Thank you @jagnew92! (and Farewell)

  • Ahoy thar Fo'Rum!

    It's come to my attention that today is @jagnew92's last day with the Sea of Thieves team and he is well deserving of a proper Pirate farewell!

    So scallywags, put on your finest tricorn and raise your cleanest tankard to toast the man that supported us all (but primarily) @khaleesibot with Fo'Rum goings-on and Pioneer Release Notes.

    Thanks for everything you have done for us and best of luck with your future endeavours!

    Squeeeeeeeeze hugs

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  • Wishing Mr @jagnew92 all the luck in the world in his next adventure. We're gonna miss him!

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  • Jordan! Thank you so much for all your work with the Notes, Pioneers and enabling my debilitating KFC habit.

    It was a total honour and dream to work with you. Best of luck in all the things you do next. You're phenomenal and will continue to do phenomenal things!

  • @jagnew92 all the very best matey! Whilst we may never have interacted (known to me at least) on this forum, any member of the team down, especially one working with @khaleesibot deserves a fond farewell!

    Fair winds to ye!

  • @pikaaroon


    A huge thank you for all your work and support and wishing you fair winds and following seas in the future!!!

  • Thanks for providing us with all the information regarding Pioneer topics and other posts!

    Good luck for the future!!

  • Thank you Mr. @jagnew92, wish you all the best for your future endeavors!

  • @jagnew92 Many thanks for all your hard work. Fair Winds and Following Seas to you!

  • Thanks @jagnew92 !

    Good luck, and fair winds in your next endeavor.

  • All the best @jagnew92 and thanks for your ace work!
    Sad you have to drop the life at Sea of Thieves, stay pirate at heart ;P

  • Hello Mr Jagnew92, i want to thank you for all the work you did for this Forum and all the work we are not aware of, in service for this game and it's community...i always feel sad if a person goes away but that doesn't mean i ain't going to wish you much luck on the next adventure you are about to tackle in yer life...

    May the wind and fortune be in yer Favour, Sir. And may your wits and Talents be your guide on yer New Adventure...Take care Mr Jagnew 92...i wish you well ( - And me too * Oi, and what about me? i wish you all the best outthere as well , Sir)

  • For all your great work, I salute you @jagnew92

  • @jagnew92
    Thank you, good sir, for all the things you have done for the community, the forums, and the game! It was always a pleasure being notified of one of your postings, and they will be missed.

  • Farewell! and calm seas

  • You certainly have lived the life of #bemorepirate
    Thank you for everything, & good luck in the future.
    Hard to believe your going...

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  • Thanks all! The pleasure has absolutely been mine, and I'll continue being true to the Pirate life (grog especially)! Working on Sea of Thieves, and with such an amazing community has been magical. Something that will never be forgotten!

    I'll still see you around on the seas!

    Take care,

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