Hold BLOCK before attacking [Sword combat tips]

  • Not a lot of people know of the few minor exploits that you can do with the sword. I am here to give you a refresher if you have heard, and maybe some extra bits of tricks you haven't heard. This is for those who see this post.

    • Basics
      Block then strike
      When striking with the sword you are put into a slow walk. You do not want this, however. If you hold block first, the first strike will let you walk at your usual speed.

    Block then hold strike
    This also works for the charge move, the entire charge will let you walk at that normal speed, you are also capable of jumping then as well.

    Block then Jump torwards a Direction
    This is a simple dodge hop that you can do with the sword. Not an exploit or anything, but helps dodge shots if you know how to use it.

    Charge attack beats Blocking
    Try not to overuse this, but a charge attack beats block. If you completely miss a charge attack, you will be put to a standstill. If you hit a wall or an object, that standstill wont be as bad. But if you do hit, you get to attack or maybe do another sword charge immediately. Make sure that you are confident that it will hit! Such as, assisting a friend who is making an enemy block.

    • Intermediate
      Ignoring movement impairing effects
      Block then Jump allows you to move quicker when you are in deep waters Such as inside a sinking ship, Or when your legs are broken. It is then wise to have this sword dodge hop in your vocabulary of movement because it also just helps you accelerate from tight spaces to tight spaces. Practice on your ship while you sail!

    Jump + Dodge hop + Jump + Dodge hop ... etc
    There is a slight delay to when you can sword dodge hop, so in being as tricky as you can. You can combine a jump, and as soon as you land you dodge hop. This is incredibly useful for pvp scenarios and helps you feel very flexible in combat. Make sure to practice this while you sail. You wont have a need for this every time, but I will say it again that it helps to make this as natural as possible!

    • Advanced
      Trigger Discipline
      More like a sword strike discipline. Combining few of these tips, you should be aware that just maybe, it is better to just strike once, or maybe twice. Block + Attack while jumping and sword dodge hopping lets you do damage to the one you are chasing without slowing down. Poke them, little by little. This also helps you gauge other dangers around you such as ducking out of there if he was about to finish reloading his blunderbuss. But for the most part, poking someone is just giving you total control. Versus someone else who is blocking, they will most likely hold block until you have finished your combo, but you didnt, and so you are cabable of dodging backwards and reloading your pistol while he tried to take a swipe while it was too late. Etc etc.

    There is a lot of power in that one attack.

    Be Patient!
    Try not to trade hits. Mashing the attack button so that you can hit him inbetween his attacks works sometimes, but that is mostly luck. Youl want to just be patient. As soon as the third attack ended, then start mashing and youl be attacking HIM. Works everytime. However, that is not the only time to apply patience. Combat does not have to end quickly, if you are the one blocking, then let it be that you are blocking. 2 people who are in perfect rhythm keeping you in block stunlock will take a while to figure out that they can go out of the rhythm and shoot you while the other attacks you. Being outnumbered is always a disadvantage and must be accepted. But, that rarely happens or they will mess it up, giving you the opportunity to get out of it and SURVIVE the situation. And that, is why patience is important.

    Focus on what is important
    Just a general tip, focus on what is important. Such as anchoring an enemy ship, surviving, making chaos, etc. Killing your enemies is not important, it is sinking their ship, or maybe something else that you think is important. So, it means that not always you will have to have a sword in your inventory. An example being is; after I have sunk a Galleon all by my self (mmhyess), I switched to my Eye of Reach and a Blunderbuss. Eye of reach to pekk at those who came swimming to my ship, and blunderbuss to those who climbs my ladder. Or, here is a better example: As I got boarded with no ill intentions of my own and no hostility as happened yet, they started to attack me and I was blocking. As I was fighting without fighting back, I pleaded to just be friends as long as I can. This only worked once, and for the other times I had to resort to fighting back, but usually I dont let people board my ship if they havent declared it.

    And that is my simple fun post that I hope is usefull to anyone seeing this. Probably not because im guessing most people who are here are already well versed in these kinds of things.

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  • @personalc0ffee I basically said "Combine Jumping, Dodges and Block+SingleAttack.". Combining simple jumping, or Dodge hops, or both of them like I want people to WITH the Block+Attack(single strike) will let you stay hopping and walking while you occasionally strike at your opponent.

    Ofcourse, there are some timing that need to be accustomed to, such as waiting for the single strike to finish up entirely before you Dodge hop again.

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