The new barreles are TOTALLY unfair for lefties...

  • This isn’t the first time i complained on the forum for Rare not adding keybinding options for lefties. When i open these new barrels (i guess by now it’s not really ‘new’) i have the option to either press “escape”, “x”, or move my moise to the tiny exit tab in order to exit the barrell. As a leftie, i have to move my hand off my mouse just to hit “escape”! All i ask is that Rare adds a keybind option to change the button pressed to leave barrells. Change “x” to whatever you want.

    Thanks :)

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  • Also if any lefites are out there, can you tell me if you struggle as much as i so aswell?

  • Uhmm.... Get a left-handed keyboard?? lol

  • I am a lefty and have not had the same experience. My issue with the barrels is the freeze on exit, windowing on exit, or inability to access when at full sail which occurs often. Hitting "X" isn't a problem. I always use keyboard with my left hand and mouse has always been right hand. Not opposed to giving people an alt keybind option though since you can rebind others already.

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