[IDEA] Pirate Legend Commendation / Community Building

  • Was having a discussion on reddit and this idea came to me.
    New players sometimes have a difficulty learning the ropes in this game. There is no tutorial and guiding like other games for this era. My idea is to have a commendation under the Athena's rep commendations for Pirate Legends.

    The commendation would be for the Pirate Legends to do 1 / 5 / 10 / 25 / 50 voyages with players that are below level 10 for any of the companies. I think this would..

    1. Vastly improve the quality of players in the game.
    2. Possibly lead to more players staying with the game
    3. Give Pirate Legends something challenging to do that is none traditional and somewhat "unpirate" like... ironically.
    4. Build community

    Possibly lock a set of helpful Pirate Legend sails behind this commendation as well.

    Comments/Concerns/Additions/Subtractions welcome

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