Black Screen of Doom during Skeleton Ship Battle

  • This happened to me last week, but I recently saw a YT video where it happened to them as well. During the battle I was unable to spawn back in and instead I could hear everything, my avatar would be standing on the ship but I had no control. Not until some cannon fire killed me on the deck and I appeared on the Ferry did it fix it for me. In the YT video they sailed out of the Skeletal ship battle to fix it for them.

    Reloading the game did not help since I did that 3 times before being killed fixed it for me.

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  • @aliasmask I had that happen to me. The Meg ended up taking a bite out of our ship which sent my black screened character into the water which brought me back. I do say it is an issue but I haven’t had it any other time.

  • If it happens again, have your crew vote you in the brig and back out. It’ll fix it

  • @vinsanity324 said in Black Screen of Doom during Skeleton Ship Battle:

    If it happens again, have your crew vote you in the brig and back out. It’ll fix it

    Makes sense.

  • @aliasmask It also happened to a buddy of mine, when he got killed he just spawned onto the ferry as usual.

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