Must be too many randos

  • Last week I snuck on board 2 galleons and even helped one crew that tried to kill me bail their ship because they kept hitting into rocks and islands. Once the one I killed that tried to me realized I was on his ship bailing water her killed me and their ship sunk because they ran out of wood. I repaired 2 of there 4 holes with the planks I had on me and was bailing for them.

    Then the other galleon never knew I was on their ship until I got tired of hiding. Then they killed me. I mostly boarded to put my cursed cannonballs in the cannonball barrel. I was quitting and my partner and I had about 50 cursed cannonballs, so I wanted to give them to someone.

    Then on Friday night a galleon of newbie randos, I was trying to give them my cursed cannonballs and one let me on board to put them in their barrel. Then one ran up and put the alliance flag up, as they were trying to get the commendations. I went back to my ship to join. Then 2 of their crew boarded my ship and tried to kill me. Then I thought maybe they wanted the pink flame, so I killed them both. I’m not good at hand to hand combat, so it was odd I was able to kill them so easily. But they came back and continued to try to kill me. So I raised anchor after killing them again and then turned around and fire cannons on them. They fled and then I gave chase in my sloop and they scuttled.

    I’ve had 3 ships scuttle on me in one night. All I was doing was trying to get the pink flame and to help others get their commendations.

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  • Last night I chased down a sloop to give them 65 cursed cannonballs. They didn’t kill me.

  • @purplemajic Thank you very much for the knowledge. [mod edit - advertising/spam link]

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