Crimson dog pack? Collectors edition?

  • Ahoy mateys, I be hearing a lot of chatter amungst the scurvey dogs of the forum about a “Crimson Dog pack” for Pioneers only?

    I played in the alpha and will be playing in the closed beta also and will preorder the game when I get payed the end of the month...

    I’m actually waiting out hoping they bring out a collectors edition or something along those lines with extra in-game features! I’m a sucker for that kinda treasure!

    I was hoping someone from the Dev Team or something could respond clearing this up for me? If I know nothing like a collectors edition is coming I will go ahead with my pre order but don’t want to jump the blunderbus so to speak 😉

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  • In yesterday's Tavern Talks they specifically said there'd be no collector's editions.

    They didn't want to force bundle items like that. Rather let us choose stuff like the controller, art books, comics, etc on our own.

    Pre-orders will get you the Black Dog pack and I think I heard about a coin if you order from some brick and morter store (can't think of the name atm, someone will know though). :)

  • @zenzuki thanks for your response, I’ll have to look into the video and see what I can find then! Anything you know about this crimson dog pack for founders??

  • @TheLazyDictator

    Do you mean this Crimson Dog Pack?

    alt text

    @DrBullhammer @WhenKoalasattak @Erinom3


  • @siriondb I have clearly been fed some misinformation! Thanks for clearing that up though 😂🙈

  • I know I got some kind of digital code and a physical collector's coin when I preordered from Best Buy. I only wish I had enough money to get that sweet, beautiful controller too lol

  • @thelazydictator

    We now know for sure that there will be no collectors edition. This was confirmed in the latest podcast.

  • Haven't heard anything about a crimson pack. Sounds interesting though!

  • It's apparently called the black dog pack. You get a sword, and two other itens and all black outfits for male and female pirates. It looks great! You also get a ferryman outfit pack for male and female pirates and two months of Gold if you preorder the controller too (which I caved and did just now.)

  • @malobane Aaaarrrr! A true pirate ye be. Choosin' the finest booty. I would be needin to raid. a few more treasure ships to gain the dubloons to cover that cost and I fear me ship be becalmed at present. Good on yer tho matey. May she serve ye well. ;)

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