FIXED - I've lost my Gilded Voyage. Help?

  • I disconnect after starting the voyage and now I've lost my guided voyage.
    So I got the merchant gilded voyage, started the voyage and read the page. I couldn't figure out where to pick up the crates so I ALT+TAB to look it up. Game disconnects the second I ALT+TAB and I've lost the voyage before I even lower the sails or touch a crate.

    Please tell me there's some way to recover it, I can't get a new one and it doesn't show in any of my menus. I get that it's like a one time thing but it'll be a real let down if I don't even get a chance at it.

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  • @grunty-game Ahoy matey!

    That doesn't sound too good :(

    I would highly recommend reaching out to support using the link below, they are best placed to look at the data and take the right action.

    Submit a support ticket

  • @musicmee Cheers, I'll look into it.

    I got an email from support instructing me to restart and login. I was able to get the voyage again. Perhaps I logged in too quickly after the disconnect.

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