[Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena

  • @betsill said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer But that's not something that needed "testing". This games unique parts of sailing and crews is a good one and that's fairly obvious. The real "test" is whether you can release a game that is horribly underdeveloped, costs 60$ and still make it work.

    You very correct this game was never truly flesh out an thus doomed to fail. The problem now is Rare will now treat PvP problem like they did the open crew problem. They made the option of closed crews and considered the matter closed. The same with PvP they made a mode and will now considered the problem solved without ever fixing the core issue. This will go the way open crews went and that the sad part. We will never get the PvEvP we want just another co-op server and a pvp mode. The core concept failed to fully be realized inorder to make the game work/sell. It never got it's chance and now never will. It's just sad to see.

  • @enf0rcer That's yet to be seen. Idk what you're talking about with the "open crew problem". If they continue to add new PvP modes then PvEvP will slow down, but other than ironing out bugs and combat balance, it shouldn't have much of an effect on PvEvP. Most of those changes will highly benefit the normal mode as well. Hopefully down the line the arena will be fused into the "normal" servers in a more organic way. In the meantime i'm just gonna be happy that I can PvP without needing to sail for 2+ hours. All my friend left because this game currently has zero respect for our time. The ability to have quick match will be a massive benefit for this game.

  • well this is nonsense. Adding arena will not take away from adventure at all. There will still be many people who want to kill in adventure mode.

  • Having Demarco as the host similar to how Destiny has their faction hosts is wonderful. I really love this idea. my only fear is PC dominance. we will see how that goes.

  • @scraping-static said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    No more relying on my imagination.

    I find this statement quite depressing.

  • @betsill said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer That's yet to be seen. Idk what you're talking about with the "open crew problem". If they continue to add new PvP modes then PvEvP will slow down, but other than ironing out bugs and combat balance, it shouldn't have much of an effect on PvEvP. Most of those changes will highly benefit the normal mode as well. Hopefully down the line the arena will be fused into the "normal" servers in a more organic way. In the meantime i'm just gonna be happy that I can PvP without needing to sail for 2+ hours. All my friend left because this game currently has zero respect for our time. The ability to have quick match will be a massive benefit for this game.

    Well the open crew issue has been discussed at length, but i will not go over it here as it is an entirely different topic. You have an optimistic view, but i'm looking at it from a realistic point of view as i followed the data. This game is follow a predictable pattern the ends over a cliff. This is a warning that is coming from experiance. I do not make these cliams litely. I have seen too many red flags you just can't see yet. Look i understand your felling on Rare not respecting your time in the game. Your right about the problems. I'm saying there are much better solution that will work long term. This is a short term solution that only treats the symptoms of the problem not the root cause. Will you get a better experiance from this game with arena sure as it's somthing. It's just not what this game needs and we all deserve better.

  • @enf0rcer personally I don't care for the arena battle modes but you have to understand that today that's what the kids play.i work with kids and they play fornite and pubg,most of the have never ever heard of sea of thieves. more game modes wont hurt the game in my opinion if anything it will help the game grow its audience.i mean just look at gears of war,that franchise has been stagnant for years with its hord mode but they wont do anything to change it.i don't think pvp arenas the way to go but if that's what rare has to do to get the kids playing well im ok with it.i live the current game mode and that's all ill ever play

  • @zeroe1ite said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer personally I don't care for the arena battle modes but you have to understand that today that's what the kids play.i work with kids and they play fornite and pubg,most of the have never ever heard of sea of thieves. more game modes wont hurt the game in my opinion if anything it will help the game grow its audience.i mean just look at gears of war,that franchise has been stagnant for years with its hord mode but they wont do anything to change it.i don't think pvp arenas the way to go but if that's what rare has to do to get the kids playing well im ok with it.i live the current game mode and that's all ill ever play

    No it wont hurt the game. It will however kill it then ripout it's guts and stuff the dead carcus with a different game.

    The issue i simply see here is Rare is goning to change the whole game to try to compete with other studios who out match them in every possible way. If they actual presented a full fleshed out title day 1 this would have not been a problem but they did. It's just sad to see. This was Rare chance at a Comback our last great champion has fallen. Never had the chance it deserved.

  • @v**a-hombre said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @scraping-static said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    No more relying on my imagination.

    I find this statement quite depressing.

    What you expect from a socity with a school system designed to stamp out creativity, individuality, and independent thought in order to build mass indoctrinated work drones. Your tax dollars hard at work there.

  • This update appears at first hand, most unfortunate. I love PvP, I love the thrill of the fight, but in time I guarantee that thrill will fade when the ships you see in the distance are in a known state: Enemy.

    Sea of Thieves is a beautiful social experience of not knowing what that other ship is planning or doing. People who want to PvP will no longer participate in PvP in adventure mode. People who do will likely find more scuttles more often, as the lot left will be under the impression that Arena is the PvP fix and Adventure folk should be left alone. The Seas will be even emptier than before. It won't be the same.

  • Oh wow this looks fantastic and I am cautiously optimistic. At first I was like the many opinions expressed in this thread and I was not fond of a split server situation. This however brings what many wanted and that is a PVP oriented faction. I love the Sea Dog aesthetic, hopefully we get lots of sweet loot/cosmetics. I guess the biggest issue of just putting this in Adventure mode like let’s say you had a area of the map where it took place, how would you guarantee all 4 ships loading in would even want to participate or even know what it is or how to play? At least in a separate mode/sever everyone loading it knows exactly what they are doing and getting into and wants to play it. It just wouldn’t work out in Adventue mode for a multitude of reasons and needed its own separate server. The pros are fast matches you can play and progress quickly. PVP action quick, probably is gonna be fun to watch as well. The cons are it took resources away from adventure mode, but I don’t mind as you’ll probably can use your cosmetics earned in Adventure mode as well. This is not like you get a better pistol and can steam roll in adventue mode. Overall I am left positive and hope we can test it soon firsthand.

  • Also let me make myself and stance clear. I wanted the thrill of being a Theif. I wanted to a game where i can spot my mark and go for broke. Not just arbitrarly killing players or playing a racing game. I wanted the focus to be stealling loot by setting up ambushes, laying traps, crouch sneaking on to a ship and making off with the stash. I want to have to go on a true goonies style adventure by solving real riddles and over coming puzzling traps and harzards to find lost mistic treasure with mistic properties. The loot was never made interesting to find and pointless to steal That problem will now never be solved and so in a game about Priates there are no actual theives instead we got a loot grinder for merchants and now a battle arena for cut throats. Good Job

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    Hey I just found this Tweet.

    So this mode was always planned. I don't know how I feel about that, tbh.

    But we definitely know it is not a result of a dying SWAG or dwindling populations.

    I do not believe anyone should feel good about this. This seems to be the trend these days no matter how big the game company is.

    You do not even have to read between the lines here. First they sell you a game at a full price tag telling you it is a gaming service. Players cry where is the game and we get a collection of little mini games within the game while constantly saying it is going to get better. Really we are listening. We are finally being transparent now. We are going to really use the Pioneers. We heard you. Really you can believe us now.

    Wait we got a another ship, an alliance flag no one wants to fly, and a Reaper’s Mark with nothing floating on the sea to reap. No wait it is ok we got face paint and now get to kill ourselves to change the color of our ship’s lanterns.

    No really it is ok as we got a slow, clunky gameplay interrupting inventory menu to get new items we do not have after six months. No wait we have cursed cannonballs which most players do not want to put in our barrels. That is right no one keeps them in the barrels. We can destroy statues though. No we cannot as it is their turn to not be in the game so something else can.

    It is alright they added volcanoes and lowered the value of everything in the game to make everyone go sail in an area where everyone is relentlessly bombarded with flying homing lava rocks. That may not be enough though so there is a secret chest that is worth more than spending time doing voyages.

    All the time Pirate Legends wait months of sailing the same voyages over and over to maybe finally get some commendations to still keep doing the same game content. Wait we will finally be able to customize our ships. Ships no one will see because we will soon be sailing in the fog in a divided sea.

    Wait forget all that! Now we are giving you a separate mini game that is just like the game you have been playing.

    Maybe the real fog is while we all sailed around for months and the seas became barren because Rare could not or would not release solid content to keep everyone sailing, they filled their pockets with our money to finally release the very thing they wanted to all along.

    If not that, then it is to keep us all afloat. Either way it is not the real voyage we all purchased to sail this far together on. Now we will sail apart. Maybe we can divide up and make the most of the side of the sea our ships will embark on next year. No matter what anyone says, especially from the mouths of Rare, it will not be the same. The “adventure” will be so much less of what it could have been. In the end we all might finally be able to open our eyes and see we were really taken on an adventure to where we all did not want to go in the process.

    This is what is going to continue to happen until the gaming community finally comes together and say enough is enough!

  • @x-crowheart-x said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    Hey I just found this Tweet.

    So this mode was always planned. I don't know how I feel about that, tbh.

    But we definitely know it is not a result of a dying SWAG or dwindling populations.

    I do not believe anyone should feel good about this. This seems to be the trend these days no matter how big the game company is.

    You do not even have to read between the lines here. First they sell you a game at a full price tag telling you it is a gaming service. Players cry where is the game and we get a collection of little mini games within the game while constantly saying it is going to get better. Really we are listening. We are finally being transparent now. We are going to really use the Pioneers. We heard you. Really you can believe us now.

    Wait we got a another ship, an alliance flag no one wants to fly, and a Reaper’s Mark with nothing floating on the sea to reap. No wait it is ok we got face paint and now get to kill ourselves to change the color of our ship’s lanterns.

    No really it is ok as we got a slow, clunky gameplay interrupting inventory menu to get new items we do not have after six months. No wait we have cursed cannonballs which most players do not want to put in our barrels. That is right no one keeps them in the barrels. We can destroy statues though. No we cannot as it is their turn to not be in the game so something else can.

    It is alright they added volcanoes and lower the value of everything in the game to make everyone go sail in an area where everyone is relentlessly bombarded with flying homing lava rocks. That may not be enough though so there is a secret chest that is worth more than spending time doing voyages.

    All the time Pirate Legends wait months of sailing the same voyages over and over to maybe finally get some commendations to still keep doing the same game content. Wait we will finally be able to customize our ships. Ships no one will see because we will soon be sailing in the fog in a divided sea.

    Wait forget all that! Now we are giving you a separate mini game that is just like the game you have been playing.

    Maybe the real fog is while we all sailed around for months and the seas became barren because Rare could not or would not release solid content to keep everyone sailing, they filled their pockets with our money to final release the very thing they wanted to all along.

    If not that, then it is to keep us all afloat. Either way it is not the real voyage we all purchased to sail this far together on. Now we will sail apart. Maybe we can divide up and make the most of the side of the sea our ships will embark on next year. No matter what anyone says, especially from the mouths of Rare, it will not be the same. The “adventure” will be so much less of what it could have been. In the end we all might finally be able to open our eyes and see we were really taken on an adventure to where we all did not want to go in the process.

    This is what is going to continue to happen until the gaming community finally comes together and say enough is enough!

    DAMN SON. This just all of this. Everything you just said. I couldn't smash the upvote button hard enough. This deserves a 1000 upvotes. Preach my brother Preach.

  • Please, here me out as I play the Devil's advocate and say that this won't split the player base. In fact, it will bring it back together. Let me bring up a few points as to why I believe that.

    1.) I absolutely here what the current player base is saying with the worry of splitting the community. Yet, as of now, one can say the player base is already severely split, with the majority of PvP players gone and playing other games. This mode will inevitably bring back those players. Those players will now have a reason to load up SoT and play it. They will grind up the new 'Sea Dogs faction' in whats being quoted as 'shorter sessions'.

    2.) 'Shorter sessions' was something Joe Neat said today on the Xbox panel. This most likely means queuing into a lobby for a timed PvP session, and that Pirate Legend is reserved for Adventure Mode. This will see more PvPers trickling into the adventure mode to get Legend and other time limited cosmetics during event DLC's. Furthermore, adventure mode cosmetics were seen in The Arena trailer. Meaning PvP cosmetics will be used in Adventure. If higher level PvP cosmetics require Legend, then that will also bring more people to Adventure and vice versa.

    3.) The faction leader is seen playing with a silver coin and saying, "Competition runs through your veins... and who am I to disappoint?" - This leads me to believe that there will be a new currency: Silver Coins(?). My guess is they will work similar to Doubloons, allowing you to buy PvP only cosmetics. We can only speculate how it will work. Yet, Legendary PvP cosmetics will bring more people to Adventure, as they will have to grind.

    4.) PvE and PvP players alike will now be able to que in and test their skills without any real consequence or need to search the sea for hours. It will be a place to practice, and get better at PvP with the click of a button. It will scratch your PvP itch on a moments notice if you ever had or have one. You will see the birth of extraordinary PvP captains that will inevitable be lured by the luxurious cosmetics only Legends can get in Adventure mode. Maybe you will find a captain that you can sail under, or become one yourself.

    5.) I also understand this may bring back more toxic players, but even Micheal Jordan was known to be the biggest and most toxic s**t talker on the court. It's the psychological part of competition, as they are trying to get in your head and doubt yourself. Still, this mode may quarantine the more 'toxic' PvP players out there. Allowing more friendly PvP interactions in adventure. Again, not a bad thing for the current player base's worries.

    6.) You will be attacked and pirated in Adventure mode. That will not change. In fact, the appeal of legendary cosmetics may only serve to populate the adventure mode with the incoming PvPers.

    7.) More players is not a bad thing.

    I feel this mode addresses a lot of the concern from a huge portion of the player base that has felt neglected: The PvPers. To say this mode will split the player base can't be true, when most PvPers have been gone for a long time already. This will in fact grow the PvP base back to what it was, and those PvPer's will face the inevitable question of if they want to hit adventure to 'get legend'. And when some of them do... well, 'be careful what you wish for'.

    Much love!

  • Though im not much of the competitive pvp type i do say this does look interesting, and one thing i hope for it at least be able to see some of the new stuff like the new looking gun powered keg in adventure mood and hoping getting the new outfits wont be too hard but not too easy. Overall this been ask for quite a lot so we will see what it be like when it comes out

  • What disappoints me is the fact that they succumbed to the call of the sirens so easily. If I wanted to play Fornite: Pirate Edition, I wouldn't be playing this game! I'm fine with the fact that this new update won't be forced on me, but I'm disappointed that valuable development time was spent on it. Why? Because this form of online PvP is so popular nowadays so let's just give it a try? It's so unlike Sea of Thieves in my opinion.

    Make the game to your vision, your ideal, then move on to make separate game modes of you so wish. I think it's the timing of it that bothers me the most. The regular game still has so much unfinished and it's so far from ideal.

    I don't know where this ship is drifting off to, but I'm not liking it one bit. I seriously hope I can eat my words when this comes out.

  • @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @v**a-hombre said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @scraping-static said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    No more relying on my imagination.

    I find this statement quite depressing.

    What you expect from a socity with a school system designed to stamp out creativity, individuality, and independent thought in order to build mass indoctrinated work drones. Your tax dollars hard at work there.

    I invest in real estate and remodel homes with my family for work, and as a hobby on the weekends I modify my cars till they reach my vision. I have a better imagination than most. But I don’t believe in a game being so bad that I should have to rely on my imagination to enjoy it. That isn’t what I paid for.

  • @scraping-static said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @v**a-hombre said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @scraping-static said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    No more relying on my imagination.

    I find this statement quite depressing.

    What you expect from a socity with a school system designed to stamp out creativity, individuality, and independent thought in order to build mass indoctrinated work drones. Your tax dollars hard at work there.

    I invest in real estate and remodel homes with my family for work, and as a hobby on the weekends I modify my cars till they reach my vision. I have a better imagination than most. But I don’t believe in a game being so bad that I should have to rely on my imagination to enjoy it. That isn’t what I paid for.

    Fair enoungh statement. Read your post out of context. I do agree we deserved more of an actual game then just purchasing a hope for one.

  • The drama is unbelievable... Splitting the game base is not offering a new mode to a game but making people pay for content like maps like other game did in the past, and yet they had people playing the new and old stuf... This game is a service, there will tons of content and changes, it has been like this for months. Let people enjoy and play how they want to play... People complain about PvP and ask for PvE servers, and when we finally get something PvP focused after months of PvE content it's the end of the Sea of Thieves! Sigh...

  • Yeah, not a fan of this at all. It's exactly what I didn't want to see happen to Sea of Thieves. The dreaded "Battle Royale" mode...

    This will undoubtedly destroy the game, and leave the regular mode abandoned because of the people only playing for PVP, thereby defeating the entire point of the game.

    I seriously hope that the Arena mode is literally as bare bones as possible and stays that way. Like, only having a few exclusive cosmetics and such that carry over into the regular mode to show that you've bested the arena. We DO NOT need Sea of Thieves to become Fortnite w/ Naval Combat. Hell, we don't need a battle royale mode in Sea of Thieves whatsoever. The game is about exploration and pirating, not jumping into a server of a bunch of people and trying to come out on top. Go play Fortnite or the multitude of other BR games that have bloated the gaming industry and created a sea of mediocrity in the process.

    Leave Sea of Thieves as is, and keep updating the world as you have been. The updates we've gotten have been fantastic so far. Why spoil Sea of Thieves with a stupid, unnecessary Battle Royale mode when players can literally go play a dozen other games that are designed for that purpose ? This announcement hurts. Alot. And will hurt Sea of Thieves as a whole, I fear...

  • @cpt-vunderbar How do you know it's Battle Royale?

  • I only need to know one thing man...

  • @dutrah

    I'm not outright stating that it's Battle Royale. I'm using that term to describe it, as that's the most commonly used term to describe a game mode like what we're seeing with The Arena.

    I hope it's not a Battle Royale mode, personally. But based on the gameplay, that's how it's shaping up from what I've seen so far, and I'm greatly dissatisfied with the direction they're taking. I hope I'm proven wrong though, and that Rare pulls off something extraordinary and unique instead of further bloating the gaming industry with BR games and modes.

  • @musicmee Oh the claw in one um hand and a sword in the other...Thanks for making me look. Love the crab. lol.

  • @lizalaroo said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    Joe and Craig suggested more will be revealed in tomorrow's Panel. I'm interested to see what more they share. Hopefully it will put to bed some of the concerns in this thread.

    Joe and Craig should he reading this thread and working out that the reaction is not a good one.
    This is death tax 2.0 and I hope it dies like that did.

    I've never been entitled on these forums and demanded Rare intervention, but there needs to be some outreach here... on the official forum, linked to the official site for their game to appease folks.
    At the moment if they are only reaching out via Twitter or.other social media then why have an official forum?

  • @anubis316 said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    well this is nonsense. Adding arena will not take away from adventure at all. There will still be many people who want to kill in adventure mode.

    Yes... they are called griefers - those folk who spawn kill, spawn into a crew and derail a voyage or lock the anchor aren't going to go into a pvp arena are they?

  • this arena/br mode is going to be epic I can't wait for it to come out. I had about 10 friends text me today after the video release trying to crew up. people that have stopped playing this game a while ago are going to be coming back for it. I'm very happy they are doing this, and best part it wont hurt your players trying to level!! lets make this arena mode come out ASAP PLEASE !!!!

  • With this release comes the death of Sea Of Theives. I am sure of it.

    Would you ever have played the game beyond a couple of days if you were not sailing on Seas with the threat of being robbed?

    Sea of Theives, needs the Theives! Without them the fetch quests become pointless.

    Sea of Theives is not a PvE game, it’s already moved greatly towards that, this BR mode will be the nail in the coffin.

  • I find it funny that 99% of the people that say this is a good thing are the same people that spent most of their time on these forums complaining that PvP was killing this game by driving players away.

    The thing driving players away is the complete lack of things to do.

    The empty seas are not going to be any more full once there is a new "mode" to queue into.

    I have said it before, and I say it again: To be an ocean themed game this is awfully dry.

    I stuck up for this heap for too long. It has not gotten any better, there has been NO meaningful content added... but here we go with a game mode centered around PvP -- and the only people praising it are the same people who praise everything and denounce PvP.

    Again, if decisions like this continue to be made this is nothing but another nail in this game's coffin.

    You can say it's fine all you want, but when you drown in that Kool-Aid just remember "We told you so."

  • I'm curious, is the arena coming in the form of a different mode because of server restrictions?

    Like, are they going to start doing this "instanced" content for other activities in the future as well now? It's a way to make sure that stuff is relevant, stable and enough people are grouped together to do it. This can turn adventure mode into a sort of a sandbox lobby if this is the case...

    I like the arena. The content itself sounds fun to me and I want to play it. We have this new faction as well that we can grind. My only problem with it is that it's seperated from the normal game.

  • @scallywagmango trolls won't leave adventure mode. Why leave the place they can troll? It'll be even easier now of half-decent pvp centred crews leave for Arena mode.
    This is going to be heaven for griefers, campers and trolls!

  • @scallywagmango said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @enf0rcer I think this decision from Rare directly reflects what some people have been asking for. While it's sad to admit, people have been complaining about Sea of Thieves being 'too competitive'. I disagree, as I love PvP and outwitting opponents in battle. I believe this is a patch to a rather ongoing problem where people grief and camp new players until quitting.

    What competitiveness? During prime-time in America we almost NEVER see ships on our servers...if we do they are brand new people that just haven't figured out how little this game has to offer. There literally is no competition for anyone that is willing to PvP... and even less incentive to PvP since everyone either runs, or literally has nothing on their ship.

  • @enf0rcer dude I dunno if you realize but gta online is getting its tail kicked by fortnite and pubg.most people don't have 3 hours or the mental willingness to commit to a game session of that length and that's why the battle royals are killing it.tbh if rare was shutting down the current game mode id be like oooo hell no but they arnt.to me I see this as a win,its getting the game more exposure which will only make it grow that much bigger.but dude from experience with pre release developers Im going to give you a word of advice,patience and persistence wins the race.if you want it now and don't know when its not your hill to die on then your likely to have a brain aneurism by the years end.

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