save treasure and skulls if we "log off" and carry on where we left it!

    Ah, the plot thickens.
    Translation: "Let me combat log"

    Sorry, OP. It's not a game for combat loggers.

    As for the rest of it - it just sounds like you want the game to have no teeth. The game needs teeth if it's going to keep players interested. I like skele ships the way they are now. For the solo slooper, sometimes they are easy kills, sometimes they are murder machines with cursed cannonballs on auto fire.

    As for the skeleton voyage - learn how to identify which voyages will be more manageable for a solo sloop and do those.

  • @vorondil1 said in Gameplay for the casual player?:

    Hey @kenneth-mcgrew! I hear you -- I too tend to have 1-hour blocks, so I can feel a bit rushed trying to finish things up.

    I'm with you on this. I tend only to be able to get longer play time at the weekends, so 3-4hrs at a time then no problem.
    During the week if I can only pop on for an hour or so I tend to go beach combing, or pick up message in a bottles, ship-wrecks, quick skelly ship.
    I can fill my weekdays quite easily without too much investment.

    It's nice to have a bite-sized experience now & again.

  • @vin-delanos while I too am unsure about the idea of saving progress to rejoin later, I do need to point out that in this very thread, the OP made some suggestions for how this feature could be implemented without the danger of combat logging. So that doesn't seem like a very accurate accusation.

  • @vorondil1
    I'm skeptical. Players can disavow any desire to do it now while suggesting it, but you bet if they could use it as an exploit, they would.

    As for logging out when out of danger, the game forces everyone upon logging in to be on equal footing, save for their ship and crew size. Persistent saves would see pirate crews amassing not only hoards of treasure (which is far less important), but also supplies and cursed cannonballs, meaning a coordinated crew could login to a full griefer boat every time they start the game.

    Saving voyages would be a problem because the game auto-generates them upon activation, based on the locations of other active voyages in the game. Having six players login to active voyages all on shark-tooth key could lead to potentially serious problems.

  • The gameplay for the casual players is called... THE CREW.

    Doing voyages with people is usually faster and safer. On top of that you can rejoin your friends when the game bamboozles you.

    Your suggestion to save treasure when logging off is against the spirit of the game.

  • @vin-delanos yep! I agree with you on all those points, as I said I am against the idea of saving and re-loading. I think that people in general would definitely exploit it, but the OP of this thread gave us no overt reason to think that was his intention. I have in the past misinterpreted posts and made over-aggressive replies assuming the poster's intentions, and so now I try to give the benefit of the doubt where I can.

  • @vorondil1
    That's fair. I'll try to be more open minded with folks.

  • It's good as it is
    I don't even start SoT when I just have 2 hours or less time to play...

  • @vin-delanos said in Gameplay for the casual player?:

    let us save treasure and skulls if we "log off" and carry on where we left it!

    Ah, the plot thickens.
    Translation: "Let me combat log"

    Sorry, OP. It's not a game for combat loggers.

    As for the rest of it - it just sounds like you want the game to have no teeth. The game needs teeth if it's going to keep players interested. I like skele ships the way they are now. For the solo slooper, sometimes they are easy kills, sometimes they are murder machines with cursed cannonballs on auto fire.

    As for the skeleton voyage - learn how to identify which voyages will be more manageable for a solo sloop and do those.

    well no thats not what i want, combat logging sucks for all involved but being able to save and exit while your alone on an island out of combat is easy with a few conditions.

    i mean to build on the suggestion above you already discounted

    internet disconnections would still lose your treasure and progress

    you would have to be in a safe location outside of combat and view of other players to "save and exit"

    therefore it would be extremely difficult / impossible to exploit

  • you bought the wrong game. sea of thieves is online. and allowing players to log off would be dumb, goodluck finding a game that isnt difficult, maybe raft might be a good one. thats a single player game isnt it.

  • @kenneth-mcgrew
    Read my follow-up, a couple posts down from the one you quoted.

  • @Kenneth-Mcgrew notice a different crew, sail around a rock and log.

    Sorry, but progress saving has no place in a session based game.

    The main thing this game misses is a reconnect feature, the ship and spoils will still be in the world while you are not, so can be sunk or everything stolen. Though it is frustrating to solo captains that a hiccup in your connection can lead to huge losses without a chance to recover.

    Btw. You are doing OOS solo and want to be done quick? Why not go with a merchant or gold hoarder for the short game plays alone?

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