(Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes

  • @TargasBR

    Double Gun
    Did you know that it's possible to do this on Xbox too? This is not an advantage of the PC. Go pratice. Then you come back and give me the feedback.

    I support and agree everything, except for the Double Gunning One, and I do hope with all due respect you do respect my opinion on this matter.

    It's not that we have to get good with doing double gunning with combat. Yes it is possible to do it on an Xbox controller, but it is that it is unfair for the victim, for reasons that they have very little to no chance of trying to go at it with the pirate. Can you run around and try to avoid them, well it depends on if the person double gunning either did not reload in time, forgot to get ammo, is a terrible (like me when I used to do it but stopped) at aiming and shooting. Already the DEVS for RARE are going to fix that change with double gunning, which is fair since those that have not or find it difficult to combat will have a chance to combat.
    Not trying to sound offensive or anything like that towards your opinion on the matters with unnecessary changes to the game, but when I used to do it, I managed to do it a couple of times (for practice), and managed to get one or two with an enemy pirate. But when I become to victim of it, it's impossible for me to try to get them when every time I spawn in, I am instantly killed once again and they will either spawn kill you, or troll you until they get bored, take all of your supplies, or just let your boat sink down in the deep waters of Sea of Thieves. And now I can see that double gunning is quite unfair (mainly for those that want to have a good fight).
    But hey, this is how I see it.
    Now you may have gotten good with the double gunning, that's you and that's your tactic. Have you been a victim of it, that's up to you. I love Sea of Thieves, but the double gunning should go, otherwise I am just going to sit my controller down and just watch the world burn as every time I see light in the game, I am going back into the Ferry once again...again...again...and again. Did I mentioned again?

  • @prorapidkiller Actually I trained a few times, but I do not use this tactic. I fully understand your point, it's actually kind of personal, because these double-shot players do not bother me, I can always avoid them easily, but i'm not the only player on this game and I need to think about the other players too. Rare has already said it will fix this, and I believe the change will please both sides without unbalancing things.

  • @omofo-1 There is an advantage, but as I've explained a few times here and in some other posts, the time we spend in real PvP (gun n shoot) is too small for us to need changes. The biggest advantage of PC players is the text and voice chat, the rest can be irrelevant because with training both players can face without minor problems.

  • @targasbr I respect your statement.

  • @prorapidkiller I have discussed a lot about several points in this and other posts, I have changed a little bit about my opinion on many things. I respect your opinion and agree with it. I hope things are solved and we are all happy playing :)

  • @targasbr Same * holds grog up *

  • @Eph1zul

    But other times I do just want to do voyages and explore without hell raining down on me.

    Buddy, you better hope that you get into a server that is so inactive or has one or two boats that mind their own business. Because there are some servers where there's you and one boat and both are across the world from each other.

  • @targasbr

    Regardless of how much time is spent pvp, that is the most pivotal point in which balance is needed.

  • @omofo-1 I do not remember where I saw it, but I read that currently less than 15% of SoT players are from PC. Even at the launch of the game, where we had the BOOM of players, the numbers were low, look:

    "The new number comes straight from Microsoft. We have to go back a bit further to get actual data on how sales break down versus Game Pass. The game saw 283,000 active users on PC during its launch month according to market research group SuperData, compared with 1.7 million on Xbox One. However, they say “more than half” of those users got the game through a free trial of Game Pass." - Source HERE.

    A very low number to dedicate a team of developers to a feature that, by numbers, is unnecessary. I see a lot of people complaining about PC gamers, but the truth is that it's virtually impossible to differentiate both players in SoT. In other games where the shooting time is high I understand the change, but at SoT I see no reason for it.

    Maybe that will change because of the streamers, but I believe it will not change much. If the game comes out on Steam (which will never happen), then we will have A LOT OF PC players.

  • @targasbr said in (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:
    I see a lot of people complaining about PC gamers, but the truth is that it's virtually impossible to differentiate both players in SoT.

    Great job contradicting yourself.

  • @omofo-1 It is impressive that people are able to try to change the focus of the conversation when one shows a logical and valid argument. But come on, I'm going to play your game.

    I'm not contradicting myself, finding a way to differentiate players from PC and Xbox is not enough. And this way only happens when a PC player writes something.

    Let's use some math here:
    In 10 hours of gameplay, suppose we have 30 minutes of PvP, so 5% of the match is PvP.
    When I say PvP, I also quote the part of Ship x Ship.
    Of these 30 minutes (5%), let's suppose half of it is a Player-to-Player shot exchange. So 15 minutes of 10 hours of play. I believe there is very little for a big change. But continuing.
    Still, suppose the battle is intense, let's make things better, let's quote the 30 minutes game here, during the battle the chances of a player writing something is small, very small. So the chance to find out that such a player plays on the PC is quite small. I would say "virtually impossible" as I mentioned above.

  • @x-crowheart-x THANK YOU

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