Whats up Scallywags!

  • How's everyone doing? GonkGonk here, so basically i feel bad because i've neglected the forums i should of posted an introduction a long time agoooo. I just want to thank Rare for making a wonderful experience this game is incredible and i hope that it continues to bring that excitement and adventure so i can keep creating more content!. A little bit about me is that i'm just a little small streamer trying to make it big in an ocean full of sharks, i'm here to help create awesome experiences with each and every one of you! So if you're looking for a crew don't ever hesitate to contact me i'm always looking for more friends!
    Currently i'm playing solely on the One X but eventually i might move to PC so thanks again Rare, and thanks again community for being one of the top communities out there!
    (P.S. My Gamertag is GonkGonk)

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  • @gonkgonk said in Whats up Scallywags!:

    How's everyone doing? GonkGonk here, so basically i feel bad because i've neglected the forums i should of posted an introduction a long time agoooo. I just want to thank Rare for making a wonderful experience this game is incredible and i hope that it continues to bring that excitement and adventure so i can keep creating more content!. A little bit about me is that i'm just a little small streamer trying to make it big in an ocean full of sharks, i'm here to help create awesome experiences with each and every one of you! So if you're looking for a crew don't ever hesitate to contact me i'm always looking for more friends!
    Currently i'm playing solely on the One X but eventually i might move to PC so thanks again Rare, and thanks again community for being one of the top communities out there!
    (P.S. My Gamertag is GonkGonk)


    All good here, I hope you are well too :)

    I am definitely with you, it is a superb game, it is a great deal of fun, quite relaxing at times, intense at times and just a breath of fresh air on the gaming scene! :)

    Hope you enjoy the open seas and maybe we will cross paths out there!


  • @Miss-Wotsit What are you playing on currently? And yeah i hope they can drive this game in the right direction i'm honestly really hyped for fishing if they were to implement it i would literally die of excitement haha. Thanks for stopping bye and goodluck if we see eachother out there. ;)

  • @gonkgonk hi ther my gamer tag is NICKYMUNDEN26 and I am new to this game and would like to be shown the ropes if u don't mind helping me thanks

  • @gonkgonk said in Whats up Scallywags!:

    @Miss-Wotsit What are you playing on currently? And yeah i hope they can drive this game in the right direction i'm honestly really hyped for fishing if they were to implement it i would literally die of excitement haha. Thanks for stopping bye and goodluck if we see eachother out there. ;)

    Oh wow! Fishing would be great fun, hopefully they can implement it at a later date and once everything is as they are wanting it to be :) I play on the xbox :)

  • @miss-wotsit
    Heck yes, be safe out there!

  • @nickmunden26
    No problem, add me bro and whenever i'm free we can sail the seven seas!

  • @gonkgonk said in Whats up Scallywags!:

    Heck yes, be safe out there!

    you too! Those seas be rough! :)

  • @gonkgonk
    Ahoy there,
    Welcome to SoT
    If a crew ye be looking for, look no further.
    We be a friendly bunch of pirates. Come and check us out.

  • @aodmarine59 Thanks for the offer but I'm currently on the process of creating my own, goodluck out there!

  • @gonkgonk said in Whats up Scallywags!:

    @aodmarine59 Thanks for the offer but I'm currently on the process of creating my own, goodluck out there!

    Aye, best of luck and smooth sail mate. See ye in the high seas.

  • Hey @GonkGonk I am new to the game and looking for more people to play with so I can learn the ropes! Mcdan11 is my tag would you be able to play sometime Im on Xbox

  • @nickmunden26 we could learn together! I am new too

  • @mcdan11 said in Whats up Scallywags!:

    @nickmunden26 we could learn together! I am new too

    Alright brother I'll go ahead and shoot ya a request

  • @mcdan11 ok cool I will play with u later if u like

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