A way to make a world expansion work.

  • You folks at Rare have said that a world expansion within the same map isn't possible, which is due to lag. If so, why not use the portals that were used in Pirate's Life or something similar to travel to another map? Like, multiple Seas of Thieves.

    Another idea would be to unlock it with a device on the front of your ship (or anywhere, doesn't matter) by inputting some sort of treasure item in it, similar to having our very own Shroudbreaker.

    The reason I think this could work is because each map could be on a separate server, as opposed to it just being one massive map bogging down one server. Plus, it solves the issue of players being spread out farther, so I don't see why it wouldn't be too hard. :)

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  • Hopefully one day we’ll portal to the “Sea of Tribute”.

  • A problem would be it would divide resource, majority of players would choose to go to new and exciting map but you would have some would stick to the old. Then it may be an arena scenario where one becomes a comparatively low population but still needs resource to maintain and they ultimately need to decide to retire one

  • each map could be on a separate server

    Be a lot of empty default servers or so.

  • @ghastlyloki4216

    I'm fairly convinced at this point that the SOT is actually a form of purgatory and we are all dead. There's a few lore things that contradict that, but it fits with my head cannon.

    I bring that up because I think the way to make "world expansion" work would be a different approach. We've seen that the veil between SOT and other realms can be pierced and stuff brought into the SOT. Lore wise we can have a destabilization event that causes bits and pieces of the SOT to phase in and out from other dimensions, or have a bleedover effect.

    What we do is we break SOT up into smaller sub-regions. Then, at particular times, phase-in happens. This might be whole-sale swapping of particular regions with new islands, or new other-worldly versions of existing islands. Let thigs shift on a "regular" basis, keeping the seas ever changing. Then, adding in new biomes/areas is as simple as swapping in at the next shift. This isn't a server by server thing, it is a wholesale swap each shift. (keeps things simple)

    This would mean the devs are free to add in biomes and regions as much as they want, without the worry of splitting the playerbase or having the map grow too large.

  • @tybald

    This could be done in tandem with seasonal content.

  • @captainwilks
    I would say more frequently...once a month or so.

  • @tybald

    That may prove to be very taxing on the developers. Certainly until a rotation was created if that was the preferred route, then they could rotate content more frequently.

  • @captainwilks

    Not so much. Once you have something set up, it would be "relatively easy" to swap out the regions. You don't create entirely new regions each swap. You essentially have entire maps built and just swap between regions at each section. The hard part is really doing the investment coding to make it possible.

  • @tybald

    That’s my point mate. :)

  • @captainwilks

    No, what I mean is there's the upfront investment in making the other regions. And in making the overall map swappable.
    However, once you have put in that investment. Then swapping regions itself is easy (that's why you do the upfront investment). So a once a month cadence of swapping regions itself isn't hard, once the foundation is built.

  • @tybald

    I get what you mean bud. That was my point also. We are on the same page.

  • @tybald I like this idea, actually. That would be really cool.


    What about you pay the merchant faction to 'escort' you to the new DLC world? I think it should be a separate download that shares the same Microsoft/PS5 account, but you always spawn in the base Sea of Thieves first

    Spawn on Outpost

    Pay 10000 Escort Fee

    Launches SoTOrientDLC.exe

    Closes SeaofThieves.exe

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