Water Needs to be Removed from Sea of Thieves

  • I'm absolutely sick of having to use boats to travel around the map. Why can't we just walk? My teammates are usually trash and I'm always having to operate the boat on my own, and it takes like 10 minutes to travel from island to island. Even worse, if I fall off the boat I get encased by (you guessed it) water! It's really frustrating, especially because if I go under the water I'll drown, or if I can't get to the mermaid in time I am eaten by sharks. If there was no water, nobody would have to put up with these issues anymore and the game would be so much easier and fun.

    Edit: Oh, and storms should still be in the game, but the raindrops need to be removed so it doesn't flood.

    For those that were wondering, yes, I am mimicking and mocking some specific players on the forums who's forum post quality is equal to what you just read above. Now they can see how stupid they sound. Cheers!

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  • @jedimasterfraze Oof thank god! I thought you were serious there for a second. Without water this game is nothing!

  • I raise me mug to you captain that was beautiful.

  • @Ant-Heuser-Kush chill 😀

  • @ant-heuser-kush

    Would you like some fries to put that salt on?

  • @ant-heuser-kushI don't think this is breaking any guidelines. as far as a discussion it's gonna be great to just make fun of general annoyances.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in Water Needs to be Removed from Sea of Thieves:

    @jedimasterfraze It's not salt. I'm just going by the forums rules. Read them when you have a chance.

    I've read them twice actually. This isn't really trolling, this post is here to point out how stupid some people's arguments are because I think some players here need to pull their fingers out and start using some common sense.

  • @ant-heuser-kush quote the article and link the rules then. Report the thread and leave us alone hahahah I love you man but don t party p**p us. I just got back from a 3 days ban xD

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in Water Needs to be Removed from Sea of Thieves:

    @jedimasterfraze Did you read the rules or the pirate code? Because they're two different things.


    I'm pretty sure this falls under baiting.

    Spamming, Baiting and Trolling

    Posts and threads that are created in order to spam, cause unrest or troll the community will be locked, deleted and the users involved warned.

    These actions can be and are not limited to:

    Creating threads, posts and content for the sole purpose of causing unrest

    Making off topic posts to derail the conversation

    Excessively using the same phrase, similar phrases, or gibberish

    Bullying and encouraging users to bully others.

    But hey, that's just my opinion.

    Oh, so saying that we should remove water from the game is bullying? Sorry I hurt your feelings mate, would you like some tissues and a bandaid?

    This topic isn't "Baiting", it's obvious to everyone apart from a select few people that this is satire, and that it is targeted at the people on these forums making stupid arguments over and over despite being told already that their ideas won't work (for example, someone said all players should be able to get the same rep bar increase for selling items, making it possible to get Pirate Legend in about 3 days)...

  • Flagged for moderation.

  • @ant-heuser-kush

    I didn't talk about anyone in particular, that's why my post was created the way it was. I deliberately wrote it in a way that wouldn't violate the forum rules. If you want, I can get you an extra large frozen coke and a huge cup of fries if you're still trying to swallow that salt.

    Seriously mate, I created this forum post for a reason and if you don't like it, ignore it. I've written it to present some of the idiocy behind some people's arguments, such as the 4 man sloop and making Pirate Legend unlockable by new players within days by boosting the amount of rep they earn.

    It's funny how if I have an opinion it needs to be removed from the forums, but if you have one it's perfectly acceptable and allowed.

  • @mighty-ace123 said in Water Needs to be Removed from Sea of Thieves:

    Flagged for moderation.

    Oh, I'm guessing you love your water then. Bit intolerant mate.

  • @ant-heuser-kush Ok so I can't say "salt" but you can report me for making a post a funny, satire post about dumb arguments on the forums, that's perfectly fine? Grow up.

  • I just assumed you were a millennial and demanded everything from sunshine to compensation lol.

    All for a good laugh, I liked your post. It made a very good point at some of the trash I have to scroll through day after day.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in Water Needs to be Removed from Sea of Thieves:

    @jedimasterfraze Did you read the rules or the pirate code? Because they're two different things.


    I'm pretty sure this falls under baiting.

    Spamming, Baiting and Trolling

    Posts and threads that are created in order to spam, cause unrest or troll the community will be locked, deleted and the users involved warned.

    These actions can be and are not limited to:

    Creating threads, posts and content for the sole purpose of causing unrest

    Making off topic posts to derail the conversation

    Excessively using the same phrase, similar phrases, or gibberish

    Bullying and encouraging users to bully others.

    But hey, that's just my opinion.

    By these definitions 90% of what's on the forums can go lol!

  • @boost-king said in Water Needs to be Removed from Sea of Thieves:

    I just assumed you were a millennial and demanded everything from sunshine to compensation lol.

    All for a good laugh, I liked your post. It made a very good point at some of the trash I have to scroll through day after day.

    Thanks mate, I'm glad you and most of the other people who read this get that it's just a joke about the nonsense articles getting published on here haha

  • @ant-heuser-kush Who knows! Maybe it will encourage those who make posts like this in a serious manner to have a moment of self reflection. ;D

  • I’m okay with leaving the water in, as long as they remove the salt...

    It’s hard to see with your eyes open, it causes me great dehydration and it’s really h*****n the painted hull.

  • @baconwrappedsac They should remove the current ships too and add submarines and scuba gear, then we can explore shipwrecks without drowning!

  • ROV’s would be most welcomed, provided they have a limpet and night vision.

    I don’t like being surprised or feeling scared. Ever.

  • @jedimasterfraze so the game has changed, rebranded and remarketed: Land of Thieves, the boats remain as a kind of safehouse/base, not one player has seen another in 3 months now, the skull fort has been up for 2 of those months, I started walking towards it but the land sharks are getting hungry, i think the potassium is getting to me because i’m starting to hallucinate, forced to drag these damn cannonballs i no longer have a use for, the planks have dried and splintered, pvp complaints have stopped, nobody wants pve anymore, and crossplay doesn’t matter.
    It turns out to remove all the salt, Rare only had to remove the water...

    Great post. +1

  • #SeaOfTears

  • Noooo...don't remove the water!!
    I'd say remove just the wind and add paddles to the game...maybe with Wii-Remote Support so it's really immersive...

  • How about 'An air of thievery'. Flying pirate airships.

  • totally agree and I think that changing the boats by tanks would be the best option.

  • My Termors themed Graboid idea from yesterday would love this new mechanic!

  • @baconwrappedsac Sir, I just laughed out loud in front of others because of you!

  • And what if it was in space instead of water? Our ships would be spaceships navigating between asteroid 'islands' and the whole map was not flat but a sphere and outside the map there would be still red stuff... And the map in the ship would be a holographic 3d map and we had laser cannons!! Wind be replaced by gravity fields and flow. Let's have sunstorms, aliens instead of skeletons, alien space fortresses and a Kraken that emerges from a black hole!

  • @sshteeve Oh god no... There isn't nearly enough rocks anywhere to hide on. You'd be a sitting duck. And even if there were rocks, if it was one of the Graboids from 5, you'd be out of luck anyway.

    Also, we need a punt gun in the game if Graboids are to be a thing =P

  • @uzugijin yeah I was thinking about space/in the air, like the film Pan or this...

  • oh... not serious?

    I am disappointed, I even want to go as far as that they should remove players from the game since it is an unfair advantage to be able to play the game versus not being able to play the game.

  • @scoobywrx555 said in Water Needs to be Removed from Sea of Thieves:

    @uzugijin yeah I was thinking about space/in the air, like the film Pan or this...

    yesterday it worked like that!


  • @ant-heuser-kush said in Water Needs to be Removed from Sea of Thieves:

    @a-trusty-mango Don't call me Ant. We're not friends. If you want to tag me, feel free, but use my whole gamertag when you address me. Thanks.

    Sorry, that smacks of petulant childish, foot-stamping tantrum like behaviour., Grow up man!

  • @m4dkraut haha yeah great pics!

    Maybe one of the dlc areas could be a mystical OoS kinda area where you could be hallucinating or a dream state between worlds, this world and Valhalla say, flying and fighting the Gods like the Kraken of our world.

    Or I could be hallucinating too much...

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