Kraken Assaulting Sloops needs to be changed -- its not fun

  • Rare:

    Seriously...why change this? The last two days I was solo slooping (none of my friends were online) and both days after about 20 minutes of play, and getting almost nothing done, I was attacked and sunk by the Kraken both times. Its NOT fun to even have a couple minutes loot and get torn apart by the Kraken. This wasn't broken, what fool switch in your minds thought this was good idea?

    Its game breaking for me. I'll move on to other games until this gets fixed. At least offer some type of evasion.

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  • @geodeticfox I can imagine it frustrates you. If you can't finish voyages and progress then the time spent in game is just a waste.

  • I honestly think it's fun, and makes slooping more exciting.

    They did say they increased the amount of kraken encounters for the events sake.
    And the kraken on a solo sloop is not hard, i encountered it 3 times wen i was playing solo, and never got sunk.

    Just make sure you get supplies before starting you're voyages.

  • I agree as solo player the pvp encounters make it real. My problem as solo are the skelly ships and kraken they now make my adventures a nightmare i cant evade them and in battle my cargo gets destroyed even if i survive its game over.. im now unable to play merchant adventures and im lost it seems i can no longer manage to play this game solo.. i'll be back in a while to see if it changed and if i can play the game but for now i tried a week and i cant survive this adventure its to hard for me at the moment.

  • i'm with you. Has happened with me several times. Once i was close to outpost and when i realized that my ship is screwed, i just store all my stuff in rowboat and run away (nor Kraken nor skeleton ships attacks rowboats).

    But most of the time if i have enough resources i was able to kill it solo, just unload cannons on tentacles spawning close to the ship. If they are dead they can't grab you.

  • @ruigtand-nl said in Kraken Assaulting Sloops needs to be changed -- its not fun:

    I agree as solo player the pvp encounters make it real. My problem as solo are the skelly ships and kraken they now make my adventures a nightmare i cant evade them and in battle my cargo gets destroyed even if i survive its game over.. im now unable to play merchant adventures and im lost it seems i can no longer manage to play this game solo.. i'll be back in a while to see if it changed and if i can play the game but for now i tried a week and i cant survive this adventure its to hard for me at the moment.

    this happened 1 time? or 100% of the time?
    If 100% damn that is not nice!

    I solo during the week lots. Yes yesterday i got unlucky. Vulcano and skelly ship pop. Skellies had dance ball. It made me sink. But thats first time since launch of this update. It was bye bye Athena DR loot. Luckily i still had the chest to pick up. So that was safe.

    To me it is You win some u lose some. All part of the adventure and risks. But getting out on top is the best! Specially solo. I love it

  • The whole point of this game is to play and collaborate with other players, it clearly states that going on a sloop will be a more perilous journey. I think games mollycoddle players far too much these days, try playing a game where if you die, you go back to the start and you lose all your progress, that was the 90's for me as a kid lol. Complaining about losing loot and being sunk by a kracken is totally lame, it's a kracken we're talking about right? Have you seen paintings and illustrations of kracken attacks? If I were responsible for the kracken it would have been at least three times the size it is and it would have meant almost certain death for gallions and their crews, a sloop surviving a kracken attack? Nah, I don't think so. The point is, it is possible to escape a kracken with a sloop going solo, it's actually not that difficult given the right set of circumstances such as having planks of wood and being quick. Okay so your going down if a meg or another ship chips in on the effort to see you sink but man, that's what's great about this game, it's unforgiving and occasionally it reminds us that the seas can actually be perilous.

  • @geodeticfox I never killed the kraken either on my solo-sloop, BUT he didn't sink me...just stay downstairs for repairing and bailing, when he wraps around your ship shoot it off with the blunderbuss...not a big deal, if you went fot supplies before

  • @weakdexx

    Yes i love the game and i actually bought it this week after playing on game pass and with friend. But i am not the best gamer i just enjoyed the voyage and beauty and since most of the time i cant find friends to play i thus learned playing solo. Merchant 50 gold 47 souls 43 athena 5 . But now i played this week and every voyage failed and i played lots of hours in the way i used to. I like to play relaxed avoiding danger as much as i can doing merchant missions and keeping the cargo and chickens safe and undamaged. The dangers make the voyage fun and i win some and sometimes pirates get me its ok but now with the skellies anf krakens its to much for me to play this way most voyages the skelly ships destroyed the cargo or sank me boat and 2x the kraken tossed me in the sea and i could not return in time.. 3 times pirates boarded me but those i can survive since i dont carry loot only merchandize and chickens.. i can negotiate or sail away its ok.. but its to much all together for me now i cant handle playing solo this way its to hard at least for me it is to play Merchant at the moment..

  • I've found the kraken rather easy to escape, if you catch it right away. As soon as you hear that ominous music, do a 180 and make for the closest edge of the black water, sails full and trimmed. Then just do what you need to survive until you make it out. Don't stay on deck where you can get sucked up, go below and focus on repairs and bailing. You'll usually survive this way. You might not "win" but you won't "lose" either. That's enough for me.

  • @genuine-heather Pretty much this.

  • skelliship solo just let your ship circlin,and figure out when to repair when to hit and when steering for ramming,i ramm a lot let it circle fire some cannonballs;).but yesterday i losed also cause a skelli with sniper knocked me from my ship,and the mermaid respawn time took 1minute...

  • I'm pretty sure they allowed it to attack sloops so the commendations for defeating it wouldn't be limited by the ship size you pick. I haven't encountered it on a sloop yet, so I can't speak to the difficulty, but I'm sure if it needs balance they'll take care of that.

  • @genuine-heather

    This is [mod edited]. Both times - at my wheel fully alert - black water, bam, Kraken. There is no escape. There is literally no evasion window. None. And to the suggestion that staying below deck repairing and bailing...that does NOT work. I did this hoping to make it through. After 20 minutes and 50 - yes 50! boards - I sank. I mounted up the rowboat and made for the outpost...and when I landed my instance reset and I lost everything.

    Again I ask Rare - with one of your minds threw the stupid switch? I know, group play, fine, but I cannot ALWAYS group play, and not everyone wants to do merchant to relax. Never again from your company. You're in with EA and Wargaming for garbage decision making.

  • @geodeticfox I assure you I've survived several kraken encounters using the exact tactics I described. I'm sorry they haven't worked for you. There are no guarantees, and sometimes you'll get sunk. That's the nature of the game. But I learned from experience and now usually manage to escape the kraken. You can call it "bull" if you want, but if you follow my suggestions exactly you should make it out more times than not. You must aim the ship for the nearest clear water, make sure the sails are trimmed and the anchor is up. Then you do whatever you need to do to ride it out.

    Again, sorry for your negative experiences. It happens to the best.

  • i defeated the kraken solo with 25 cannonballs around and 13 woodenplanks,its just sad its high risk solo, collecting all the loot from the kraken

  • @geodeticfox The Kraken can be escaped easily by shooting out the front tentacles first. Easy to do on a sloop alone. Wait till a skeleton ship decides to hunt you down when you're solo sloop, now that is actually game breaking.

  • I have to disagree. The sloop is a tank if you are quick with the bailing and patching. My solo encounters with the kraken ended with me bringing up the sails, setting a very slight spin on the sloop, then blasting, bailing, patching until the kraken lost enough tentacles to call it quits. Just make sure that you are keeping your supplies stocked. A well supplied sloop is a difficult one to sink.

  • @geodeticfox

    Found this... personally I have found it very useful.
    From our very own forumite @PhuzzyBond . Kudos!!

  • @piratecraggy Great find there! Thanks for sharing that.
    @PhuzzyBond Great video!

  • I've mastered the meg and skelly ships. Unfortunately I've only been attacked by the kraken once. I made it to the edge of the ink, then it despawned. Honestly I want it to hit me more so I can start to work out the best solo strategy for myself! I find all of these changes exciting.

  • @geodeticfox I have been on a sloop solo, attacked by the kraken. All I did was stay below deck and repair while my ship sailed through the black waters. The only time I came up was to remove the wrapped tentacle. All in all it was rather easy, just time consuming. Not sure what I am doing different than you.

  • It is definitely possible to defeat the Kraken on a solo sloop. I did it myself yesterday. I wasn't able to grab any loot afterwards though because I had a few holes and ran out of wood so I did my best to hightail it to nearest island to find some wood to repair my ship.

    My strategy is this:

    1. Before leaving the outpost to head out I stock up on as much as I can. It helps to have at least 50 wood, 60 cannonballs, and at least 30-40 bananas. If you need to stop off at a fort do so.
    2. Since it's a random encounter, no telling when you might come across it.
    3. When you do, make sure you have sword/(sniper or blunderbuss) and full ammo. Also make sure you have full cannonballs/wood/bananas in your inventory.
    4. Then just start unloading on the beast with your cannonballs and taking pot shots with your weapons at every chance you get.
    5. When she strikes your ship or puts the squeeze on you make sure you get down and repair as fast as possible every time. If she's squeezing you smack it/shoot it as much as possible until she releases. But be careful as you will take damage if you get too close to the tentacle.
    6. Eat bananas whenever you take damage to keep your health up and avoid dying as much has possible (goes without saying).
    7. You will get sucked out of your boat sometimes but just spam your sword until she releases you and get back to your ship as fast as possible. Once back, make sure you have no holes/water.
    8. Repeat step 4.
    9. After awhile of repeating this process you will defeat her. Maybe not every time but at least you know it's possible.
  • The same happened to me last weekend BUT after 3 sloop sinked, the fourth time i came out as a winner: Krak defeated, loot taken and commendation awarded! So, with a little luck, krakens can be defeated even by a solo crew sloop!

  • @geodeticfox I don't seem to be having any problems with it..I like that it is a lot harder to beat..because it was way to easy of a fight..I mean this is suppose to be one of the most feared monsters to ever live and was a sad and lame fight till this new it is where it should be..the only thing I see wrong with it is that sometimes when it grabs your boat it seems like it won't let go..but other than that..I really like how he is feared now and not laughed at..also..I notice sometimes on a gally or brig the kraken will suck you up even if you are on the bottom will go right through the this suppose to happen or is this something that will be fixed at some point?

  • If you never lost much. Then what is the issue.

  • @geodeticfox

    Hey, bud. Yeah, the Kraken is unwinnable solo because if you get sucked out of your ship then you're likely to sink.

    The only thing I can say to you is keep at it if you really want to solo or try joining one of the bigger gaming communities. Usual requirements are maturity, a mic, and discord.

    Because those communities include EU and NA players, it can be easy to find a full Galleon crew. The new update is bringing back players so people want to play. Wait times are not too long. Good luck.

  • You should take a rowboat, a number of times when were going down due to a kraken we load the loot on board and sail to the outpost or nearest island to hide it until i get the ship back.

    And if you haven't done anything in the time you got attacked then you just need to try again, the difficulty is great this time around and shouldn't be changed as this is a kraken not seaweed with a brain

  • @geodeticfox i have a video of a guy on a sloop being attacked by a krackn and a skeleton ship in the storm its not overpowered its just difficult

  • As long as you have the supplies, the encounter is not difficult. Just stay calm and repair. The difficulty scales depending on your ship. So sloop encounters with the kraken are the easiest. In every encounter with the kraken, while on a sloop, I've only had to kill from five to ten of the tentacles before it leaves. Honestly, if you leave your wheel straight and the sails down and catching the wind, you have a very good chance of escaping. I've done that several times on accident while solo.

  • Absolutely agree.

  • @geodeticfox Occasionally, the Kraken can be more aggressive, which is why fighting it, in my opinion, is the best option.
    Shoot those tentacles as much as you can!

  • "Sloop Kraken" is easier than "Galleon Kraken". I fought it many times and it is easy to defeat him. If for some reason there are people that can't kill it, then it is problem with their playstyle. For example they don't have enought cannonballs or planks... Just pay more attention to your supplies and it will be fine! :)

  • I think the kraken should be easier (with less in game value rewards of course) when it attacks a solo slooper

  • @legomaster50113 I'm pretty certain it already is easier than the ones that spawn on bigger ships?

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