Tips for solo players

  • This is a list of tips I made for solo players (also can apply for smaller crews in general).

    So I've noticed a mighty amount of complaining from people who run solo and think it is too hard. If you know the game mechanics, it can be easy and fun instead!

    1 - General tips
    Avoid combat whenever you can, and when forced into it, use a smaller ship's superior maneuverability to avoid threats (and ram them into islands). Most PvE threats are neutral (if you don't shoot them, they will ignore you), and players can be allied with or fended off.

    2 - Megalodons: These are common threats, as all who sail the Sea of Thieves know. They are also incredibly vicious and bloodthirsty (although they do slightly vary in that aspect). The best solution for these is to ignore them. If they attack you, get below deck before it reaches you and then repair and bail immediately. If you want to fight it, one shot into it and it will follow you until one of you dies. Prioritise bailing and repairing before firing back. Use the cannons whenever possible. If you want to run from these, they will follow you in the open sea forever. You need to seek shallower waters, near islands and (sometimes) rocks.

    3 - Skeleton ships: If you aren't seeking out a fight and notice a skeleton ship, don't attack it unless it attacks you first. They can be incredibly passive, but if you shoot it (even with guns), board it, or ram it, it will follow you and open fire on you. Aim low, and have someone board it and distract the skeletons repairing or shooting (for medium crews). Utilize gunpowder kegs, ramming them and dropping it on deck with the fuze lit. If you cannot avoid or fight them, charge an island. The ship will follow alongside you. Then, before you hit it, drop anchor and watch the skeleton ship ram the island, getting helplessly stuck and despawning (unless it goes over the island, which can happen).

    4 - The Kraken: This can be a tricky one. If it attacks you, turn to have full wind and sail to the nearest clear water. If it grabs you, it will spin the ship back and forth. Once the tentacle is off, be sure to right the ship. As for actually removing the tentacle, either wait for it to leave (it will release you eventually) and repair while you wait, or attack the head of the tentacle. It will be found either hovering in the water nearby the ship, or it will be set on deck. The tentacles seem to take less damage the further down they are attacked. The head (the part with the mouth) is the most susceptible to damage, on all tentacles. Try to shoot them in the mouth if they open it, it will normally cause them to immediately flee. If you want, you can go outside of the ink and shoot it, but be warned, you will not get the commendation unless you go back inside the ink.

    5 - Fighting players: Unless you feel up to it, you shouldn't attack another player ship. A fight against more people and a bigger ship is not going to go in your favor. If you have to fight, and are in a smaller ship, use your superior maneuverability to get around them and between islands and rocks. Repel boarders by just hitting them once with a sword (bottleneck them there, as there are only two ladders to defend), and dodge cannon shots by going behind or in front of the ship. If you are given the opportunity, ally with them. You get free treasure and one less ship which wants to attack you.

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  • Great tips. I play solo almost exclusively and have worked out ways to be able to complete quests and not be continually sunk. I know some have complained at how tricky it can be, and it is a challenge being a solo player. I don't find it as impossible as it might seem from some comments I have read though and have had some very enjoyable sessions.

    I have always found vigilance to be key. NEVER stop scanning the horizon. I check every few minutes whether I am on an island or my ship to ensure that I don't have anyone sneak up on me.

    I have found patience is important too. If someone is on the island that I am headed for, then I bear away and hold off a distance from the island, ready to run if their ship approaches. I will happily sail the full width of the map to find free outposts to unload at.

    With loot aboard, I avoid skeleton ships, active forts and players as much as possible. The only time I ever approach other ships is if I have no loot and am not on any quest. If sunk, I lose nothing but a little bit of time. If not, I can ally with them and gain the benefits - a small income for no work whatsoever and the ability to track at least one crew who I can track on the map. I usually steer clear of them, using the advantage of knowing exactly where they are to be able to do so.

    Megs I just leave. I have encountered several and have not been attacked or sunk by them. Instead I just enjoy the spectacle of them swimming by and circling.

    When I take damage to my ship my main priorities are getting out of range of the damage (the last few times it had been cannons being fired from Islands, bailing water and then, once I am out of range and 'safer' I patch up gradually and keep bailing water. Unless you have loads of holes, I have found that it is the water that sinks you rather than a couple of holes in the hull. Keep that water below the second deck and you'll be fine at least for a short period.

    I have also been thinking on how useful storms might be to the solo player. They can obscure your ship somewhat and, if you are fairly experienced at sailing through them (if not, it is always fun to give it a go) they can probably be quite an effective way of stopping pursuit of other ships.

    Trading in frequently is very important too. Last night, I picked up a guilded voyage for Gold Hoarders. Some islands had 8 chests, each one a Captain's chest. Instead of trying to grab all 8 at once, I picked up 3 or 4 at a time, traded them in and then returned later to pick up the rest. I ended up sailing all over the map, but managed to get a huge haul of gold by the end of it.

    Recently, I have been focusing on Merchant Alliance cargo runs and Gold Hoarders treasure hunts. Order of Souls quests are particularly tricky solo as you have to battle skeletons, however with a little luck and using your cannons, it is possible to complete them.

  • @xavier-wisde

    These are also great tips, although some other people may not be as happy to sail the map to find one outpost. Avoiding things is a rule of thumb and (should be but sometimes isn't) common sense. Don't just rush into battle against larger threats and expect to come out on top. If you ally with someone, you can normally trust them a bit more (such as maybe going to the same island) but mostly avoiding them. Megalodons want a fight and will leave if they do not take damage. Keeping water low and bailing first is key (I know this firsthand due to liking soloing galleons). Turning in that often is normally a bit overkill, but with gilded voyages many people are more bloodthirsty than normal. As for skeletons, they can be easy if gunpowder kegs are common, whether the skeletons have them or not.

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