Uh, I don't think this is supposed to happen.

  • Was messing around before logging tonight and I got killed by friendly fire. This is my galleon...Was very surprised, confused.



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  • Makes more sense this way. I hope it’s a change not a glitch

  • @omnipotence13 said in Uh, I don't think this is supposed to happen.:

    Makes more sense this way. I hope it’s a change not a glitch

    I have to agree. I can accept some suspension of disbelief for the sake of gameplay. But when cannonballs are raining hellfire all around you, demolishing everything in their path except you, all because you're on the same crew...that's absurd and disrupts immersion. I think it's okay that saber cuts and gunfire don't hit friendlies, because one can imagine that we wouldn't intentionally take a shot that would hit our own crew. But cannonball blasts are not that selective. I'm hoping this is a design decision and not a "bug" because it definitely makes sense.

  • I thought it was always this way, maybe not as much damage though.

    Anyway, I think this is a good change. If someone boards another pirate's ship, he should take the same damage from the cannon balls that his team is shooting.

  • I don't like friendly fire, please put it back to how it was.

    It is not in the patch notes so it must be a glitch.

  • Hi @crazyjuan, this is not an intended change, and we'll be updating the Known Issues with this very soon!

  • This definitely should stay this way. Makes no sense to be able to take no damage in boarding scenarios or any others. Tbh I hate no FF in general because it really makes a solo player at that much more of a disadvantage when outnumbered. Choke points are almost useless because of this and the fact that players on the same crew don’t have collision physics, though I think they do block damage.

    The no friendly fire with Small arms I understand but I think the cannonballs should really stay this way.

  • @khaleesibot said in Uh, I don't think this is supposed to happen.:

    Hi @crazyjuan, this is not an intended change, and we'll be updating the Known Issues with this very soon!

    Please consider this a "user request" to keep cannon fire the way it is now. It makes much more sense and adds an extra element of strategy. If cannonballs are blowing everything around you to smithereens, how are they not touching you? It's just like gunpowder barrels. Gunpowder barrels definitely are not safe for anybody, including people in your crew. Cannon fire should be the same way.

  • @genuine-heather I agree!

  • @phantaxus as you said...I hope it changes back to where it was...doesn't matter if it's more realistic this way or not, we don't need friendly fire

  • What makes it "friendly fire"? Because the cannon is one that on your boat, or because the person that lit the powder is a member of your crew?

    What if a cannon on your boat is fired by a member of another crew? What if it is loaded and aimed by a member of your crew, but fired by someone else? What if a member of your crew uses a cannon on another ship?

    Are you safe from a cannon blast, fired from a land-based cannon, by a crewmate; but not one fired from the same cannon by a skelly or someone from another crew?

    Considering these factors, and the destructive power of cannon fire, it really is absurd that you could be immune to some cannon blasts, but not others.

  • I'm always for more realism, causing more strategy, more thought, more planning, etc.
    Having friendly fire on only makes sense.
    Causes players to think before vollying a barrage of balls at the enemy ship, "wait...are any of my crew on that ship?"

    Before...didn't matter..."fire away!!"

    I'm kinda torn but always lean more towards strategy and realism.

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