Tall Tales for trading companies.

  • I was thinking about the new levels added to trading companies, and it seems "wrong" that we can't delve into the company's history within the game. It's also strange that distinctions only give us rings, nothing changes in the interaction with NPCs, in the journeys, or in our participation in the company.

    One thing that I think would be cool is to have tall tales for each trading company (those that have distinctions), there would be 2 tall tales per company, being released at lv 100 and 500...
    It would be a themed story mission, carried out individually (I think it's better this way, but I'm not sure), telling an adventure of someone who achieved prominence in the company. The story needs to be isolated from the main plot, and can take place in any period of time without affecting current and future directions.

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  • I like that idea, would be a great addition. But think one tall tale at lvl 100 would be ok. Getting to lvl 500 would be to much of a grind, very few players probably get that high.

  • @lleorb yes sounds interesting to me. Are you reading this Rare?

  • @sideshowz1ggy would only encourage the cheesers

  • @sideshowz1ggy That's true, perhaps instead of a tall tale it could be a "ritual" like in PVP factions, initiation as a definitive member of the company, but in this case I think there should be something more as a reward, I'm not sure what.

  • @hiradc more than likely.

  • @lleorb that would work, but do enjoy tall tails. Would to get more story around the trading companies.

  • @hiradc when you say cheese, what cheese will cheesers be cheesing?

  • I like this, personally I doesn't even have to be anything super spectacular. For Merchant for instance you can just build more on top of the voyage where you have to find a sunken merchant-ship. Fun way to level up the company without having to feel it's a grind.

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