PS5 SoT Progress, and eventually signng in with your Xbox account

  • Something that I've been thinking about as we get closer to the full release of Sea of Thieves on PS5 - what will happen if I don't sign in to my Xbox account right away, and I ended up playing the game for 10, 20, 30 hours. After that, I finally sign into with the Xbox account. What will happen to that progress? Will the original Xbox SoT progress overwrite my PS5 data, or will the PS5 data overwrite the Xbox progress? Or will the two just merge?

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  • @daquinegaming pretty sure it won’t let you get past the screen to play if you don’t sign in.

  • @tesiccl I thought so too, especially after getting the pc version a while back. But there'll be ps only servers, so I'm not sure what they'll do with the ps5 version.

  • @daquinegaming Regardless of the platform you choose to play on, you will need to sign in to a Microsoft Account.

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