Any update on neverending black screen bug?

  • The game is currently unplayable for solos. Any update?

  • 13
  • Can y'all roll back the update so we can play? it worked fine before.

  • They found the source of the bug and are fixing it.

  • @sgt-palooggoo I don't understand why they can't roll back the patch so we can play while they fix it?

  • They actually just announced that they found the fix and they are going to roll it out in the next few hours.

  • @theshieldwolf yah I saw that. I wish they would just roll the patch back so we could play today. They did it for the patch last week for almond beard issue.

  • @treefittymonsta From what I understand it only took a couple hours to fix it. To my knowledge it took them like a day or two to figure out the problem with the almondbeard thing. Have some patience. The game will be good again soon. In the mean time just play with a friend, that's what I did. Had a blackscreen issue and was able to load back in because he was still there.

    I don't think there are many benefits to playing solo, friend.

  • @theshieldwolf I play solo on weekdays and with friends on weekends because I have to go afk alot.

  • @treefittymonsta That sounds a bit like a recipe for disaster in and of itself. Haha.

    Well, I'm sorry you're constrained like that but be assured they are working to patch things up. :)

  • I've been getting this one a lot today.

    The most frustrating instance was when I was soloing a Skull Fort. I had completed 12 waves and died. I exited the Ferry of the Damned only to be stuck on a never ending black screen. I even got one of my friends to try joining but they kept getting an "alabasterbeard" message. :*(

    Why oh why don't Rare introduce a rejoin option for solo players?!

  • There is a patch to fix this I've just noticed. I hope it works.

  • @theshieldwolf works great for me so far. Except when I hit an infinite load screen.

  • If you continue to experience difficulty after applying the update, please submit a support ticket here and the team will investigate further.

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