overall state of the game

  • i've been playing this since scale-tests
    preordered it
    played about 3k hrs since.

    apart from the game crashing to desktop randomly without any error message or anything, the game still has too many bugs, even if u manage to get on a server.
    im not even starting on the MS store and xbox app - it is known, they are disastrous.

    i've played about 10-12 hrs recently, and the number of bugs i've encountered is ridiculous.

    -spawn at outpost, buy supplies - get stuck for 5 mins on 'counting your coins'
    -'I'm having trouble accessing my inventory right now. Please try again later'
    -quickly opening and closing a container resulting in getting stuck in the game menu, while character is still moving - requires alt-f4 restart
    -finding treasure on an island but it's stuck in the ground so u cant pick it up
    -dying on spawn after reconnecting
    -skellis have stopped repairing their ships
    -constant small scale visual bugs, screen shaking and shvirering in some angles (including, but not limited to, standing on docked rowboat)
    -'eternal blackscreens' when merming or coming back from ferry - even if the ship is not sunk
    -skellis in the ground
    -getting stuck in plants/props in falling animation
    -random people spawning and despawning on your ship, while you're traveling/queuing underwater
    the list goes on and on, this is just what i've encountered in the last 2 or 3 sessions, before i quit the game again for constant crashes to desktop.
    some bugs have been around forever, some are new, some came along the way... some are not game breaking, some are. it doesn't matter.
    the pure number of bugs makes it NOT FUN to play.

    pleeease Rare, dedicate a whole season to only fixing bugs. u can add more skins, i dont give a damn.
    But STOP changing mechanics until u fixed what u have. The game would be JUST GREAT - if it worked

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  • quickly opening and closing a container resulting in getting stuck in the game menu, while character is still moving - requires alt-f4 restart

    Try opening a container and walking back until the menu goes away.

  • Hmph. Funny I can’t encountered any of those bugs you speak of.

  • Really? Unpickable loot is in the game as long as I play. Container inventories sometimes not closing, and eternal black screen bugs are also old.

    Skellies not repairing their ships are new, and the very reason everyone is doing skelly fleets right now, because you can sunk a skelly gally with two shots and some time.

  • @LukaszH77 yo ignore burnbacon he is an absolute troll. it's all he does on here; i clicked to see his posts after he left nonsense on my topic, too. On one of his posts I saw that he was arguing with someone else and telling them the blunderbuss doesn't "technically" kill in one shot. You just have to laugh when you realize he has so many posts as an trolly agent of chaos.

  • I dunno what the deal is.

    I've never been someone that really got into heavy criticism about bugs, I've never been a "broken game" person here or off the forums. Never did any of the "they don't care" "emporium" narrative, none of that.

    It's getting old though, the little thousand cut bugs add up over time. It takes such a long time for some of this stuff to end up truly being fixed.

    There is so little communication about things in this game and so many people (that talk about the game) are under nda that the conversations about it are just the same tired thing over and over again (including my participation on the forums).

    I can genuinely say that I want to see improvement because I think the game deserves it, the devs deserve it because of all of their effort, and the back and forth is just tiring (including my participation in it)

    It's unfortunate that they are stuck in a situation where they try to offer hope from time to time but those that play a lot just know how that very often ends up. No communication isn't great and communication just ends up as commitments and specifics that don't end up working out a lot of the time. I empathize with the situation more than I am frustrated with it, I think.

    All games have bugs, most games don't have many of their players fired up in a negative way within the first 5 minutes of getting onto a server and starting out a session. SoT is too good of a game to be the "broken game" imo.

  • The game is definitely in the worst 'long term" state it's ever been in. We've had multiple apology videos from the devs, promises of fixes, "temporarily" lowered ship/player counts, and yet the bugs and unstable state persists.

    The worst part, for me, is that Rare continues to pile new features into the game. It's amazing that there is literally zero accountability in this situation. I'm not a game developer, so I have no idea how difficult it is. But, when my car dealer tells me they're sorry my car keeps breaking down, but here's a years worth of free car washes, how does that make me feel? All I want is my car to run properly.

    The OP is suggesting that Rare devote a "season" to bug fixes. Great idea. Please consider.

  • @sammyr0cks said in overall state of the game:

    The OP is suggesting that Rare devote a "season" to bug fixes. Great idea. Please consider.

    Imo if there was ever a time to pull that off in a realistic way it would be doing that right now if season 11 were handled a bit differently.

    Season 11 was huge for pve and veteran players, and largely was harmed by veteran players pveing lol

    Season 11 without the cheesing and exploiting had staying power. If they did quick exploit fixes, rolled back any exploiting on the more extreme end it could last as long as season 9 did without much issue. Throw some events in there and there is plenty to do.

    Letting the cheesing and exploiting get so extreme creates a situation where players are demanding more and more from them on the "content" side but we have plenty to do organically.

    Nobody ever sees me complaining about lack of content and nothing to do, why? I do everything organically and it lasts forever lol. Encounters are what makes the game fun and exciting and it would be fun without all the cheesing ruining the ecosystems of servers.

    A lot of the long time players are part timers now anyway, I'm one of the few that only plays SoT on the more extreme veteran side and people like me are easy to please in regards to content as long as the organic environment is healthy, which it would have been without the months of cheesing/cheating/exploiting.

    The new "bug?" is that skelly ships don't repair and sink with one hit. So is it a one week bug with a week of people cheesing fleets? or is it gonna be a two month cheese meta for fleets?

    Season 11 could have left a LOT of wiggle room if it remained organic play.

  • @wolfmanbush said in overall state of the game:

    @sammyr0cks said in overall state of the game:

    The OP is suggesting that Rare devote a "season" to bug fixes. Great idea. Please consider.

    Imo if there was ever a time to pull that off in a realistic way it would be doing that right now if season 11 were handled a bit differently.

    Season 11 was huge for pve and veteran players, and largely was harmed by veteran players pveing lol

    Season 11 without the cheesing and exploiting had staying power. If they did quick exploit fixes, rolled back any exploiting on the more extreme end it could last as long as season 9 did without much issue. Throw some events in there and there is plenty to do.

    Letting the cheesing and exploiting get so extreme creates a situation where players are demanding more and more from them on the "content" side but we have plenty to do organically.

    Nobody ever sees me complaining about lack of content and nothing to do, why? I do everything organically and it lasts forever lol. Encounters are what makes the game fun and exciting and it would be fun without all the cheesing ruining the ecosystems of servers.

    A lot of the long time players are part timers now anyway, I'm one of the few that only plays SoT on the more extreme veteran side and people like me are easy to please in regards to content as long as the organic environment is healthy, which it would have been without the months of cheesing/cheating/exploiting.

    The new "bug?" is that skelly ships don't repair and sink with one hit. So is it a one week bug with a week of people cheesing fleets? or is it gonna be a two month cheese meta for fleets?

    Season 11 could have left a LOT of wiggle room if it remained organic play.

    The way i see it, rare should not choose to cater to people who ruin their own experience by exploiting their way through all content, and should instead dedicate a bug fix season for the sake of the majority of players, because anyone left with nothing to do after exploiting can wait, and they would be better off for it if such a season worked out well.

  • @goldsmen honestly if the bugs weren't game breaking it wouldn't be such a salty topic. im still crashing randomly all the time with the solution seeming to be "buy the game again on steam." if they can't support the microsoft version they should allow players to switch for free. i already paid for the game, and spent money on cosmetics... im not paying more because they can't get the microsoft version to run properly.

  • I posted a very similar topic in another forum. Yes the game is really rough to play at the moment and they need to spend alot more time fixing it than adding new content. The crashes is the one that causes the most problems for me. The others are annoying but I can get by and still paly with them existing. I just want to see them really fix what their patch notes say they fix.

  • @fxt-redwolf said in overall state of the game:

    I posted a very similar topic in another forum. Yes the game is really rough to play at the moment and they need to spend alot more time fixing it than adding new content. The crashes is the one that causes the most problems for me. The others are annoying but I can get by and still paly with them existing. I just want to see them really fix what their patch notes say they fix.

    They said a part of the year will be addressing issues (hopefully) more effectively and efficiently.

    It's a part of the overall goal for 2024 and beyond.

    That doesn't guarantee outcome but it does show that they are acknowledging the frustration and making decisions/changes to try to improve things.

  • @wolfmanbush
    I agree that they said they will try to fix it but here is my only issue with that statement; they've said that about alot of things. Take sharks for example: They have had to go back and fix the shark spawning many times and I'm guessing that is because of version control.
    One dev is working on a build that has the shark issue but is working on something new. Another dev fixes it in another build. When they try to combine the versions they aren't double checking to make sure both changes made it into the release version or how each other's changes impact each. With a lot of Devs working on a the software this can get to be a problem if version control is not well done. The game is also very unstable right now. And today's announcement about all the new features are sure to have some impact on existing features. I know it's not easy working on a large dev team but it really shows especially on the latest patch how they need to work on quality a bit more before adding quantity.

  • @fxt-redwolf said in overall state of the game:

    I agree that they said they will try to fix it but here is my only issue with that statement; they've said that about alot of things. Take sharks for example: They have had to go back and fix the shark spawning many times and I'm guessing that is because of version control.
    One dev is working on a build that has the shark issue but is working on something new. Another dev fixes it in another build. When they try to combine the versions they aren't double checking to make sure both changes made it into the release version or how each other's changes impact each. With a lot of Devs working on a the software this can get to be a problem if version control is not well done. The game is also very unstable right now. And today's announcement about all the new features are sure to have some impact on existing features. I know it's not easy working on a large dev team but it really shows especially on the latest patch how they need to work on quality a bit more before adding quantity.

    As frustrating as it is I look at it like this,

    the amount of times they have done something that I thought was over the line in the "not cool" category is pretty darn minimal

    so that gives me a lot of wiggle room to give them a whole lotta chances as a participant.

    They aren't doing harm, they are just not consistently achieving outcomes that devs and players are both hoping for.

    After seeing the preview event today I think they are still doing cool things, still taking frustrations seriously, still trying to serve the community performance improvements.

    In it together, game needs devs and game needs players. If they are still trying then I still wanna try to maintain patience and understanding while we see how it goes.

  • today im giving the game a try again. its been a few weeks.
    starting with a link to the emporium, i check out the new stuff. There's one item to buy for 0ancient coins, as always, and it takes a literal minute to buy that.
    counting your coins.
    the price is 0. oh well...
    i decide to check out 'Safer Seas', been around for a while now, i nerver tried it, so i want to give it a go. solo sloop - let's go.
    stuck on 'searching the seas' for about 5 minutes.
    im not kidding, it takes 5 minutes, to find a solo game. with no other players required.

    im off to play pubg again

  • @mohky5536 said in overall state of the game:

    today im giving the game a try again. its been a few weeks.
    starting with a link to the emporium, i check out the new stuff. There's one item to buy for 0ancient coins, as always, and it takes a literal minute to buy that.
    counting your coins.
    the price is 0. oh well...
    i decide to check out 'Safer Seas', been around for a while now, i nerver tried it, so i want to give it a go. solo sloop - let's go.
    stuck on 'searching the seas' for about 5 minutes.
    im not kidding, it takes 5 minutes, to find a solo game. with no other players required.

    im off to play pubg again

    I don't think that a delay here or there says much about the overall state of the game but I crashed 3 times in a row while typing something here so I do think you are making the right decision (right now).

    The crashes are pretty darn random but they are also pretty darn annoying in a game like this so it's still something to keep in mind until it chills out.

    Sometimes (post recent patch) it's pretty smooth sailing and then sometimes it's crash after crash and bug after bug, in a time consuming game that can get frustrating for people.

  • @wolfmanbush At some point, we need to question these statements. It's just another variation of what we've been hearing for months, maybe a year. "We understand the state of the game is unacceptable, so we're going to focus on server stability. The first step is to lower the ship/player count, until we can stabilize." How long ago did we hear that? Has there been any meaningful progress forward, or backward?

    I want this game to succeed, but at some point, the same message being stated with slightly different verbiage just doesn't cut it. Meanwhile, we get a video with so many new features it makes your head spin. Makes me question the focus, and makes their statements about stability being the focus sound disingenuous at best.

  • @sammyr0cks said in overall state of the game:

    @wolfmanbush At some point, we need to question these statements. It's just another variation of what we've been hearing for months, maybe a year. "We understand the state of the game is unacceptable, so we're going to focus on server stability. The first step is to lower the ship/player count, until we can stabilize." How long ago did we hear that? Has there been any meaningful progress forward, or backward?

    I want this game to succeed, but at some point, the same message being stated with slightly different verbiage just doesn't cut it. Meanwhile, we get a video with so many new features it makes your head spin. Makes me question the focus, and makes their statements about stability being the focus sound disingenuous at best.

    The only thing that makes sense to me is that their internal numbers/data are fine (which explains all the big deals they have made along the way leading into ps5) and it's a game that does very well overall that has long struggled with the relationship with some of their more vocal veteran players.

    I've long seen SoT as being a game that does good business while being one of the more heavily criticized successful games in the space.

    Some of this is just issues that are formed from longevity imo. 6+ years is a long time in live service and a lot of stuff happens in that amount of time, stuff that created a lot of extra frustration and even resentment. As the game evolves and as Rare made decisions a lot of veteran players quit but the ones that stick around tend to be the more vocal in the community with the wider reach of audience.

    I think a combination of "this is what we decided and that's that, deal with it" mixed with the marketing of "we hear you" just created a situation in a 6+ year live service game where it's just not going to improve between devs and some of the veteran players.

    Just a pretty unproductive if not unhealthy gaming/social relationship imo and one that social media makes much much worse.

    It'll probably just continue to be pretty similar to what it is (and successfully so) and will continue to be heavily criticized by some long term players that feel that they got burned along the way.

    I've never known of an adventure game where quite a few of the veteran players start off angry at the game, play 10 hours while angry at the game, go be angry at the game on social media, then log in and do it all the next day lol. That seems to be a SoT exclusive thing. As silly as that is I think that there are probably quite a few fair criticisms in there as well, at least at the core of the criticism.

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