I don't even know what to say...

  • I never in a million years thought that a development team would actually and intentionally make a system more bulky and awkward to use. I give you the new inventory system... Are you seriously telling me it was easier to code this inventory system then add barrels or other storage containers to the islands and ship models? This single feature or "quality of life component" as they like to put it, completely destroys the game in a way that is nearly unplayable. Don't even get me started on the ongoing campaign to dumb down the accomplishments. From the buy a legend program, to the entire server sharing athena's and now the last thing for end gamers to do is just p**f in the atmosphere. I was proud when I turned in my last golden chicken to hit Legend. I felt a great sense of accomplishment when I finally turned in that 93rd athena chest and my only interest in the game was to keep working on those near impossible commendations, but it's all gone. There is literally nothing left in this game that shows you did it harder and better than the other guy. It's just a watered down version of what it use to be. I'm sad that this is probably the end. If I had to guess, this is all part of RARE'S exit strategy. Maybe the data shows that the numbers are no longer paying the bills so it's time to wrap it up and move on to the next project. Whatever it is, it feels like a blunderbuss to the back of the head.

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  • @biggfelix as a PL I find the commendation change equally saddening. I loved this game. I wanted to help my friends grind for their levels while I grinded for the 1000 of (something) commendation. Why was this done? Will there be end game content to pacify the OG’s?

  • Rare has proven time and time again that they are inept at actually designing and delivering a game.

  • @biggfelix said in I don't even know what to say...:

    I never in a million years thought that a development team would actually and intentionally make a system more bulky and awkward to use. I give you the new inventory system... Are you seriously telling me it was easier to code this inventory system then add barrels or other storage containers to the islands and ship models? This single feature or "quality of life component" as they like to put it, completely destroys the game in a way that is nearly unplayable. Don't even get me started on the ongoing campaign to dumb down the accomplishments. From the buy a legend program, to the entire server sharing athena's and now the last thing for end gamers to do is just p**f in the atmosphere. I was proud when I turned in my last golden chicken to hit Legend. I felt a great sense of accomplishment when I finally turned in that 93rd athena chest and my only interest in the game was to keep working on those near impossible commendations, but it's all gone. There is literally nothing left in this game that shows you did it harder and better than the other guy. It's just a watered down version of what it use to be. I'm sad that this is probably the end. If I had to guess, this is all part of RARE'S exit strategy. Maybe the data shows that the numbers are no longer paying the bills so it's time to wrap it up and move on to the next project. Whatever it is, it feels like a blunderbuss to the back of the head.

    **Bolded textWell said and so very unfortunately true!

  • I been kind of living under a rock lately so sorry but im not sure what is going on. So are people getting more rep for turning items in now? Is it really that much so that getting to PL is so much easier than it was before?

  • @combatxkitty It is easier to level up due to the alliance system. The crew that physically turns in a chest gets 100% of the loot, the others takes another percentage. Thats all fine and dandy i mean if people want to band together then so be it.

    The upsetting aspect of the changes as of late are the commendation numbers and the gravity of said change. OG's in the game feel that they have been disrespected. Why? Because now it takes less amounts of (x item) to achieve (x commendation + title). It used to be that we had to turn in 1000 of a certain loot to earn a level V commendation and title. Now it is around 200-250 range.

    This has caused the OG's who have nearly 1000 to feel angry and upset over the hours and hours and hours of gameplay dedicated to earning 1000 of an item. Basically the grind has been nerfd, and the OG's are upset.

  • @biggfelix We have spent so much time and effort in searching, digging, fighting and chasing chickens just for it to be stripped from us. Just like you I found pride in doing this the real way. Working extra to help my matey's finally become legends. Helping others with the events. I feel like this is the end for a lot of legends, being there is nothing left to do. Thank you for posting this up here. I would have not been so nice.

  • @enragedapollo Ah ok. I personally loathe the alliance system. I have zero desire to ally with anyone and now everytime I get on I have someone chasing me down repeatedly asking me to ally with them. Which is funny because when I tried to do the ship fights and wanted normal allies at that time no one was to be found or the people were complete morons.

    I personally dont care about accommodations but I dont see the need to lower them at this point. A few were silly like the banana crate one and maybe couple others needed tweaking but that was really it.

    I also hate only being able to earn certain achievements with allies. I couldn't get the bone crusher set because of that. Yeah I got over it but still it kinda sucks.

  • As someone with a Job / Family / Life, I am glad they are lowering the "grind factor". I don't have hours to waste for a title and some fancy clothing, nonsense.

  • @combatxkitty The alliance system was a flawed concept from the start. The only way they could have made it as least somewhat decent would be to attach a negative to it. Allowing the crew that turns things in to retain 100% of the treasure and all subsequent crews to receive 50% was a terrible idea. The should have at least split the amount of experience/gold evenly amongst the alliance members. Two boats means 50% gold for everyone, 3 is 33%, so on and so forth. This trades prosperity for security. There is literally no risk/reward profile in SoT and it is super lame. Ultimately, terrible game design.

  • Then you shouldnt get it.

    @denverdecoy said in I don't even know what to say...:

    As someone with a Job / Family / Life, I am glad they are lowering the "grind factor". I don't have hours to waste for a title and some fancy clothing, nonsense.

  • @count-drogos said in I don't even know what to say...:

    Then you shouldnt get it.

    @denverdecoy said in I don't even know what to say...:

    As someone with a Job / Family / Life, I am glad they are lowering the "grind factor". I don't have hours to waste for a title and some fancy clothing, nonsense.


  • Yea i was really up for those commendations, i preferred doing them than go for my Athena lvl, now im done, thats it? I really lost interest now in doing a skullfort or anything else that i could do now to get all of these Titles, i was up for a few days ago....
    Give us back old commendations with a new Titel to earn, pls ;)

  • I am incredibly disappointed.

  • I feel the same, i dont like this lowering i mean when they lowering the commendations to the half i can live with that but lowering it to ²/³(for example the captianscheast, the old commendation are 1000 and the new is 360) is a punch in the face. I work hard for some commendations and was happy to get it and have a title that not everybody have and was proud when i meet other pirates and they see my title and say wow good work etc but yet nobody cares your titles are useless because its so easy to get them.
    Sorry for my english its not the best i hope you understand what i mean and feel with me😂😂😂😎

  • @biggfelix said in I don't even know what to say...:

    I never in a million years thought that a development team would actually and intentionally make a system more bulky and awkward to use. I give you the new inventory system...

    Honestly, you are amazed that a company who couldn't even design universal multiplayer features into their game, has managed to ruin one of the few things they got right?

    It's like all the design managers at Rare have never even played an online game before...don't worry though, some fanboys will be along to set you straight shortly.

  • @biggfelix What else could we expect when the devs are all under the 30s in rep?
    They don't even play this game much. :/

  • I don't see the issue, they reduced the grind to try and balance the game so its a bit easier for people to level up.

    I'm one of those who missed some of the skeleton ships due to the 1 week timeslot and who they originally designed it. Great for people who grinded it, not so much for the casual gamer.

    I think the commendations are a great thing, especially the Bilge Rats track. They allow you to get doubloons to get nice event gear, or gold/rep packs. I think the rep packs could be amended, but I don't think its a bad thing at all.

    I am at 43/43/38 so I'm close to Pirate Legend but I'm not grinding for it. I really enjoy the game (I'm a casual gamer) and have been playing since release having fun with friends, joking and laughing as we go. While there may not be that much stuff to do for pirate legends, I would stay tuned as I'm sure there is much more incoming. In the meantime, I'm sure there is lots of things level 50's can do if they finished everything including the events, such as helping other sailors with quests, skeleton ships, etc.

    I have only seen 1 Pirate Legend since launch that was friendly and joined our crew for fun. The help/knowledge with skeleton ships was immense. All other Pirate Legends I've seen have either pirated me (which is cool), Trolled me (Which isn't) or deceived me (Which is also fine). Maybe offer some positive suggestions on how to improve the game, they have been implemented and will be in the future :) You can be a positive influence!

    If all else fails there are other games out there

  • @the-vladinator "I am at 43/43/38 so I'm close to Pirate Legend" either that's a lot of dubloons to spend, or you still have a ways to go m8 ;)

  • @the-vladinator G'day mate.

    ... While there may not be that much stuff to do for pirate legends, I would stay tuned as I'm sure there is much more incoming.

    That's what I've been telling myself or rather what I've been believing from Rare but here we are rapidly approaching six months in without life beyond the supposed "beginning of the game".

    In the meantime, I'm sure there is lots of things level 50's can do if they finished everything including the events, such as helping other sailors with quests, skeleton ships, etc.

    For sure, that's all we do... when we can.

    I have only seen 1 Pirate Legend since launch that was friendly and joined our crew for fun. The help/knowledge with skeleton ships was immense. All other Pirate Legends I've seen have either pirated me (which is cool), Trolled me (Which isn't) or deceived me (Which is also fine). Maybe offer some positive suggestions on how to improve the game, they have been implemented and will be in the future :) You can be a positive influence!

    It is a horrible shame that so many pirate legends have tarnished the status. My crew of three PLs are always willing to help others get their commendations. Gawd only knows how many times we did the megalodon walking crews through each step of the lore as with the skeletons ships too.

    If all else fails there are other games out there

    Perhaps, but that's not the answer consumers want to hear. I've bought this game twice at $100 each installment.

  • @daniel-xpr0 They should increase Commendation Grade levels to 10. Add better titles to give us that long term goal back.
    Level 10 Villainous Skull Title: Villainous Skull King/Queen (By gender of character) etc.

  • @mythicmask8 yeah i think this was a good idea, i think Legendary Villainous Skull collector or anythig else was a good title

  • You hit the nail on the head. With hardly any exaggeration, we’re all Level 10 Athena Pirate Legends with commendations practically maxed out and a painful lack of direction and sense of standing out or above and beyond other players who didn’t work as hard to achieve these commendations. I literally had 1,000 marauders chests cashed in, I had 1,000 chickens cashed in, I had 1,000 disgraced bounty skulls cashed in, and over 980 captains chests cashed in only to have the sense of long-term accomplishment ripped out from under me as well as all the other players in the same boat. The current allaince system and the caps on the ranking system are a huge kick in the kiwis to the players striving for greatness.

  • @dutchyankee said in I don't even know what to say...:

    @biggfelix I've quit. My last friends who still were loyal to the game have quit. It's not just Barrels 2.0. It's what Barrels 2.0 proves. Rare doesn't understand what is at the heart of this game, simplicity and fun.

    Exactly. We get that barrels 1.0 won't allow a gazillion other silly items. But that's just it, WE DON'T NEED THEM. Planks, bananas and normal cannonballs were fine. Add places to go and maybe more clothes and skins.
    try fixing what is already broken before breaking the game even more.

  • @the-vladinator sagte in I don't even know what to say...:

    If all else fails there are other games out there

    That’s a silly answer bro! I’m 32 and im playing Video Games since 1992! This is the best Game I’ve ever had, this is the Game i waited for very very long! I played Halo Reach 6 Years straight cause there was NO Game that interested me in the Long Term! There’s NO other Game out there for me, I want THIS Game a looong Time to play at least a Decade!

  • @mythicmask8 indeed a nice initial thought, but do all of you really want those titles that were not all that creative in the first place??

    I think the old accommodation levels should be brought back, call it level 10 as suggested .... but regardless instead of just tacking a “legendary” word to it or some equivalent... how about give it something more creative and enticing to pursue/wear... like instead of hoarder of_____ ... give something more unique like Drunkard or Scallywag or Tears Collector would be super fun and it could also just be as simple as a title called Castaway/ Marauder/ Seafarer/ etc.... how many more people would be happy to rock just plain old Villainous or Hateful than something like Hunter of (blank)? I know I for one would appreciate it. Perhaps the Rare team has already thought of this and has it in the pipeline... but if not, I do wish they take these helpful ideas that we are think-tanking for them on this forum of theirs... after all we are being a massive free think tank for them to grab... We can just hope they continue a humbleness to take and implement some more of these great ideas presented in all these forum topics.

  • @wesley-sanguin I was giving a quick idea but Yea more thought can go into the titles for sure.
    Yea, good ideas. More creative titles would be nice. The uniqueness of a title should be dependent on higher levels.

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in I don't even know what to say...:

    @biggfelix What else could we expect when the devs are all under the 30s in rep?
    They don't even play this game much. :/

    I kinda see what yer getting at, but at the same time; do I want them playing the game enough to max their stats, or do I want them working on the game more than playing it?

    After all, they got control of the whole shebang. If they really wanted 50 reps, they could just give it to themselves.

  • @mythicmask8 said in I don't even know what to say...:

    @wesley-sanguin I was giving a quick idea but Yea more thought can go into the titles for sure.
    Yea, good ideas. More creative titles would be nice. The uniqueness of a title should be dependent on higher levels.

    WE ALREADY HAS SOMEE UNIQUE TITLES THAT WERE ATTAIABLE!! What's the point now in grinding new titles when Rare will give them away in 5-6 months???????????


  • @zodemere

    Spits and giggles?

  • @v**a-hombre said

    I kinda see what yer getting at, but at the same time; do I want them playing the game enough to max their stats, or do I want them working on the game more than playing it?

    Yeah I hear you bud, but... lol
    Mike and Joe aren't physically working on the game, they're just throwing out the orders.
    More experience in the game and mixing with everyday regular players would open their eyes to a lot more to what could be improved upon and get their creative juices flowing with new ideas displayed in-game by others to show what words in an easily dismissed post can't quite portray.
    They'll see far more from the player's perspective instead of excessively tweaking one thing or another on the whim of a few people who can't achieve certain things solo.

    They can have a better idea of what is too easy, what's challenging but doable and what's down right impossible and hopefully make an educated adjust if totally necessary or leave well enough alone.

    Sitting back beyond arm's length looking at numbers doesn't tell you everything. They need those figures combined with their personal experiences to arrive at a happy medium.

  • @admiral-rrrsole

    Possible. Not knowing their schedules and what exactly they're working on and how; I have a hard time making an informed opinion. If they have the time though, it certainly couldn't hurt.

    Though they might not get a lot of useful info if they're interacting with pirates like me. They'd end up sitting around on the Ferry, making spooky noises whenever another pirate showed up. Or just trying to baffle any player they came in contact with.

    "I don't know, man. We were chasing down this sloop last night when it suddenly pulls a handbrake turn to face us. Some gangly pirate girl ran and jumped off the front of their ship and onto ours, ran screaming across the deck before leaping off the back of our brig and swimming away."

    ^True story. =P

  • Finally the game is going in the right direction. Grinding for titles is not content.

  • @mattydove74 said in I don't even know what to say...:

    Finally the game is going in the right direction. Grinding for titles is not content.

    No one was forcing you to grind anything.

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