Flag Meanings

  • Yellow: Doing Gold Hoarders voyages.
    Red: Doing Order of Souls voyages.
    Blue: Doing Merchant Alliance voyages.
    White: Peaceful/Give up.
    Checkered: Looking to have fun with others.
    Black: Looking to do Skeleton forts.
    Jolly Rodger: Looking to attack other players.

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  • @sandmanbakery let’s not. I fly red 100% of the time as it matches my ship. No other reason. Everyone has their own personal reason for flying a specific flag.

  • I think in real life, red means
    “no quarter”. Because ya know, dead men tell no tales...

  • @sandmanbakery
    It's nice to see people trying to give meaning to the flags. There will always be people using them as cosmetic flair, but it would be nice if they can be used as a form of communication. I am wondering though how it would help to indicate that you're doing GH or OoS?

    You forgot:

    • No flag
    • Sharkhunter
    • Rainbow

    It would actually be nice if the flag was either bigger or more visible from a distance. I tried to use my spyglass to look at the flag but apart from the general color, it's hard to see if it's for example the black , jolly roger or pirate hunter flag.

  • I thought they be there to show what kind o' music ye listened to...

    Yellow: Goldie
    Red: Red Hot Chili Peppers
    Blue: Blue Oyster Cult
    White: White Stripes
    Checkered: anything Ska
    Black: AC/DC
    Jolly Rodger: AleStorm
    Rainbow: Rainbow
    Shark Hunter: Phish
    No Flag: Justin Bieber

  • @awesomecoreusa said in Flag Meanings:

    I thought they be there to show what kind o' music ye listened to...

    Yellow: Goldie
    Red: Red Hot Chili Peppers
    Blue: Blue Oyster Cult
    White: White Stripes
    Checkered: anything Ska
    Black: AC/DC
    Jolly Rodger: AleStorm
    Rainbow: Rainbow
    Shark Hunter: Phish
    No Flag: Justin Bieber

    I can just see it now, "Driver picks the flag!"

  • @pumpkinkangaroo haha, aye! :)

    Would be a nice little easter-egg to slide in there actually. So if ye have the red flag an be playin' shanties there be a chance ye'll start playing Under the Bridge, or wit' the blue flag (Don't Fear) the Reaper. I mean thar be all kinda of problems wit' licensing an' such, but would be a fun.

  • @sandmanbakery not agreeing in most.

    Jolly Rogers Piracy, interested in your belongings only. If you're willing to hand over, may be no fight.

    White surrender, not fighting crew.

    Red No Mercy, PvP all over the place, killing intention

    Black PvE directed, but prepared to engage PvP if you approach. Not making friends.

    Blue Admiral Flag, anti-piracy merchant only.

    Yellow Trading/ Allies interactions Flag.

    Black & White Parley only, not surrender, not making allies. Friendly competition, like race or something.

    Legendary/Shark activity related or show off like all the above.

    Rainbow ?

  • @awesomecoreusa said in Flag Meanings:

    @pumpkinkangaroo haha, aye! :)

    Would be a nice little easter-egg to slide in there actually. So if ye have the red flag an be playin' shanties there be a chance ye'll start playing Under the Bridge, or wit' the blue flag (Don't Fear) the Reaper. I mean thar be all kinda of problems wit' licensing an' such, but would be a fun.

    I would love that!

  • @sandmanbakery

    Aye, this. I usually fly the flag of the alliance I'm working for as it seems to fit the in-game mythology. For instance there are achievements for how many miles you've sailed for each alliance, seems to make sense.

    As to the advantages--

    • Gold Horder sloops defending each other and taking on a galleon of pirates.

    • multiple Order of Souls crews teaming up to take on a fortress

    • Merchant Alliance vessels being left alone because only the griefiest of griefers would want to steal/kill their pigs

  • @fishst1ck agree with the flag visibility definitely, bigger or brighter! @Sandmanbakery would love there to be a universal understanding even if not everyone uses it. I will certainly will, sometimes. :)

  • I never expected everyone to agree, but i thought the intentions behind each flag were pretty obvious. the yellow, blue and red all correspond to the color of the reputation wheels of each faction, the checkered flag is obviously styled after a racing flag, and racing is a fun activity with others, the only one that gave me pause was the plain black. the jolly rodger means piracy far more than some black cloth, so i though what else is there, and i guess the forts was the only other activity that hadn't been covered.

  • @fishst1ck I think it’s seen as Yellow (gold) = Gold hoarders which makes sense. Although, I think the flag description says red means you’re looking to attack others lol

  • You can catch me out sailing in all black doing solo skull forts maybe a galleon crew if I am lucky.

  • So far I'm seeing the consensus has been Jolly Roger is def someone that is agressive.

    White is peaceful leave me alone I wanna PvE. I will probably skuttle my ship or run you on a wild goose chase.

    Checkered has been meaning quest related. I didn't think so.. but I guess that is better then the shark hunting one that I use for questing. Most ppl questing haven't been purchasing that to mean they are questing.

    I don't think we'll see ppl flying the colors to mean which missions they are running. That kinda just says.. hey, take my loot I have treasure onboard.

    However, I can see Blue being used for merchants.. just because it is also a peaceful kinda flag.

    I will probably run Yellow or Red as a warning flag.. mainly to tell folks that if they attack me, I have teeth. Especially of I'm running with my son as we are pretty good at fighting together (we sunk a galleon and a sloop on our sloop the other night when they fired on us first-- we did have kraken help lol) However, I'll probably run Shark, Checkered, or Blue if rolling with my mates because they suck at combat.

    With the community thinking that red is an almost agressive flag.. we might only raise that if fired on..

    And lets be honest... if you are running the rainbow flag, you want to get attacked.. or have some reason why you want to lure people to you.

  • @ant-heuser-kush Yeah, if I was running a jolly roger crew.. I would probably steer clear of the rainbow flag folks because they are the most ballsy ones that would probably make me regret attacking them.

  • @nunoazuldimeter sagte in Flag Meanings:

    @sandmanbakery not agreeing in most.

    Jolly Rogers Piracy, interested in your belongings only. If you're willing to hand over, may be no fight.

    White surrender, not fighting crew.

    Red No Mercy, PvP all over the place, killing intention

    Black PvE directed, but prepared to engage PvP if you approach. Not making friends.

    Blue Admiral Flag, anti-piracy merchant only.

    Yellow Trading/ Allies interactions Flag.

    Black & White Parley only, not surrender, not making allies. Friendly competition, like race or something.

    Legendary/Shark activity related or show off like all the above.

    Rainbow ?

    Rainbow I am a decent human being. Attention please!

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in Flag Meanings:

    I can run the white flag, it doesn't matter. Just don't let my flag fool you of my experience.

    I don't running the rainbow flag would indicate that someone would lack skill or experience. However, someone running that flag should know that others will most likely attack them for the simple reason they are running the pride flag. So anyone running that flag either wants to call attention to those rainbow hater to attack them, or they want to attract the attention of "like minded" people for social interactions.

    It basically is a call to open up an interaction with an unprovoked attack.. like you are welcoming to any kind of player interaction, but you won't fire first.

    If someone decides to fly that flag.. It does mean more then the white flag.. which means the person won't attack first and they will run away or scuttle... they want to be left alone.

    Rainbow basically says.. attack me and maybe I will attack back.. and maybe I won't.. but I certainly won't fire first because I want to attract people that accept a particular identity.

    It is not an inclusive flag. It is an active exclusive flag stating someone's religous intolerance. Because that is what that flag means to those that have opposing or negative views toward that lifestyle. Those that typically fly the pride flag marginalize those that do not agree with the lifestyle.. just as the religious do the same to LGBT.

    Remember, that a symbol is just a symbol.. and it has no real meaning except to the person looking at it.

    Someone could just like rainbows.. espcially a kid that doesn't realize the broader meaning behind a rainbow flag.. they just like all those colors and think it looks nice. Then they play the game.. and they get attacked by bigots or by other kids that think it would be fun to bully the "gay flag ship"

    There are others that will be attracted to it.. or use it to attract and attack people attracted ONLY to the rainbow flag. This is another form of bullying.

    In the end though, no one, even the bigots will run against a rainbow flag thinking they will be an easy target. They will run at them because they will view them as being able to get a cheap first shot at them and the rainbow flag folks will not get butt-hurt with the interaction... So it is "part of the game" to those that respect others.

    These people that role play but respect others may be more likely to let a white flag ship pass. Whereas the rainbow flag may be the best target because they will be less cautious and open themselves to being approached.

    To not think otherwise is blissful ignorance.

  • @dutchdeadschot your correct. No one is putting meaning into the flags. They just look cool. I don’t want to be flying a checkered flag all the time.

  • @nacmine People are putting meaning to the flags though.. that is what you need to understand. You can certainly run whatever you want on your boat.. but if you are not having the social interactions with the game you want, you may want to look at the "body language" you a presenting.

    If you want to be super friendly but are running the Jolly Roger because it "looks cool" in a pirate game.. you are not going to have a good time.

    If you are running the rainbow flag, but are always getting attacked or attracting nothing but sjw types.. you might wanna look at your flag and your lights.

    If you are running checkered and wondering why everyone is coming up to you asking to help them with the events.. that is on you.

    When some people refuse to see what their unspoken actions have on their experience.. well, thats ignorance.

    When you are playing a social game like this, you need to stay up to date with the social norms of said society.

    People are putting checkered flags up to indicate they are doing to time-limited events. People are putting up the Jolly Roger to indicate they are role playing agressive pirates and out for a fair pvp (or not fair) pvp experience. If you see that flag and still approach it.. well.. don't get mad when they are out to fight or harrass you.

    Not raising a flag and having your lights on indicates you are new to the game and lack experience. You can be an easy target.. or "not fun" if someone is looking for a "good fight"

  • @puck269 I understand what you mean but no one I’ve encountered has put any meaning to the flags. I’ve run all of them and as long as I don’t start firing off cannons and approach non threatening then I usually don’t get attacked.

  • I agree with most of these. I fly yellow for merchant alliance. Yellow for precious cargo onboard and black for suspicious of approaching ships. I use blue for both Order of Souls and Gold Hoarder voyages.
    I usually fly the Jolly Roger only when going to and raiding a fort, then switch to black when it's cleared and we're loading/selling.
    I always use the Shark flag for LFG and events, even though it's a shark flag, a lot of the community used it against Megan, so I just carried it over to the thrones and beyond.
    Red is pretty popularly known as all out PvP, show no quarter, and I've only had to fly it once.

  • @nunoazuldimeter said in Flag Meanings:

    @sandmanbakery not agreeing in most.

    Jolly Rogers Piracy, interested in your belongings only. If you're willing to hand over, may be no fight.

    White surrender, not fighting crew.

    Red No Mercy, PvP all over the place, killing intention

    Black PvE directed, but prepared to engage PvP if you approach. Not making friends.

    Blue Admiral Flag, anti-piracy merchant only.

    Yellow Trading/ Allies interactions Flag.

    Black & White Parley only, not surrender, not making allies. Friendly competition, like race or something.

    Legendary/Shark activity related or show off like all the above.

    Rainbow ?

    I've found that the rainbow flag means "we will attack always, for no reason, and run when the enemy starts to get the upper hand all the while asking why are you chasing us?"

  • Within the context of the game, to me the rainbow flag means, "This is the prettiest flag by far and I'm flying it." It seems like most people share this definition.

  • We keep boom barrels up top (like everyone) where u choose flags, we run the rainbow flag until ships get close or we get close to them, then its jolly roger and jumping out of the boat with a special delivery. Unless we doing multi-crew events or just in the mood to try n goof around with another crew then we wont change our flag at all

    I feel like we should at least use flags properly and swap em for pvp when its pvp time also makes me wonder if the other ship sees the switch and has a “oh no 😳” moment

  • @sandmanbakery agree with these 'flag meanings'. the problem is, propably 90% of players won't use it this way. even if they saw this.

  • @jorin33 sagte in Flag Meanings:

    @sandmanbakery agree with these 'flag meanings'. the problem is, propably 90% of players won't use it this way. even if they saw this.

    So as me...maybe I look at theyr flag, but it doesn't matter for me...until last week (i reached PL) i used the Jolly Roger, cause it looks cool and it's a pirate game, never had problems...also I'm a nice pirate, means normally i don't attack until I've been attacked...flags are just another cosmetic for me

  • Me running the rainbow flag means: "I'm drunk and my accuracy suffered."
    Me running the shark flag means: "I had more luck picking a flag this time."
    No flag means: "I couldn't reach the crow's nest in the first place."

  • @schwammlgott for most people they are. including me

  • While I certainly enjoy and encourage assigning RP meanings to the flags, as far as actual in-game experience, here are the real meanings:

    Yellow: Not the Jolly Roger - Anything goes.
    Red: Not the Jolly Roger - Anything goes.
    Blue: Not the Jolly Roger - Anything goes.
    White: Not the Jolly Roger - Anything goes.
    Checkered: Not the Jolly Roger - Anything goes.
    Black: Not the Jolly Roger (But they MAY have misclicked. Keep a weather eye out)
    Jolly Roger: Likely to attack other players. Watch them carefully.
    Rainbow: Not the Jolly Roger - Anything goes.
    No flag:
    -If base ship: fresh players - Anything goes.
    -If custom ship: Not the Jolly Roger - Anything goes.

    Then again, by the time you can even SEE the flag, their intent may be clear due to their direction, speed and/or cannon fire. :D

  • @dutchdeadschot Haha, I do the same thing

    We be all about that style, matey!

  • @awesomecoreusa said in Flag Meanings:

    I thought they be there to show what kind o' music ye listened to...

    Yellow: Goldie
    Red: Red Hot Chili Peppers
    Blue: Blue Oyster Cult
    White: White Stripes
    Checkered: anything Ska
    Black: AC/DC
    Jolly Rodger: AleStorm
    Rainbow: Rainbow
    Shark Hunter: Phish
    No Flag: Justin Bieber

    I like it and by your list I'd be flying the black flag bellowing out a bit of Acca-Dacca while my helmsman listens to Justin Bieber or Rainbow. lol

    We actually compromise as he has "Islands in the Stream" (by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Pardon) as an ear worm he has sung in-game for the most part of three months which has infested my subconscious mind and I've often caught myself out singing along or breaking the silence with it. lol

    Bon and Malcolm would be turning in their graves at the thought.

  • @ooofizzleoo black beard (who was a real man, I’ve been to the cell where he was supposedly held and died in colonial Jamestown) would sail a white flag and would switch to a red flag right before he attacked leaving no man alive and taking no prisoners

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