Item Gravity

  • As a solo slooper, I'm enjoying trying to figure out the most efficient ways to complete voyages and stay out of harm's way. Last night while trying to snag two chests off Crooked Masts, I cannon up to the top to start digging, then in an attempt to save time I tried dropping them off the cliffs into the water on the south side nearer to my ship. Unfortunately the game physics disagreed with my plan and glued the chests practically sideways onto the cliff face and out of reach.

    Any clever tips to work around this? Or would I need a distinct plank/tree/or precipice over the water to make this happen? Any chance item/loot physics will evolve to include fancier gravity?

    And thanks to the friendly galleon that boarded my my lootless sloop while I pondered physics. I heard your invite, but I had to dock for the night.

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  • Hey there! Items in this game don't really have gravity; when they're dropped, they essentially look straight down and clip onto the first thing they can rest on. Since items can hang on to pretty steep ledges, dropping them off a cliff isn't ideal because they will most likely just stick to the cliff face.

    The best way around this is simply not dropping items off of ledges; not exactly ideal, but it's what the engine warrants.

    I doubt this game will ever change to include fancier gravity for items, since that would take a lot (a lot) of work, for pretty little reward; although, there has been a bit of talk on the forums about "throwing" items, or propelling them in an arc instead of dropping them straight down, as an easier way to get them from your boat to a dock, or off a cliff. This would be a lot easier to implement, so it's more likely that's what we see if Rare does plan on changing this.

  • @sweetcalf942652
    yeah - a little throw would go a long way. happy sailing

  • So many people have tried the same thing on the same island... Including myself. Just jump off and break your legs and eat a nana.
    Lessons learned.

  • @wilderness03 Exaaactly. At least I know another way to keep bigger fish from swiping my hard dug loot...

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