Presenting “The fall of the rainbow” a RA’s collection

  • Ahoy pirates! Here now I am making a fun use of the rainbow flag for you to enjoy.

    A flag which for some it may brought happiness, for others may not, depending on each one’s personal tastes. The way I see it is that for me it brought the possibility to create pieces of art, where it accurately shows the fall of a rainbow flag ship after being violently neutralized by me and my crew. Then again, please enjoy, I insist.

    “The conquest”

    “The front dive”

    “After the storm there's a rainbow”

    “All it ended where it started”

    “The deepest one”

    “The slowly farewell”

    “The sad melody after the rainbow is gone”

    I hope you enjoyed this, if you have a similar picture feel free to share it with it’s name included!

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  • @xxx1ra1xxx
    I don't understand the reason for this thread. You want us to share what exactly?

  • I’m with @Sir-Lotus on this, I’m a bit confused to the message of the post? Is it political? A stance against rainbows or just an abstract bit of art in the SoT lol

    What made you choose that specific flag? Was it random. I don’t want to put words in your mouth but the way you have worded it seems to have an alternative motive or like you are taking a stand against it.

  • @sir-lotus Should there be an important reason? This is a forum in a Fan Creations’ category it’s not NASA lol, it’s just a thread where it shows a creation in this case about a collection of sinking rainbow flag ships mostly in a nice looking angle with a following quote on each

  • @xxx1ra1xxx That’s fair enough, just as a disclaimer and not to accuse, which is why I was being careful with my words (to the best of my ability) When that specific flag was added there was a lot of heard debates on the forums over politics and other things and it got quite messy. So while I’m sure your post was completely harmless I suppose people including myself are abit cautious about posts about it.

    Sorry if I didn’t word that right haha I’m awful at getting things from my head to brain ha ha

  • This is skirting real close to encouraging targeting specific users, and is not conducive to healthy conversation. Locking this thread.

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