Ship Speed

  • The Sea of Thieves wiki ( says:

    "A common misconception is that the Sloop is faster than the Brigantine upwind. This is in fact not true, as upwind the Brigantine is the fastest."

    Is this true? How reliable is the information on the Sea of Thieves Wiki?

    If this is true, and the brigantine is faster both upwind and crosswind, does this not seem like a design flaw in the game? As it means the sloop is the only ship which has no escape route if they get into trouble from larger ships.

    If it's not true, should the page not be updated/ corrected?

    Is it at all possible to get an authoritative/ official answer from the creators or is not knowing these things for sure supposed to be "part of the fun"? If anyone has a definitive answer, could you please share the source?

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  • This is absolutely true, although the sloop is the fastest when going against the wind.

  • The wiki is correct. Rare mentioned in a news video in months past that they will look into and adjust ship speeds in the future.

    Edit: I struck out the second sentence because I cannot find it, and I could have remembered wrong or been confused when they had talked about adjusting ship speeds for the sirens skull last november.

  • @karkona thank you. Do you have a link to the video? Can you remember what it was called?

  • @yosuzumeyokai said in Ship Speed:

    This is absolutely true, although the sloop is the fastest when going against the wind.

    Not entirely true, brigs can be faster going against the wind too depending on the waterflow (it affects brigs less then sloops). But even if that's not the case, the difference in favour of the sloop is so extremely tiny, that the brig will eventually always be faster, since the wind will turn (and the brig then can cut the corner, making it both faster by not going directly against the wind, gaining their bonus speed ánd having a slightly smaller distance to sail) or you will have to turn (because of islands, rocks, red sea). It's impossible to sail away from a brig if that brig crew has the slightest bit of competence.

  • @eligibleeel6171 said in Ship Speed:

    @karkona thank you. Do you have a link to the video? Can you remember what it was called?

    I'm glad you asked for this because I went back and the only thing I found was them talking about adjusting speeds for the sirens skull back in November. So that means it is possible they don't know or plan to do anything about the brig even though its been like this for 1-2 years. So this is a problem, back to what you said in your original post, did they intend for this? Do they know about it? Hopefully someone can come along and help shed light on it.

  • People in SoT rarely agree on much, lots of cliques and groups and all that.

    Something that experienced fighters agree on more than just about any gameplay related topic is brig speed being op.

    Players use it for a reason and players can't stand it for a reason, speed, so much speed that it's op and there are no real consequences for using a brig, and fighters know this.

    The players know. It's why they play as they do, it's why they respond to brigs as they do.

    Op vessel

    Solo sloops would rather fight a experienced galleon than an open crew brig. Why? Galleons face consequences for poor fight performance, brigs do not.

    Something that I have brought up over the years is that I think brig speed does more than harm the combat environment and the enjoyment of it, I think it enables crews that specifically want to cross the line on conduct. Entirely because of the speed vs sloops. It's a chase vessel and that's not a good thing when crews are looking to cause more trouble than just piratical hijinks.

  • Brig is faster even into the wind, wiki is correct.

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