Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2

  • Loving the game and can't wait for the thrones!! when can we be expected to be back on time wise? :D

  • @honusdan sagte in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @longingfern4785 lol...I just spit my coffee out. I needed a good laugh.

    Yeah, but the topic is kind of serious, sadly.

    To be honest... best solution, in my opinion, would be a good match making system for the sessions.
    Priority 1: Put players using the same platform in the same session.
    Priority 2: Put players of similar level in the same session.

    This should ensure, that you are among players of equal possibilities and skill at least most of the time.

  • @symbioto said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @alfrythebestboy said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    Finally Merrick's Shanty!!!

    I would prefer

    Why is this not in the game yet, tired of all these non shanty shanties...

  • @longingfern4785 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    This should ensure, that you are among players of equal possibilities and skill at least most of the time.

    Most of these xbox crybabies even have no proofs of being beaten by pc players-"cheaters", could be skilled xbox players...

    I play on PC with xbox controller never felt myself in disadvantage against mouse/kb players.

    Those are just simple losers looking for any excuses to justify them-selfs, so yes they deserve a special flag also like any other losers

    If you gonna separate them from PC players - next step will be "Put away Xbox one X players, they have a better framerate which gives them an advantage..."

  • @longingfern4785 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @tre-oni sagte in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    I just hit Pirate Legend 15 minutes ago so here's hoping we get a few sneaky items added to Pirate Legend tavern for purchase or unlock as well ;P

    I totally understand your need for new content after 15 minutes. NOT.

    It was a statement of things and hopefulness for content going forward, not a complaint, demand, or even an actual request.

    I like shiny new things. And I alwayd like to see shiny new things added. Especially to give others that push to want to hit PL to get certain things.

    My post was more along the lines of "what perfect timing would that be if some new PL items trickled in less than a day after I hit"

  • @tre-oni sagte in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @longingfern4785 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @tre-oni sagte in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    I just hit Pirate Legend 15 minutes ago so here's hoping we get a few sneaky items added to Pirate Legend tavern for purchase or unlock as well ;P

    I totally understand your need for new content after 15 minutes. NOT.

    Oh shut up..

    It was a statement of things and hopefulness for content going forward, not a complaint, demand, or even actual request.

    Sorry, just sounded like you are tired of the stuff you get after 15 minutes :P

    I was tired of the stuff even before I turned legend, because the style of the legend / ghost clothes is very special and not fitting my taste.
    Just like "You are a legend now! Your colors are cyan and violet now! And may you glow, so you get better shot in the dark!"

  • @longingfern4785 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @tre-oni sagte in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @longingfern4785 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @tre-oni sagte in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    I just hit Pirate Legend 15 minutes ago so here's hoping we get a few sneaky items added to Pirate Legend tavern for purchase or unlock as well ;P

    I totally understand your need for new content after 15 minutes. NOT.

    Oh shut up..

    It was a statement of things and hopefulness for content going forward, not a complaint, demand, or even actual request.

    Sorry, just sounded like you are tired of the stuff you get after 15 minutes :P

    I was tired of the stuff even before I turned legend, because the style of the legend / ghost clothes is very special and not fitting my taste.
    Just like "You are a legend now! Your colors are cyan and violet now! And may you glow, so you get better shot in the dark!"

    Read your original comment more aggressively than i think it was supposed to be, so I went back and adjusted it a little.

    Nope, not tired of it. Just really enjoy the idea that now if anything special or crazy does come out exclusive to PL, I'll already be there lol

  • @kejoba86 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    How long until the double snake venom gets fixed?

    Please don’t forget also happens with the krakens ink!!

  • More important issues like the double snake venom problem,skellies with terminator super aim through rocks, item prices and values continue to go on broken but the minute someones feelings get hurt we have to put fixing game play issues on hold to appease people. I'm sure pirates back in the day were flying a rainbow flag saying "arr look at me"
    So basically if we wine enough about something political we get our own cosmetics...great then why not just make a cosmetic for the ship that makes it look like the SS Lucky Charms! And the icing on the cake lets do more weekly events requiring more than one crew to accomplish it and hope there isn't a blood bath. So the seas will be peaceful for an entire week then once again people will go back to attacking others and then post complaints about it. They really need to re think the structure of these events. It is really not getting any better.

  • It's ALIVE!!!

  • @honusdan said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    I think it's fair to assume the PC playerbase didn't increase that much. That leaves us with the XBox playerbase that has been chased off. Yes, I do understand that a lot left for content, but crossplay is the bigger killer. Players will push through a little monotony as long as they are having fun. It's the flat negative experience which will cause them to delete the game. Forced crossplay is the single biggest problem with the game. SoT will never recover because of it. Anyone that actually cares has already given up and left the game.

    I think you nailed the main reason people left the lack of content. Second, would be Gamepass. The huge number push at launch was part of GamePass a program almost specifically for Xbox Players (Some PC Players could pick this up too, but the big benefits were for Xbox Gamers). Once that free trial expired they did not look back. Add in Far Cry 5 launching a week later, for PS4 owners God of War launched a Month later, then the State of Decay in May. Even with a slow launch cycle there are plenty of things to attribute to losing players. Some players may have left because of crossplay, but I think it is the 4-5 reason they left.

    1. Lack of Content - This is the most important and highest requested feature to date.
    2. Gamepass Free Trial Expired - Mainly hurt Console gamers
    3. Other AAA High Profile games came out
    4. Always on Multiplayer with No Safe Zones and Griefers
    5. CrossPlay - possibly
  • When will the skeleton thrones event ends?!
    Now that I've seen, it's not mentioned week event, they only say "today" at the Twitter post.. this is a week event, right?

  • @kejoba86 Right!!! It doesn't hurt you the second time, but it makes the vision quite annoying.

    I would also like for them to make it so that they cannot poison you through the deck of a ship (I have only tested it on a sloop thus far), but it's annoying when I have one near the bow and go underneath to patch a hole..

  • @nunoazuldimeter I think I read June 26th somewhere

  • @shuoink
    SoT has player behavior rules posted in every bar, with the rules centered on player acceptance.
    The rainbow flag symbolizes this.

    A racial flag like the "White Pride" flag, or a national flag like the USAs' "Stars & Stripes", would be antithetical to this valued community acceptance.

  • I just finished the event. It was awesome, but I'm a bit sad there is not much of a reward for redoing it. But this patch confirm the feeling I have, that each day that pass, I love this game more.

  • @khaleesibot can not wait to try out the Skeleton Throne event when I get home today!!


  • If I hear anything else about this flag being released during tay pride month and other people whining about not having their "religion's flag" available I am going to lose it.

    It. Is. Gay. Pride. Month.

    And even if you dont like that, guess what. It's still GAY PRIDE MONTH.

  • I love this new update and really enjoyed having to explore the terrain to find the thrones! Just one thing is that finding crews to do the large thrones is way to hard, please make events that do not require other crews to get the most out of the event. :)

  • I think you're missing the point.

    You didn't care to simply add a useful description for the previously released flags - but with the new flag, you made a public statement that while it has good intentions - causes political/religious debates within a game world that is not our own (our world).

    I dare to say it but it's the same as the new Star Wars movies.

    We watch some movies and play games to get lost in other worlds without having to think and worry about the climate we live in.

    Like I said I get your intentions - but I feel like you're all over the board when defining the world you've created and how you implement features. And did this statement add to the lore and world of the game?

    @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @shuoink said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    Tying the flag to this statement ""Everyone is welcome on the Sea of Thieves regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality, nationality or creed.""

    makes it obvious the flag stands for something other than just being a colored flag....

    I have no problem with it being added in, but does that mean that eventually others races, sexualities, nationalities, etc will get their own flags as well or just this one?

    We intentionally let the community decide what the flags mean. However, as it is Pride Month, we know that there will be many who will fly the flag for that reason! Article One makes it very clear that everyone is welcome. If you want to fly the Rainbow Flag to celebrate Pride, do so, if the community wants to assign another meaning (I've seen some suggestions on Discord already) then that is fine too!

  • Ok so after wasting time doing some of these this has to be the worse event idea yet! Not even going to bother with this one anymore poor idea and even implemented worse

  • @kejoba86 right? Its quite annoying

  • Are all you guys joking with the rainbow flag? 'Oh, no, rare decided to include a flag that represents a group that gets discriminated against on the regular. But what about me?' Get over yourselves.

  • @nunoazuldimeter yea its up for 2 weeks. 5 solo 5 duel crew. 8 dabloons for the solo 12 for the duel.

  • @flying-poopla so, you're logic here, is because its gay pride month and rare wanted to do something for that, thats a problem? 'Oh no, how dare they do something i don't agree with.' Seriously, be more self centered.

  • @flying-poopla also, the rainbow flag is meant to represent equality. All colors of the spectrum, all inclusive, all together. But hey, let your narrow mindedness dictate your life.

  • If I see a rainbow flag I will hunt them down and destroy the boat. Kill the pirates and steal the loot. I already do this for all the other flags.

  • @bigdaddycincy pretty much lol

  • @draun25 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.1.2:

    @nunoazuldimeter yea its up for 2 weeks. 5 solo 5 duel crew. 8 dabloons for the solo 12 for the duel.

    Thank you mate.

  • This topic needs to be locked and all others crying about the flag.... So annoying.. if you dont like it...dont fly it... Wanna kill people that do... Fine its a PIRATE GAME people do that anyway. Leave forums for helpful feedback. So many whiney kids these days.

  • What's going on , we getting some early Xmas presents 😃
    I will have to find a part time job I guess so I can play more😂
    I will miss Merrick this is such a cool character please drop him somewhere in the future , just randomly pass out drunk in one of the tavern .
    This would be great , no need mission attached to him it is just to have the feeling he's passing by to have a drink with us .

    To Merrick 🍻

  • "Performance Improvements"

    • Multiple server and client crash fixes.
    • Further improvements and optimisations for all platforms are ongoing.
      I may have to call bull on this one and add...
    • Will now cause the game to crash on some consoles.

    My game now crashes a few moments after loading. Rareware should know better!

  • Oh, sure, fix the majestic sovereign dress neckline, but not the rotten bilge rat shirt's neckline? That's classist!

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