Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks

  • And before you say "its hitreg" explain me how hitreg makes you swin faster then a ship.
    A player showed me on Discord his hacks while screensharing, also showed me from the software how many players are using it.

    Overall Imo Season 8 is a great update, I disagree with most of the complaints and I believe that Rare will try to fix the rest.
    But! Knowing that hacking is becoming a thing creates distrust, and in competitive mode it can be devastating to the game.

    Take any game that suffered from it, Fall Guys never recovered, FPS shooters never looked the same.
    Rare, you really need to take care of it or it would damage the reputation of the game for good.

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  • It's always odd to me how little footage of cheating exists. Considering how many hours people put into this game, all the footage that is collected from gameplay and available to view, the cheating videos are incredibly few considering the time spent playing and the footage gathered while playing.

    The "cheating is everywhere" narrative comes from youtube cheat ads and people saying someone showed them something which isn't supported by the tape from player's point of view.

    It's just odd that I have played so much and seen so little of it, and others that play as much as I do if not more on a daily basis have so few examples of seeing it compared to their overall encounters.

    There are people that pvp in this game and record their gameplay for wild amounts of time per day, all of their encounters on the tape, yet rarely does anything look suspicious and when it does it's almost always crews that are specifically hunting streamers on servers which isn't something most people experience in this game, even then it's a small amount of the encounters.

  • @wolfmanbush Hackers mostly try not to be obvious, believe what you want but this player showed me live and how many are using it.

    This one was free, the paid versions are far worse.

  • @faceyourdemon said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @wolfmanbush Hackers mostly try not to be obvious, believe what you want but this player showed me live and how many are using it.

    This one was free, the paid versions are far worse.

    Something like swimming faster than a boat is obvious, yet very very few videos float around of something this obvious, even compilation videos are a tiny amount of the encounters being had per day.

    for people to push the narrative of more cheating it has to be obvious.

    yet the footage doesn't support any sort of widespread of common obvious cheating

    A game as heavily recorded as this would have piles and piles of footage that includes obvious cheating if obvious cheating were widespread.

    People allegedly showing their friends/someone something (which is a common claim in these threads) doesn't really show much at all.

    It's always these claims of a widespread issue yet there isn't anything to support that, in a game where it wouldn't be difficult to show it as people record hours and hours of gameplay per day and the social side of the community (that is making these claims) isn't that large, if it were widespread, it would be pretty obvious to everyone, and it just isn't.

    and given my hours played and how I play it would be nearly impossible that I wouldn't see the obvious or widespread cheating. I have too much time in the game and too many random encounters to be oblivious to what is going on in the random adventure environment.

    I see it for everything else, widespread exploits? I see it, widespread bugs? I see it, yet I never see the widespread cheating.

    That doesn't add up for me.

  • @wolfmanbush Lol am I talking to a wall?
    I get what you are saying, its true that there isnt alot of footage of hacking but after interacting with one ive learned otherwise.

  • @faceyourdemon said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @wolfmanbush Lol am I talking to a wall?
    I get what you are saying, its true that there isnt alot of footage of hacking but after interacting with one ive learned otherwise.

    how can this be based in accuracy?

    1 anecdotal experience or even a few overpowers the lack of evidence with the mountains of recorded encounters in this game?

    Unfounded accusations of cheating isn't harmless. It enables unsportsmanlike conduct, it turns people on each other, it dismisses skill and talent and effort and replaces it with negativity that isn't based in anything factual.

  • @wolfmanbush 🙄
    I give up, we do not speak the same language I suppose.

    This is not the "I had bad experience thefore thats reality" anecdotal, I was showed on L I V E the amount of people current users of this one type of hack, the cheat menu like seeing people from the other side of the map, what they are holding and aimbot.
    Swimming like a humam speedboat, this is not even the paid version!

    In the seas ive also very rarely encountered cheaters but also not seeing them IS anecdotal.
    He was basically begging to get banned with all the info he gave me but its not my job, it Rare's.
    And get me wrong, hackers are pathetic neckbeards, I dont support them what so ever.

    You dont have to believe me, im not going to prove it to you as I dont care to, but take my word for it, its real.

  • @faceyourdemon So hold up - you take issues with people using cheats yet you refuse to report them?

  • @xshirahx Im pointing at the reality, im not hacking so dont make me the bad guy.

    This post is purely to make players and Rare aware of how much its worse then what it looked like.

  • @faceyourdemon said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @wolfmanbush 🙄
    I give up, we do not speak the same language I suppose.

    This is not the "I had bad experience thefore thats reality" anecdotal, I was showed on L I V E the amount of people current users of this one type of hack, the cheat menu like seeing people from the other side of the map, what they are holding and aimbot.
    What item are you holding and swimming like a humam speedboat, this is not even the paid version!

    In the seas ive also very rarely encountered cheaters but also not seeing them IS anecdotal.
    He was basically begging to get banned with all the info he gave me but its not my job, it Rare's.
    And get me wrong, hackers are pathetic neckbeards, I dont support them what so ever.

    You dont have to believe me, im not going to prove it to you as I dont care to, but take my word for it, its real.

    If people were using that in a widespread way and if whatever high number of users you saw represented activity on organic servers then people hopping around specifically for reapers and hunting athenas based on boats on the table and veil tornadoes wouldn't have been as big as it was.

    People stack and gather quality loot without emissaries successfully most of the time when they have experience. When they are attacked it's typically randomly or associated with a hopper from someone's streaming community that randomly found an active ship that appeared interesting based on experience.

    The popular activity in this game for a long time doesn't indicate cheating in the way that people claim exists.

    If people were so widely informed about activity outside of high risk on the server through cheats the activity on the servers would look a lot different.

    The pvp attacks outside of streamer stacking line up with hopping pvp for higher risk activity or for content when content is low.

    There are many hoppers in this game where pretty much all they do is look for content opportunity in this game, their day would be much much easier and more fruitful if they were cheating, yet they aren't. Their results don't suggest they are. They wouldn't be settling on a reaper 2 and guessing what they are doing and then spending 2 hours chasing them into the red sea lol, they would be hitting the boats that are stacking outside of higher risk activity. Vault stacking, sea fort stacking,devil's roar stacking etc boats that are far more appealing than chasing reapers around or an emissary that may or may not be doing something interesting out there.

  • I've came across many blatant hackers in the new PvP system.

    Blatant aimbotting, remotely dropping our anchor while not even on the ship...

    We really need a better client side anticheat. How are we even supposed to report people when they aimbot us from outside the nameplate render distance??

  • @i-jusa-i said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    I've came across many blatant hackers in the new PvP system.

    Blatant aimbotting, remotely dropping our anchor while not even on the ship...

    We really need a better client side anticheat. How are we even supposed to report people when they aimbot us from outside the nameplate render distance??

    I've seen this said a few times on the forums.

    I dunno where it's happening, I haven't seen it happen, ever and I watch fights from different regions to compare what I see to what others see and I haven't seen that happen to anyone.

    Every time there is some exploit out there that significantly benefits people there are a lot of people that do it and there are a lot of people that see clear evidence of it.

    Something like dropping people's anchor and other specifics regularly brought up in cheating threads would be very obvious and very common if it were widespread. The cheats don't just happen to rarely or never get caught on recording, it's not showing up because it's not being used to any significant degree.

    The evidence would be massive and people would be far more fired up about that rather than spending all day complaining about opponents using blunderbombs and tanking fights.

  • If you're in a faction fight, the system tags both of you as being in the fight. Hit record. This gives the devs a time/date stamp and even if they have streamer mode active and are out of range they can see them still

    Report. Even if it doesn't seem like it's going to matter. Otherwise you're not helping the situation by coming in here doomsday screaming.

    @FaceYourDemon someone showed you. You have a username? Or was that mysteriously hidden too?

  • @pithyrumble Username and everything

  • @wolfmanbush DM me if you want a video of it happening.

    Have 2 clips of it happening when the hacker is clearly not on our ship.

  • @i-jusa-i said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @wolfmanbush DM me if you want a video of it happening.

    Have 2 clips of it happening when the hacker is clearly not on our ship.

    Hopefully you use it as evidence in a report

    and I don't think you or others are being dishonest about what you saw, I think many people believe what they are saying and did experience something that seems suspicious to them and could quite possibly seems suspicious to others.

    There just isn't evidence of anything widespread where it is clear that cheating is common. It's not regularly in people's live content, it's not in vods, people that play like I do don't regularly see it.

    I don't think people are being dishonest and I also acknowledge that cheating exists, just don't see the evidence to suggest wide spread cheating.

    Something that is important for me when I review footage is I need a lot of context which is why I find streamer content useful when it's live and unedited to be a reliable resource to examine fights. In order to use my experience and my observations for fair speculation I need as much context as possible. So many random things happen in this game, that context is very important for accuracy

  • @xshirahx said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @faceyourdemon So hold up - you take issues with people using cheats yet you refuse to report them?

    What's the point? Microsoft doesn't allow for reasonable recording sessions. To record sessions to prove anything right now, it would take 5+ minutes of recording, and I don't know about you, but that amount of video is not easily transposed.

    Not to mention that knowing you are dealing with a cheater is not possible beforehand unless it's blatantly obvious... I just got off the game because one pirate was able to never miss while using his pistol THROUGH the BOAT...

    But yeah, the last 2 minutes of gameplay is going to prove that... just because we don't have VIDEO PROOF, doesn't mean it can't be looked at!

  • @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @xshirahx said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @faceyourdemon So hold up - you take issues with people using cheats yet you refuse to report them?

    What's the point? Microsoft doesn't allow for reasonable recording sessions. To record sessions to prove anything right now, it would take 5+ minutes of recording, and I don't know about you, but that amount of video is not easily transposed.

    Not to mention that knowing you are dealing with a cheater is not possible beforehand unless it's blatantly obvious... I just got off the game because one pirate was able to never miss while using his pistol THROUGH the BOAT...

    But yeah, the last 2 minutes of gameplay is going to prove that... just because we don't have VIDEO PROOF, doesn't mean it can't be looked at!

    Download a recording software like OBS or Medal.

  • @blam320 While playing on XBox... ok? Sorry but some of us don't have those kind of resources to play that way...

  • @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @blam320 While playing on XBox... ok? Sorry but some of us don't have those kind of resources to play that way...

    Your loss then. Actually report suspected cheaters instead of just complaining about it.

  • @wolfmanbush

    Well cheating is common to me when I get cheaters on my matches every day. And yes I do report players, but how am I supposed to get a good enough evidence video when the aimbotters 2 tap you out of nameplate render distance?

  • And for those who want proof it's happening, just go to YOUTUBE....

    [Mod edit]

    I got the websites and much more too, tell you right now, I'm almost tempted to join in because if they won't take serious this kind of stuff then what is the use of playing games like this?

  • @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    While playing on XBox... ok? Sorry but some of us don't have those kind of resources to play that way...

    just include as many details as possible in any reports you make

    let's say 5 people report a name with similar reports while all confirmed to be on a server with those reporting

    and then someone reports the person with video showing what 5 different reports alleged.

    could help to contribute to an overall amount of context that helps those that look into the reports.

    Might not end up that way but it could. At least you did what you could.

  • @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @blam320 While playing on XBox... ok? Sorry but some of us don't have those kind of resources to play that way...

    XBox has a record feature. The last 30 seconds should be enough to get a clip of the cheat in action.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @blam320 While playing on XBox... ok? Sorry but some of us don't have those kind of resources to play that way...

    XBox has a record feature.

    Yeah, it does, but I'm not going to record a 3 hour stint. This is NOT how to make your core players happy... forcing them to record hours of gameplay just to prove a point?

    Yeah, no... games like this should not be up to the end user to find cheats, they have data that can prove this is happening more than it should, but we aren't privy to that.

  • @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @d3adst1ck said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @blam320 While playing on XBox... ok? Sorry but some of us don't have those kind of resources to play that way...

    XBox has a record feature.

    Yeah, it does, but I'm not going to record a 3 hour stint. This is NOT how to make your core players happy... forcing them to record hours of gameplay just to prove a point?

    Yeah, no... games like this should not be up to the end user to find cheats, they have data that can prove this is happening more than it should, but we aren't privy to that.

    You caught it before my edit, but you can just grab the last 30 seconds which should be enough to get confirmed footage of a cheat in action. You don't need to record hours worth of footage, and it's likely preferable to support that you don't send them an hour long video.

  • @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    And for those who want proof it's happening, just go to YOUTUBE....

    I got the websites and much more too, tell you right now, I'm almost tempted to join in because if they won't take serious this kind of stuff then what is the use of playing games like this?

    I dunno why people post that stuff.

    In the very videos aimed to lure people in it looks clunky and chaotic and highly inefficient.

    I would put any higher skilled and legit sot pvper against those public data mine programs any day of the week.

    I would also put Rare's cheat catchin' against it as well, lol

  • @wolfmanbush said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    And for those who want proof it's happening, just go to YOUTUBE....

    I got the websites and much more too, tell you right now, I'm almost tempted to join in because if they won't take serious this kind of stuff then what is the use of playing games like this?

    I dunno why people post that stuff.

    In the very videos aimed to lure people in it looks clunky and chaotic and highly inefficient.

    I would put any higher skilled and legit sot pvper against those public data mine programs any day of the week.

    I would also put Rare's cheat catchin' against it as well, lol

    So would I, and I would also guess it wouldn't be caught, because it was, we wouldn't have this type of post once every few days.

  • At the end of the day, it shouldnt be on us the players, to go out of our way to record a lot of gameplay just to catch the cheaters names on video together with clear evidence of them cheating. What other game makes you do this if you wish to report a cheater? I can't think of any where I have to do all this just to get rid of a blatant aim botter...

  • @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    So would I, and I would also guess it wouldn't be caught, because it was, we wouldn't have this type of post once every few days.

    I would say that a skill gap so wide that the game isn't really even designed to handle it well would be a big part of that. This creates a lot of frustration and ego battling.

    another major part of it is social bubbles where people gather around the same narratives and weed out a lot of the countering of the narratives. This happens a lot in places like twitch and discords.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    So would I, and I would also guess it wouldn't be caught, because it was, we wouldn't have this type of post once every few days.

    I would say that a skill gap so wide that the game isn't really even designed to handle it well would be a big part of that. This creates a lot of frustration and ego battling.

    another major part of it is social bubbles where people gather around the same narratives and weed out a lot of the countering of the narratives. This happens a lot in places like twitch and discords.

    I am an OG... I know there are people out there better than me, hell I expect there to be, but when you see people out there blatantly getting shot and not taking damage, that is a problem. When you see yourself take damage with no one around, that is a problem. When you have been sniped and you see no one around, that is a problem.

    When you get DDOsed... that is a problem.

    These are NOT problems WE as players need to record and prove. This is something RARE needs to FIX on their own.

  • @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @wolfmanbush said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    So would I, and I would also guess it wouldn't be caught, because it was, we wouldn't have this type of post once every few days.

    I would say that a skill gap so wide that the game isn't really even designed to handle it well would be a big part of that. This creates a lot of frustration and ego battling.

    another major part of it is social bubbles where people gather around the same narratives and weed out a lot of the countering of the narratives. This happens a lot in places like twitch and discords.

    I am an OG... I know there are people out there better than me, hell I expect there to be, but when you see people out there blatantly getting shot and not taking damage, that is a problem. When you see yourself take damage with no one around, that is a problem. When you have been sniped and you see no one around, that is a problem.

    When you get DDOsed... that is a problem.

    These are NOT problems WE as players need to record and prove. This is something RARE needs to FIX on their own.

    that one is a hit reg issue which has been around a long time and doesn't have anything to do with cheating

  • @wolfmanbush said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @wolfmanbush said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    So would I, and I would also guess it wouldn't be caught, because it was, we wouldn't have this type of post once every few days.

    I would say that a skill gap so wide that the game isn't really even designed to handle it well would be a big part of that. This creates a lot of frustration and ego battling.

    another major part of it is social bubbles where people gather around the same narratives and weed out a lot of the countering of the narratives. This happens a lot in places like twitch and discords.

    I am an OG... I know there are people out there better than me, hell I expect there to be, but when you see people out there blatantly getting shot and not taking damage, that is a problem. When you see yourself take damage with no one around, that is a problem. When you have been sniped and you see no one around, that is a problem.

    When you get DDOsed... that is a problem.

    These are NOT problems WE as players need to record and prove. This is something RARE needs to FIX on their own.

    that one is a hit reg issue which has been around a long time and doesn't have anything to do with cheating

    Again, this is a RARE issue, not a player issue.

  • @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    Again, this is a RARE issue, not a player issue.

    Players are deciding to turn on each other over frustrating game play. Frustrations are understandable, accusing people of things because of those frustrations does damage to the environment, doesn't help anything.

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