[Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.

  • @bloodybil and pc players openly abuse the advantages they have to be toxic beyond reason

  • @blatantwalk4260 But xbox players will be having the option they asked for, what's the point to keep bashing the PC players at that point? Is that supposed to motivate the devs to work faster?

  • @bloodybil We were all expecting freedom to be able to actually enjoy sea of thieves when Joe Neate made that video before the anniversary and said they would roll it out before the Arena. Now we have to suffer damaged gameplay by the pc community while waiting for a silent dev team to make Sea of Thieves fun again

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @bloodybil We were all expecting freedom to be able to actually enjoy sea of thieves when Joe Neate made that video before the anniversary and said they would roll it out before the Arena. Now we have to suffer damaged gameplay by the pc community while waiting for a silent dev team to make Sea of Thieves fun again

    Except they're not silent, they said it took longer than expected, and are still currently, actively working on it. Why is it so hard to be patient?

    You are free to enjoy the sea of thieves all you want, is the fear of coming face to face with a PC player so crippling that you can't dare to take your ship out of the outpost?

    In terms of "damaged gameplay", hit registration, lag and a few more weapon kinks would be fare more pressing, as well as being beneficial to all players, on all consoles.

    Good things comes to those who wait. Be patient.

  • @bloodybil waiting for something that is should have been here so long ago goes beyond patience especially with the lie that got xbox players happy to play again

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @bloodybil waiting for something that is should have been here so long ago goes beyond patience especially with the lie that got xbox players happy to play again

    "Beyond patience" oh dear, are you guys reaching sainthood yet? There was no lies, why do you act like the devs abandoned the project altogether? They didn't go "oh well, couldn't do it before anniversary, let's abort the whole thing". It will be done when it's done and that's that.

    Man, the devs sure must have learned a hard lesson of never, NEVER even hinting that they will try to achieve anything before any given date. That, and that some people will be never happy even when they are literally being given what they wanted, it's never enough. It's not coming fast enough, it's not exactly what they wanted, it should have been better, bla bla bla.

    Patience my friends.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @blatantwalk4260 crossplay isn't the issue.

    There are some players who don't mind it and don't complain about it. There are others who complain and say its something that ruins their whole life.

    I tend to go with the people who can vs the ones who can't.

    The main problem was M&K. You have support for it now. I'd be happier if Rare would just say Opt Out isn't happening. Lord knows they never wanted to do it in the first place.

    Here we go again!
    So what you are suggesting is that Rare should now advertise this game in the Xbox store with an additional note saying something like: Because this game forces crossplay on all players, you will need to buy a M&K to compete, your controllers simply won't be good enough!
    What a marketing strategy..
    That would kill this game, don't ya think!

  • @bloodybil Joe Neate stating opt out will be here before arena in the dev update. Dont tell people things that arent true

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @bloodybil Joe Neate stating opt out will be here before arena in the dev update. Dont tell people things that arent true

    And he also stated later, that things were more complicated than anticipated and it couldn't be done in time, but it is still being worked on. That's not a lie, that's an unforeseen delay.

    Funny how words are set in stones only when we agree.

    -"They said there would be crossplay without asterisk!"
    -"Pff relax, devs change their mind all the time, nothing is set in stone"

    -"They said opt-out would be ready in time, turns out it takes longer"

  • @bloodybil There is a huge difference between them being forced to change thier stance on crossplay due to the bad behavior of the pc community and them not having something done on time because they prioritze other things over it

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @bloodybil There is a huge difference between them being forced to change thier stance on crossplay due to the bad behavior of the pc community and them not having something done on time because they prioritze other things over it

    Funny, I thought the main reason for changing their stance was all the moaning about so-called advantages.

    Why shouldn't they prioritise other things over it? You guys aren't special. Nobody is. The main focus should be to release new content available for the whole playerbase, fixing bugs that affect the whole playerbase, no matter the console. Adding options to please a minority of dissatisfied players shouldn't be a main focus, a secondary one at best.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you guys are getting your option. I really am! I simply find the overly entitled and spoiled attitude quite sad.

  • @bloodybil It is about the advantages as well and the pc community abusing those advantages to behave as toxicly as possible. Videos sent to rare showing what pc players can use and how they act while using them

  • @bloodybil said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @blatantwalk4260 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @bloodybil Joe Neate stating opt out will be here before arena in the dev update. Dont tell people things that arent true

    And he also stated later, that things were more complicated than anticipated and it couldn't be done in time, but it is still being worked on. That's not a lie, that's an unforeseen delay.

    Funny how words are set in stones only when we agree.

    -"They said there would be crossplay without asterisk!"
    -"Pff relax, devs change their mind all the time, nothing is set in stone"

    -"They said opt-out would be ready in time, turns out it takes longer"

    Sorry, but 'no asterisk crossplay' was in no way talking about crossplay being forced at all times. The devs were actually talking about features being developed side by side for both platforms. Eg: Everyone gets a FoV slider, everyone gets to rebind keys, not just PC players. The video is on page 82 if u want to watch again. Very dishonest to suggest they were talking about crossplay being forced...

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @bloodybil It is about the advantages as well and the pc community abusing those advantages to behave as toxicly as possible. Videos sent to rare showing what pc players can use and how they act while using them

    Yes, yes, "PC players BAD", got it.

    @pomalotacusmk3 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @bloodybil said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @blatantwalk4260 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @bloodybil Joe Neate stating opt out will be here before arena in the dev update. Dont tell people things that arent true

    And he also stated later, that things were more complicated than anticipated and it couldn't be done in time, but it is still being worked on. That's not a lie, that's an unforeseen delay.

    Funny how words are set in stones only when we agree.

    -"They said there would be crossplay without asterisk!"
    -"Pff relax, devs change their mind all the time, nothing is set in stone"

    -"They said opt-out would be ready in time, turns out it takes longer"

    Sorry, but 'no asterisk crossplay' was in no way talking about crossplay being forced at all times. The devs were actually talking about features being developed side by side for both platforms. Eg: Everyone gets a FoV slider, everyone gets to rebind keys, not just PC players. The video is on page 82 if u want to watch again. Very dishonest to suggest they were talking about crossplay being forced...

    My example wasn't so much about the crossplay thing itself, more about how people want to hold Rare to their words only when it suits them. People don't care if Rare change their mind about something or do things differently from what they said, until it's a feature they want changed/added themselves.

    "Rare said X, but I think they should change their minds because I don't like X"
    "Rare said Y, but they aren't allowed to deviate from what they said, because I like Y"

    Anyhow, long story short, failing to meet a milestone in time isn't lying, even if they thought at first that it would be ready. They are working on it, sit tight and be good.

  • @bloodybil Rare said X but then was made aware X is bad and something had to be done. Then Rare said Y but are failing at Y so stuck with X even though Rare realised X is a problem

  • @blatantwalk4260

    Listen mate. Not all pc players are "toxic".
    I have had more trash come through my mike by xbox players 10 to 1 compared to pc.
    Pc players are part of us too. You had best remember and respect that. You are already in direct violation of articles 1 and 2 of the pirate code.
    Stop trashing a huge part of the community over a few bad apples.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:


    You guys just recently got the ability to see who is on what.

    Don't act like everyone ALWAYS knew from the start, they didn't. Still to this day my crew mates are labeled as PC hackers when I'm the only one out of 3 crews that uses PC. So no even with your new found ability players are still mislabeling players.

    Sorry man, It was always easy to tell for those of us who know what we're about. A few people saying that your crew is PC (when one is) in the heat of battle doesnt really mean much. And the fact is that it really only takes one PC guy to throw the balance completely off. One guy who can more easily run, jump, turn faster, shoot accurately, while eating, and interacting with everything (like say anchor dropping) faster than Xbox players can, can absolutely buy time for his buddies to spawn, delay repairs indefinitely, ect.

    Imagine being a new player on xbox, you cant move/turn as fast, you cant be as accurate, you cant interact with anything as fast, as this guy on your boat you've shot 3 times and bladed twice but he can eat while jumping around like a maniac and raid your food barrel faster than you can, and then you die, and because theres a pc guy in the area... the black screen takes 3x as long.

    Its not hacking, but when those new players are feeling mired and inaccurate and theres def a pc guy on the other crew you're gonna hear those accusations, but that has no bearing on the fact thatmany of us skilled xbox players can definitely tell.

  • @bloodybil said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @blatantwalk4260 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @bloodybil There is a huge difference between them being forced to change thier stance on crossplay due to the bad behavior of the pc community and them not having something done on time because they prioritze other things over it

    Funny, I thought the main reason for changing their stance was all the moaning about so-called advantages.

    Why shouldn't they prioritise other things over it? You guys aren't special. Nobody is. The main focus should be to release new content available for the whole playerbase, fixing bugs that affect the whole playerbase, no matter the console. Adding options to please a minority of dissatisfied players shouldn't be a main focus, a secondary one at best.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you guys are getting your option. I really am! I simply find the overly entitled and spoiled attitude quite sad.

    Nah man bad take.

    The advantages PC players play with are not "so called".

    They should prioritize it because the people asking for it are the only ones actively paying to play the game and it should always have been optional for paying subscribers in the first place.

    The option isn't for "the minority" its for the majority of players, the Xbox playerbase. Even for those who dont actively come here or elsewhere and ask for it, because they should always have had the option even if they wouldn't use it.

  • @bloodybil lol, dudes stop trying to defend your PCs. We're at the point where if we as Xbox players want to continue to take this game competively and seriously, we need to be on an even playing field. , Sure I can go and buy a KBM, and have to learn how to control all over again😬🙄, or you they could just make the opt out, so I play with Xbox only players. If you have a problem with that, your either believing in all that 'the servers will be dead" BS or you are just angry there won't be easy targets on your waters anymore. Get real, Xbox players like to fight too, just not to a team of 3 or 4 playing on superior hardware, getting better frames, I have my sensitivity on 9.0 and I sti can't turn around as fast as someone who can just flick their write and 360 4 times. Your argument sucks.

  • @x6beast6below6x

    I mean you can get KBM but have you tried it on SoT on Xbox? I have, the support is not great. its no equalizer.

  • @natiredgals no I haven't tried it, as that would require me re learning how to do everything again because I've never used a keyboard for games in my life ... Lol

  • @nwo-azcrack Youre right not all of them out of well over 100 Ive met 3 were pretty cool. Im not trying to bash if thats how it came out my bad Im just pointing out its not just the advantages pc has that brought them to bring an opt out but the behavior that was happening along with using these advantages. Joe Neate even mentions behavioral issues in the dev update about opt out.

    Im going off Joe Neates words mate

  • @x6beast6below6x said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @bloodybil lol, dudes stop trying to defend your PCs. We're at the point where if we as Xbox players want to continue to take this game competively and seriously, we need to be on an even playing field.

    Yeah, nope. As long as you guys will insist on discriminating a whole side of the community for the bad actions of a few, I'll keep pointing out your hypocrisy, deal with it mateys.

    , Sure I can go and buy a KBM, and have to learn how to control all over again😬🙄, or you they could just make the opt out, so I play with Xbox only players. If you have a problem with that, your either believing in all that 'the servers will be dead" BS or you are just angry there won't be easy targets on your waters anymore. Get real, Xbox players like to fight too, just not to a team of 3 or 4 playing on superior hardware, getting better frames, I have my sensitivity on 9.0 and I sti can't turn around as fast as someone who can just flick their write and 360 4 times. Your argument sucks.

    Yeah yeah, your hardware, skills and [mod edit], got it. As I wrote earlier, I'm quite glad you guys will eventually get your life-changing option, on the contrary. If you guys could stop[mod edit] asking "are we there yet? are we there yet?" and keep dumping on a side of the community you soon won't even have to deal with, that'd be great.

    @blatantwalk4260 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @nwo-azcrack Youre right not all of them out of well over 100 Ive met 3 were pretty cool. Im not trying to bash if thats how it came out my bad Im just pointing out its not just the advantages pc has that brought them to bring an opt out but the behavior that was happening along with using these advantages. Joe Neate even mentions behavioral issues in the dev update about opt out.

    Im going off Joe Neates words mate

    Oh yeah, 3/100, I'm convinced, I will take this estimation with a grain of salt if you don't mind. According to our past forum posts, maybe we should leave mathematics alone.

    Joe Neate never associated bad behavior to any console, but he did advocate many times as being against discrimination of any kind, so clearly you are going on the opposite of what he said and acting the very way that you accuse others of acting, as always.

  • @bloodybil dude are you salty or what? Your getting heated over something that literally doesn't even effect you or your other PC or Xbox friends... It's actually funny how heated your getting... I agree with whoever said 3/100 PC players are friendly it's actually a good estimate.

  • @x6beast6below6x said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @bloodybil dude are you salty or what? Your getting heated over something that literally doesn't even effect you or your other PC or Xbox friends... It's actually funny how heated your getting... I agree with whoever said 3/100 PC players are friendly it's actually a good estimate.

    Jesus, are you having difficulty to read? I literally said twice that I am happy for you guys to get your option, the least you guys can do is a) be a little bit more patient instead of stomping your feet because it's not ready yet, and b) stop blaming all the PC players for all the problems in your lives and all the bad things in the game.

    I simply pointed out your entitled and rather nasty attitude, you are the one getting salty right now. Claiming a whole side of people are 97% toxic, while being actively toxic and dumping on them yourself 👌. I won't pull out fake numbers out of my stern like you guys, but I am thankful players with your attitude (from any console) are a minority.

    Believe me, you won't be missed from the crossplay pool, don't worry about that!

  • @bloodybil

    Sadly, all the bad things in this game for me come from being forced into servers with PC players.
    I lay the blame solely at Rare's feet for this, as both systems do not offer an equal playing field.

    Once that is no longer the case, the game will be more amazing than it already is.

  • @needsmokes said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:


    Sadly, all the bad things in this game for me come from being forced into servers with PC players.
    I lay the blame solely at Rare's feet for this, as both systems do not offer an equal playing field.

    Once that is no longer the case, the game will be more amazing than it already is.

    I'm sorry you feel this way and I hope that the opt-out will be everything you guys hope for.

    My question for you guys is the following: what exactly is the point of pouring more oil than there already is and exacerbating tensions between consoles, by bickering and discriminating against either side? What is being achieved exactly?

    The process is in motion, the option is being worked on. It is happening. The decision has been made and there will be no turning back. What more can people want? Stirring more conflicts between "factions" won't make the devs work on it faster because some people refuse to be civil with the others. That's what toxicity actually is.

  • @bloodybil

    I think you have to be the one suffering the current injustice of what cross play has brought to gaming to understand why people still ask for it to happen. We don't expect those that have been playing on easy mode the last 14 months whilst feeling like they are great at PVP to understand.
    I can't wait to lose to other Xbox players who got the better of me.
    Because they would've gotten the better of me and not had an advantage to begin with.

    That is the true essence of what Xbox live has always been about.

    Edit: Crossplay is like Kinnect.
    Sounds great and both being championed by Rare, but both destined to fail.

  • @needsmokes You are not answering my question though. Whats the point to keep stoking conflicts?

    To feel like you guys have been wronged doesn't entitle you to act in a toxic way towards others and to discriminate a whole bunch of people for the actions of a few, especially when your very wish for separation has already been granted.

    It's not asking much for people to remain civil until then no?

  • @bloodybil

    I have been on this forum long enough now to remember all those times that the PC community regularly replied to console players post with such things as "get gud" "Waaaaaaa" and many more mocking replies. Many of those replies soon thankfully began to vanish once opt out was announced.

    Then there were the replies of you were just getting beaten by Xbox players..
    The new system to locate which platform players were really playing on was a godsend for console players, as they now knew when things seemed wrong and they had no chance at victory, they could now see the reason why.. even though it's obvious to tell, now there is proof, if ever it was needed.

    And now you say the PC community feel victimised?

    Am I to take that seriously?

  • @bloodybil The issue we have is they need to work harder on this than they currently are doing I keep seeing them release patch after patch and its still not here

  • @bloodybil said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @needsmokes You are not answering my question though. Whats the point to keep stoking conflicts?

    To feel like you guys have been wronged doesn't entitle you to act in a toxic way towards others and to discriminate a whole bunch of people for the actions of a few, especially when your very wish for separation has already been granted.

    It's not asking much for people to remain civil until then no?

    yeah totally have to call you out on the irony of demanding civility in posts when you in most or you more recent ones you have been condescending, patronising, insulting, dismissive, arrogant and all round rather uncivil to people who do not agree with you.

    The wish of Xbox opting out of crossplay with PC is still just a wish until it actually happens. Now we even have members of RARE using different termonology from when it was first announced as the very simple "Xbox can opt out of playing against PC and everyone else including Xbox M&K users will go in the other pool.

    Now people are being confused by the "input opting out" where if you use a controller on Xbox why cant PC users using Controller can still play with them etc.....in the six months since they announced they were "doing" an opt out option, the lack of communication and byte size updates means no one is really sure or confident that this opting out will be what was a) asked for b) described as being or c) ever going to happen.

    Now you may not like the animosity Xbox players plagued by PC players whether as a result of the natural advantage, or big name streamers making the most of mocking xbox players "dumpstering" them live on stream for their thousands of viewers to mock, to PC modders/hackers using cheats in the game and getting away with it for over a year now from launch..has ended up with some good people in this forum quite frankly just being done with the debate and arguing and just want the Opt Out Option to finally happen...cos you know, its July now, time it was made a priority by one of the three teams now working on this game.

    Xbox players have had to deal and put up with so much S for so very long that quite frankly and something I have said before, I honestly give so little of a S, how it impacts on the PC playerbase should this opt out option happen as it was promised. I dont want to play with or against PC players in SoT and I look forward to the day when I wont have to....thought I doubt it will happen.

    The fact it will be optional means a good portion wont opt out so chances are, the PC peeps can carry on as they are....the beauty is that those on Xbox who are frustrated at the lack of gameplay parity, the divide in our playerbases and just in general...will have a way to move away form it, instantly and forever and you wont have to listen to anymore stomping of feet or whining, which is how the majority of PC players against this opt out feature happening so often describe those of us rightfully demanding it happen.

    Now, I also have no Fs to give if you pick this post apart in order to have your say or to try and argue a point. Just dont act like the wholesome one in a room of bad people when you are guilty of everything you accuse others of.....now, as we have had another week with no update on opting out, i shall vanish once again..........

  • @needsmokes said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:


    I have been on this forum long enough now to remember all those times that the PC community regularly replied to console players post with such things as "get gud" "Waaaaaaa" etc etc. Many of those replies soon thankfully began to vanish once opt out was announced.

    Then there were the replies of you were just getting beaten by Xbox players..
    The new system to locate which platform players were really playing on was a godsend for console players, as they now knew when things seemed wrong and they had no chance at victory, they could now see the reason why.. even though it's obvious to tell, now there is proof, if ever it was needed.

    And now you say the PC community feel victimised?

    Am I to take that seriously?

    Again, what is the point of purposely stoking tensions when you guys got what you wanted? Petty vengeance over the comments of a few people is justifications enough for you not to be civil towards a whole group? It's not oppression olympics, why can't everybody be respectful towards everybody? Still haven't answered my question.

    @blatantwalk4260 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @bloodybil The issue we have is they need to work harder on this than they currently are doing I keep seeing them release patch after patch and its still not here

    Nobody has any clues on the amount of work required to bring this function in play. Do you know how hard they are working on this? Do you know what percentage of the team is working on this? I don't, neither do you.

    Do you truly believe that multiple teams aren't working on different things at the same time? Expecting the entire team, from the programmers to the designers, including the human resources department and building janitors to drop everything they are doing to cater only to one single side project simply isn't how things work.

    Things will be ready when they are ready. In the meantime, how about everyone play nice with eachother yeah? Be the change you want to see.

  • @cokney-charmer I never claimed I was perfect, I am only human and also can get aggravated like anyone else when people lash at me. Doesn't mean I hold a grudge over a whole community for it.

    I don't need to pick your post apart, just gliding over it is enough to see that tribalism is strong in you and you have no intention of being civil to the other sides, and you feel justified in your animosity because all PC players are streaming-modding-cheaters apparently, so I will not be wasting my time. Feel free to stomp your feet again next week I suppose.

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