Weekly Stream: Six Tavern Challenge

  • Introducing the Sea of Thieves weekly stream! Starting this Tuesday at 5pm BST, our team and special guests will undertake a series of nautical challenges and trials. You can catch the streams on Mixer, Twitch and Youtube!

    First up - the Six Tavern Challenge!

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  • Eagerly awaiting for this to start.

    @Boatswain assemble!

  • @siriondb Boatswain ranger checking in!

    I wonder what this challenge entails... and what guests they have?

  • @khaleesibot

    Really looking forward to watching this!!!!

  • my person is on the line right now waiting!

  • Checking in for duty !!

  • Gosh, it's so hard to assemble. Some wanna watch on Twitch, some on Mixer!

    Unify us under a banner!

  • lol @Musicmee Yellow ranger ? Seriously ?? Is it morphing time ?? let's go go power mixer it !

  • Who are the special guests for this stream?

  • @khaleesibot

    Come and watch the stream, ask questions, they're being answered by Mike and Jon!

  • Save your questions for next week!

    The team will be back sailing again next Tuesday at the same time, thanks for watching!

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