Keyboard Shortcut To Tie To Interact

  • I'm on PC and I've switched my "F" and "E" around however this is a problem when there are more than 8 items. Pressing "F" activates the maps but the second page is forced to "F" only" it doesn't change when you change the interact button. Can the 'more' pages be tied to the same as the interact or at least another option for the second page?


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  • I think your best bet for this would be to file a support Ticket

    They will know if you can or not and will see if possible to implement into the game.

  • @ve111a said in Keyboard Shortcut To Tie To Interact:

    I think your best bet for this would be to file a support Ticket

    They will know if you can or not and will see if possible to implement into the game.

    Just figured posting to the suggestion forum would be a good idea. Already filled out a support ticket.

  • @goryreceptacle The keyboard controls are a pain in the butt.
    I have played PC games for over two decades using the arrow keys and never adapted to the W, A, S, D bind set up.

    In SoT I've replaced the use of "E" with my "Enter" key but that too brings problems with Windows 10 "sticky keys" error. I have changed that setting several times but, although far less frequent now, it still pops up from time to time. Usually when I'm swimming and about to climb the ladder onto the ship.
    Hit "Enter" just before the "sticky keys" pop-up and it locks the keyboard where I have to reboot to continue playing.

    The introduction of the sprint toggle "Shift" key has made it much better as just holding it down would last for 2 or 3 seconds (either running or swimming) which of course meant excessive use of the key in a short time frame.

    I know that I'm not doing myself any favors by continuing not to learn the WASD way but I'm old and need something to complain about. lol :o)
    Now get off my lawn.

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in Keyboard Shortcut To Tie To Interact:

    @goryreceptacle The keyboard controls are a pain in the butt.
    I have played PC games for over two decades using the arrow keys and never adapted to the W, A, S, D bind set up.

    In SoT I've replaced the use of "E" with my "Enter" key but that too brings problems with Windows 10 "sticky keys" error. I have changed that setting several times but, although far less frequent now, it still pops up from time to time. Usually when I'm swimming and about to climb the ladder onto the ship.
    Hit "Enter" just before the "sticky keys" pop-up and it locks the keyboard where I have to reboot to continue playing.

    The introduction of the sprint toggle "Shift" key has made it much better as just holding it down would last for 2 or 3 seconds (either running or swimming) which of course meant excessive use of the key in a short time frame.

    I know that I'm not doing myself any favors by continuing not to learn the WASD way but I'm old and need something to complain about. lol :o)
    Now get off my lawn.

    LOLOLOL!!! I couldn't use the arrows, you're a legend!!

  • @goryreceptacle said

    LOLOLOL!!! I couldn't use the arrows, you're a legend!!

    Yeah maybe in my own lunch time. lol :o)
    Still five and a half rep points to go. Trying to hold off for as long as possible. :o)

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in Keyboard Shortcut To Tie To Interact:

    @goryreceptacle said

    LOLOLOL!!! I couldn't use the arrows, you're a legend!!

    Yeah maybe in my own lunch time. lol :o)
    Still five and a half rep points to go. Trying to hold off for as long as possible. :o)

    Here's something that'll enlighten you...... Once you hit level 8, you're half way there! ;)

  • @goryreceptacle Yeah I know the deal with Athena rep but thanks all the same.
    I don't really plan to be playing much, if at all, past PL status.

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in Keyboard Shortcut To Tie To Interact:

    @goryreceptacle Yeah I know the deal with Athena rep but thanks all the same.
    I don't really plan to be playing much, if at all, past PL status.

    Sorry to hear that man... Hope you're still enjoying the game! If you need a crew let me know!

  • @admiral-rrrsole @GoryReceptacle

    I feel your pain, I am so used to using TAB to get up an inventory rather than F, but I can't rebind the voyages menu which is quite annoying to say the least! Well the whole radial thing is a pain in the proverbial, having to hold the F and then more rather than just press once.

  • Hmmm.... yeah, I don't use K&M, I play with a controller on PC, but I would think a simple option to toggle or hold radials would help with this.

    It's a lot easier on a controller but it is a pain to select items on a radial with a thumbstick, especially if they're not on the X or Y axis.

    That said, I have noticed that if you tap the quest radial button, it brings up the last used item... it brings up the last map/riddle/bounty you looked at.

    I don't think the item radial does that, it would be nice if it did. But pressing "B" on a controller does it anyway.

  • @realstyli said in Keyboard Shortcut To Tie To Interact:

    Hmmm.... yeah, I don't use K&M, I play with a controller on PC, but I would think a simple option to toggle or hold radials would help with this.

    It's a lot easier on a controller but it is a pain to select items on a radial with a thumbstick, especially if they're not on the X or Y axis.

    That said, I have noticed that if you tap the quest radial button, it brings up the last used item... it brings up the last map/riddle/bounty you looked at.

    I don't think the item radial does that, it would be nice if it did. But pressing "B" on a controller does it anyway.

    Yeah, I literally use a controller ONLY to use the second page instead of going in and switching E and F around every time.

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