Have Requests/Ideas/Demands? Bring Em!

  • Hidiho folks!
    I posted a drawing of mine a while back that I got a lot of positive feedback on (thank you all again), which got me in the mood for creating more. However, my schedule has been pretty packed with other pursuits over the past weeks and nothing has come of it. But lo' and behold: now is the fabled holiday season and with it, I find myself with a lot of free time open to creative pursuits! So onward with the pen, paper and pirates! However, the problem is that uni studies has left my 20-something brain completely k*******d and it is having a hard time coming up with new stuff to draw. That is where you folks come into the picture!
    Have an idea? A request? A challenge? Or must I try to make a visualisation of your pirate if I'm ever to see my family again, you monster?
    Anything that you have in your mind could help keep this poor swashbuckler from going insane from staring at a blank piece o' paper to the tune of Frank Sinatras Christmas album on repeat.
    Seriously Frank, shut up. Dont even think about it, Bublé...

    Cheers and merry christmas!

    Summary: I draw on my spare time but am out of ideas, do you (yes you!) have any ideas, requests challenges? If so, write em below and I'll give em a try!

    (Better quality) (http://i.imgur.com/afRLST6.jpg)

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  • I might have a go at a couple of the suggestions here too

  • @Galghumor, illustrative or composition based requests, ideas, demands, or challenges?

  • @CaptnJaq
    Mostly illustrative methinks! But if a composition challenge means what I think it means then I'm game, full scene pieces is something I've always had trouble completing.

  • Is this the type of thing where if we give you a suggestion for a picture, you'd draw it?

  • @PandoroNK
    Jupp. I gotta say, now that I re-read my post, it aint that clear. I'm gonna go ahead and edit it to make the purpose more clear.
    The more art on this forum the better imo!

  • @Galghumor Well, if you're up for it - I'd love to request an illustration of my character. I'd be interested to know how it looks as something tangible! :D

  • @PandoroNK any brief outline or description of what they look like?

  • @Fantus Well, if you're doing a full body kind of thing - He'd wear a black kind of trench-coat, with a brown pirate hat (you know the triangular kind?)and boots, and has brown hair. No beard, but a bit of scruff.

    I apologize for that horrific description haha

  • @PandoroNK
    Haha that is fine! Sometimes the less defined the rules are, the more challenging and fun it is!

  • @Galghumor keep up the good work

  • @Galghumor said in Have Requests/Ideas/Demands? Bring Em!:

    Mostly illustrative methinks! But if a composition challenge means what I think it means then I'm game, full scene pieces is something I've always had trouble completing.

    this was something @TheAaronLeigh tried to kick-start toward the beginning of the site's berth: Pyrate Tale - Kirkwood (Devil's Grin) Hitch & The Cursed Fortune [rules and guidelines fer the thread be HERE].

    With very little participation, that organic story thread has sunk to the bottom and started slowly rolling toward Davy Jone's Locker.

    If you're up for the creative challenge.. composition-wise.. take a gander at what's been written so far, peep at the rules/guidelines, and accept thy test of creativity, mate ;')

  • If I would like to request something then it would be a simple pirate model sheet if you can do those lol.
    Other than that how about a battle on the boats clashing swords and some sparks. Maybe that is a challenge.

  • @Galghumor Haha! Well I look forward to seeing what you can do:D

  • @PandoroNK ah much better
    sorry about this being a lil delayed but yknow christmas and all so family have been coming round.
    (ignore the everything btw)(im bad at good poses too)(excuses ugh) ~30min

  • @Fantus Mate this is fantastic! Thank you so much! You are really talented! :D

  • @Death-Sword22
    I can give model sheet a whirl! By model sheet I'm assuming we're talking about a character from three different perspectives?

  • @Galghumor Oh yes that's what I meant.

  • @Death-Sword22 any specific character or like a default human model?

  • @Death-Sword22
    Any more details on that model sheet? :)

  • @PandoroNK
    Due to certain events I wont be coming home until the first week of 2017, got yer character finished in sketch form but just need an hour with my computer n tablet that I regretfully could not bring with me! As soon as I'm back home, I'll finish it up and post it here :) soz for the delay!

  • @Galghumor No rush at all mate! :D

  • That drawing was amazing! I'm so interested in seeing more of your work. Once the game gets going you could always do portrait requests! I know I'd love to see my character in a unique artistic rendition! Can't wait to see what you've created!

  • @Schaazy
    Sounds good!

  • Allright! All done!
    Edited it into the first post up top!

  • @Fantus @Galghumor Sorry for not responding I don't think I got the notification and had a lot of things to do. So the character can be small, since I want to do it quick, doesn't need to have color, you can decide wether girl or boy. would be good if it was something like this. It would be good if it had clothes on though for bottom it could be shorts and for top a t-shirt. In general it will be like a drawing of a chibi character also it would be good if it had the form of the arm from the top or side(for top it would a T-pose for the character so the character in all can be with a T-pose or you can do it with the arms going down like the first front part drawing has on the left like that going down, I need the 3 views). I'm really sorry for not responding before. Instead of the clothes I described you could also do it with pirate look like your drawings.
    alt text

  • @Death-Sword22
    Roger the dodger, I'll give it a whirl

  • @Galghumor Thanks looking forward to it.

  • @Death-Sword22
    Added the picture up top!

  • @Galghumor Omg it looks awesome thanks. Will need to amplify my knowledge of using Blender in order to do this one.

  • @Death-Sword22
    I'm guessing Blender is a program?

  • @Galghumor i want tsunamis, give them 2 me

  • @Galghumor Yeah Blender is a 3d program to create 3d models. A complicated one at that but with time I tend to get the hang of it and then start using shortcuts.

  • @Death-Sword22
    If ya do make a 3d model of the fella, do share it :D

  • @Galghumor I'll be sure to do that.

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