Stop people placing crates on their anchor

  • clip

    Please watch the clip to see why crates shouldn’t be stacked on the anchor.

    Simply add a barrier above anchor like there is above map table.

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  • I don't do it and it doesn't bother me

    but I also don't think it's owed to anyone, if they change it that's alright but until then I personally think people should chill out with how they react to it in game. I've seen a lot of examples of people justifying losing their cool over something that is not against the rules. Nobody has to like it but it doesn't justify treating people poorly over it.

  • It is a petty tactic when your trying to board an enemy and they have 20 crates on anchor on a gally for example.
    You waste those precious seconds standing still trying to hit the prompt to drop it where you can die from a defender.

  • It is a valid and inventive tactic to help combat the cheesy tactic of simply tapping the anchor to drop it. If anything the anchor needs to take more effort for boarding crews to drop.

    If I actually took the time to do this, I'd spike it full of Chest of 1000 Grogs as the ultimate defense against this boring, unskilled "meta".

    Deal with it.

  • The feeling of knowing I have a boarder and I let them on to watch as they start to rip crates off the anchor.

    1 blunder and it's done. Don't you touch my crates!!!

  • Grab a piece a loot, jump off the ship, and grab a mermaid to attempt a boarding again. Repeat until all pieces of loot have been removed from the capstan. Don't forget to shout "Leeeroy Jeeeeeeenkins" while doing it.

  • This is just a case of tools not rules at play, they are choosing to sacrifice their ability to anchor turn or anchor if they are about to crash for the sake of keeping you from anchoring them, there is nothing wrong with it.

    Honestly, i dont understand why people see anchoring a ship as this vital tactic, and the first thing they do when they board, even if in some situations it could be beneficial to leave the anchor up, not to say that it would be good to leave up in this situation since i have no clue where you are or where your ship is in relation to them, but in general anchoring a ship right away seems very over rated.

  • @dlchief58 said in Stop people placing crates on their anchor:

    It is a valid and inventive tactic to help combat the cheesy tactic of simply tapping the anchor to drop it. If anything the anchor needs to take more effort for boarding crews to drop.

    If I actually took the time to do this, I'd spike it full of Chest of 1000 Grogs as the ultimate defense against this boring, unskilled "meta".

    Deal with it.

    Never would i have thought of grog chests for this!

  • Watches Clip

    What the problem? You boarded &...couldnt drop the anchor? Seems the ship was smart to "Prevent" you from doing such a silly tactic.

  • @dlchief58 said in Stop people placing crates on their anchor:

    It is a valid and inventive tactic to help combat the cheesy tactic of simply tapping the anchor to drop it. If anything the anchor needs to take more effort for boarding crews to drop.

    If I actually took the time to do this, I'd spike it full of Chest of 1000 Grogs as the ultimate defense against this boring, unskilled "meta".

    Deal with it.

    I would use snakes if they didn't die so easily.

  • @goldsmen They dont sacrifice anything, there's still points where you can get to anchor but only crew know where they are, when boarder should figure out and sort a puzzle in matter of second which is often impossible and also unfair. Since new mode came in game i see this abuse at daily basis. Its obviously abuse and should be fixed.

  • @malyartv said in Stop people placing crates on their anchor:

    @goldsmen They dont sacrifice anything, there's still points where you can get to anchor but only crew know where they are, when boarder should figure out and sort a puzzle in matter of second which is often impossible and also unfair. Since new mode came in game i see this abuse at daily basis. Its obviously abuse and should be fixed.

    Its entirely fair since anyone can do it. As well the crew that does it doesnt do it in an intended way so they know the exact anchor spot considering its near impossible to place 1 item in the exact same spot any 2 times on a swaying ship.

  • The only time driving someone out of bounds is justified :) I like to watch them struggle to get their own storage crates off so they can anchor turn.

  • Anchors are too vulnerable. Especially on a galleon when the opposition are super board happy. I think the anchor buff is a very reasonable addition and helps the flow of battle. It gives most boarders pause. And means that the other crew must apply cannon pressure and slay out a little before they earn the anchor drop.

    Anchor buff = better battles.

  • @hxr141 do you not use the same tactic? Why not use it to your advantage as well? Only seems right if an enemy pvp boat is “anchor guarding”!

  • Isn't the answer to shoot them with an anchor ball?

  • @hxr141 quit being a board-spamming sweat right off the rip. That is why folks do this, to combat the boarding meta. Be part of the solution if you want one.

  • I can't see the issue here. Stop players putting their treasure on their own capstan so that you can board their ship and lower their anchor? What else should Rare do to make the game easier for you? Stop enemy swords and guns from hurting you when you're on their ship?

    Sorry, but this is a stupid whiny request. Personally I think the defenders have used their initiative and have placed their loot in such a way that it makes it more difficult for boarders. To be honest, I am glad you showed me this clip, as I am now going to try this tactic for myself.

  • Wow reading this thread I never thought people are so bad at ladderguarding and dealing with boarders that they will defend this cheesy exploit.

  • @dlchief58
    It is a petty tactic and a crutch for crews who lack the skill to simply ladder guard.
    Boarding isn’t the unskilled meta, it’s not even a meta, but placing crates on the anchor is unskilled.

  • @burnbacon
    I don’t see how dropping the anchor is a silly tactic yet placing crates on top of the anchor isn’t a silly tactic. Any crew that does this lacks the simple skill of one blundering a boarder as they come up. It’s scummy.

  • @kommodoreyenser
    For one, I’m not a board spamming sweat. There is no board spamming meta against good crews. Board spam only works against bad players. I went for a board because I oneballed a player.

  • @pumpa-cat
    They should try using skill to kill me instead of using crates as a crutch. It’s a scummy move.

  • I would trade the silly crate mushroom for boarders having to interact with the anchor for 5 seconds to drop it down. The mushroom is just a symptom of boarding issues.

  • @hxr141 said in Stop people placing crates on their anchor:

    They should try using skill to kill me instead of using crates as a crutch. It’s a scummy move.

    If the defender is one player defending against 3 or even 4 other players from boarding, then it's a good tactic to use. I don't care how good you are at repelling boarders, if four players board your ship at the same time, whether they use both ladders simultaneously or skillfully shoot themsleves onto your sloop from cannons, then you are going to struggle to defend yourself, your treasure and your anchor.

    Therefore I feel this is a good tactic to use to prevent your anchor from being "attacked".

  • No one in their right mind is going to board spam against an equally skilled crew. Not unless they want to sink and lose the 1v quickly.

    As corny as it is, I was actually okay with this back when Adventure was more of a free-for-all mode, in which solo PvEers had to share a space with quadboarding PvP hoppers.

    You need a little bit of a crutch when 1v4ing against board spam? Fine, I get it.

    But Adventure now shares a space with skill-based 1v1 fights between equal crew sizes. And unless they can code separate rules for ships with active hourglasses, I'd rather they patch out anchor-blocking altogether.

  • @hxr141 said in Stop people placing crates on their anchor:

    For one, I’m not a board spamming sweat. There is no board spamming meta against good crews. Board spam only works against bad players. I went for a board because I oneballed a player.

    Yeah because ladder-juking to exploit hitreg is difficult. Also I call board-spamming anytime someone is boarding before even 1 hole worth of damage is done. Judging by the sounds and the fact that the remaining two players alive are on deck and not repairing reinforces this.

    Maybe I enjoy the naval combat of this game way too much to indulge in CoD-style reaction speed FPS gameplay, idk? All I know is I usually board only after inflicting a good 4-5 different hit locations of damage or completely de-masting the opponent.

  • Eh….

    It don’t bother me one way or another, they still end up at the bottom of the ocean

  • simply hit them with an anchor ball, and they cant raise it 🤯

  • How about instead you remove the meta of boarding? Why not let ships pull up their ladders to prevent boarders, and in order to board a ship from the water you have to cut a rope? The mechanic is already present in the Pirate's life tall tales so it should be easy.

    I know it wouldn't be easy to fundamentally change the ships, but I'm trying to prove a point. Everybody has a complaint about a mechanic or two. As long as you can get on my ship, I'm going to stack every spare piece of everything I can find square on top of my capstan. All I'm hearing when I read this is "it's not as easy to beat you as I want it to be! Stop it stop it stop it!"

  • @lordqulex Speaking as an experienced Boarder here.

    Boarding isnt the meta if you get Screwed in the Rear by boarders then its a you problem, gaurd your ladders and be more vigilant its not that difficult I hate people like you who go on about how boarding is the meta when it isnt , If it is truly the meta why dont you board? you dont because you get screwed over you get ladder camped etc etc So you dont board so you tell me how boarding is the meta

    There is always a way to prevent everything [mod edit].

  • Stop people placing crates on their anchor

    alt text

  • @captainbrrr1100 said in Stop people placing crates on their anchor:

    @lordqulex Speaking as an experienced Boarder here.

    Boarding isnt the meta if you get Screwed in the Rear by boarders then its a you problem, gaurd your ladders and be more vigilant its not that difficult I hate people like you who go on about how boarding is the meta when it isnt , If it is truly the meta why dont you board? you dont because you get screwed over you get ladder camped etc etc So you dont board so you tell me how boarding is the meta

    There is always a way to prevent everything [mod edit].

    See when I read this, all I see it "boarding isn't the meta, ladder guarding is". Why is ladder guarding more acceptable than stacking loot on the capstan? In what world are two equally viable solutions to the same problem not equally fair? If boarding isn't the meta, and isn't as strong as everyone thinks it is, then why are you trying to get on my ship in the first place? If people didn't board, you wouldn't need to ladder guard.

    Do you understand what meta means?

    Tools. Not. Rules. Boarding is a tool. Ladder guarding is a tool. Capstan mushrooms are a tool. Cannons are a tool. Chain shots are a tool. Blunder bombs are a tool. I've sunk players in hourglass by doing nothing but ramming. I've sunk players by boarding their ship and running them into rocks. These are all tools. All I see here are people complaining about the tools they don't like instead of adapting their tactics mid battle to represent the changing circumstances of said battle.

    "No plan survives first contact with the enemy." D.D. Eisenhower. If your tool isn't working, try a different tool.

    This all just seems like that one guy at the gym with huge pecs and arms but teeny tiny legs. Don't skip leg day people. If boarding isn't working, then, gasp, try dropping a sail. Try setting them on fire. Try blundering them off repairs. The OP is literally saying "the only tactic I'm good at doesn't work when people do this so make them stop doing this." No, you try a different tool.

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