PVP Server Alliance Exploit

  • Just watched two ships take down a single ship on Twitch. Both of the Guardian crews got rep for the win against the single Reaper. I see this as a big opportunity for server alliances to exploit wins. Here's the scenario, multiple ships on a server flying the same allegiance, set the War Map to passive. Then they just sit and wait for a single ship to pop up from the waves. It's not a guaranteed win, but it definitely creates an unfair advantage for the server alliance.

    Rep should only be given to crews that have been matched up.

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  • I ran into 3 ships doing that...

    It did not end good for... one of us... Had a 5 streak too. Kind of annoying but it is fine as long as it is not specifically done on discord.

  • It shouldn’t be possible at all, imo. Why bother matching up the same ship types for balance when you’re going to allow other ships in the arena at the same time? That’s not balance, that’s stupid.

  • Glad people are slowly realizing this. At first I saw videos all about “poor alliance servers not gonna work”

    Yet they forgot about the “hunters” vs “defenders”

  • There are many different types of alliance servers. Some more scummy than others. I believe the one I used to play with views this play style as cheating and don't plan on allowing it on their servers. Considering it goes against the spirit of the mode I imagine if the victims look at recent players they can report all of the names that took parent in the event. Plus if it was on twitch they have a recording to submit. Though I see people claiming they have seen it on twitch yet no one is linking a clip to it happening.

    Unlike alliance servers farming PvE which Rare unofficially supports I can't imagine they would condone this as this actually impacts players experience while PvE grinding alliances just speed up the gold and rep gains for everyone.

    Similarly when an alliance member sinks a skeleton ship everyone in the alliance gets credit for the sink. So I imagine this system works the same way. They could technically be sailing around doing their own thing and still be getting credit. But its faster and more efficient for them to 5v1 a ship.

  • I imagine it will happen eventually but a lot of the alliance server players aren't great at PvP so in a lot of these scenarios is purely a numbers game. There are some amazing players out there who could probably win the 5v1 just sink 1 ship at a time. Even if if you die a few times figuring out which crew has the weakest members pick them off 1st. Though they would need the supplies to manage that but I think the more serious pvpers are getting pretty well stocked to go on streaks anyway.

    Only allowing rep for people who match up would mean no rep for sinking a ship on a streak which would make their map marker revealing their location pointless. Similarly it would ruin the chance encounters you might have while in que if you run into a ship of the opposing faction so sinking them wouldn't give you anything either. Removing the alliance system from the game is the only potential solution but the alliance system has been a huge positive thing for the game so this (hopefully) brief period of people exploiting will be dealt with and will be an even more rare occurrence.

  • A couple issues will come from this strategy, 1, it will keep boosting their mmr until they find an enemy that they cant deal with, and leave them with a high mmr, and it will take people forever to gain rep that way since only 1 invading ship can pop up per server to my understanding.

    As well, the other day when a reaper came after me, then got invaded by some one else, we both fought, and only the person who invaded got any rep, i got nothing from it other than aim practice.

  • @goldsmen Yes... but then you just rotate in someone else with low MMR I imagine the que time for higher MMR will be longer so in theory having the bait ship always be someones alt account and they can just keep deleting that pirate over and over again to maintain a low MMR.

  • @magus104 said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    @goldsmen Yes... but then you just rotate in someone else with low MMR I imagine the que time for higher MMR will be longer so in theory having the bait ship always be someones alt account and they can just keep deleting that pirate over and over again to maintain a low MMR.

    We dont really know the fine detail of their mmr system, all we know is that it is based on wins/losses, and it averages the crews mmr together. But i can imagine abusing the system in a number of ways will probably be punishable in the future like on other games.

  • Tools not rules, this isn't arena. You're in Adventure now.

    Remember all those times you sank someone that didn't want to fight. Karma.

  • Bearing in mind that in order for an alliance server to do this, they actually have to have everyone on their ships want to do this at the same time.
    Which is very unlikely.

    They would have one person on one ship asking to do this, and everyone else would say no, because they only thing they want to do that day is grind FotD, world events, or voyages for whichever faction, and say that if the ship their on switches to anything else, they're just going to leave.

  • @pithyrumble said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    Tools not rules, this isn't arena. You're in Adventure now.

    Remember all those times you sank someone that didn't want to fight. Karma.

    How does "remember all those times you sank to someone that didnt want to fight" even belong in this thread when people are abusing it by literally opting in to be attacked?

    I have encounteted this few times already also, when I go for offensive on a sloop and there is a galleon in the area tag teaming with a ship that im supposed to fight with.

    I was even approached by a ship in the same faction as I asking to do that.

    This clearly doesnt only go against the spirit of the new system as it makes mmr irrelevant. This is borderline cheating.

  • @magus104 said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    Though I see people claiming they have seen it on twitch yet no one is linking a clip to it happening.

    I didn't upload a clip, but you can check out Phuzzybond's Twitch stream today (11/23) if you need proof. He ran into another Guardian brig at an outpost as they were being invaded. Phuzzy helped the brig sink the invading Reaper. Both Phuzzy and the other Guardian crew got rep from the sink.

    This was an organic encounter and I don't fault Phuzzy for the sink, but it shows proof of concept.

  • @papatankers2041 said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    @pithyrumble said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    Tools not rules, this isn't arena. You're in Adventure now.

    Remember all those times you sank someone that didn't want to fight. Karma.

    How does "remember all those times you sank to someone that didnt want to fight" even belong in this thread when people are abusing it by literally opting in to be attacked?

    I have encounteted this few times already also, when I go for offensive on a sloop and there is a galleon in the area tag teaming with a ship that im supposed to fight with.

    I was even approached by a ship in the same faction as I asking to do that.

    This clearly doesnt only go against the spirit of the new system as it makes mmr irrelevant. This is borderline cheating.


  • @the-old-soul800 said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    Bearing in mind that in order for an alliance server to do this, they actually have to have everyone on their ships want to do this at the same time.
    Which is very unlikely.

    They would have one person on one ship asking to do this, and everyone else would say no, because they only thing they want to do that day is grind FotD, world events, or voyages for whichever faction, and say that if the ship their on switches to anything else, they're just going to leave.

    You are forgetting about the fact that Sea Of Bones is full off cool cosmetics including the most requested 2 curses of all time.

    Alliance server players WILL want those. In fact, they will be excited to get them easier.

    I encountered 2 alliance servers as of now. It will only go up.

  • @thorumsu said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    @the-old-soul800 said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    Bearing in mind that in order for an alliance server to do this, they actually have to have everyone on their ships want to do this at the same time.
    Which is very unlikely.

    They would have one person on one ship asking to do this, and everyone else would say no, because they only thing they want to do that day is grind FotD, world events, or voyages for whichever faction, and say that if the ship their on switches to anything else, they're just going to leave.

    You are forgetting about the fact that Sea Of Bones is full off cool cosmetics including the most requested 2 curses of all time.

    Alliance server players WILL want those. In fact, they will be excited to get them easier.

    I encountered 2 alliance servers as of now. It will only go up.

    While true, once mmr balances out they are going to hit a wall and start seeing matches that they cant win even when numbers heavily favour them.

    This is only day 2 and this method is already gaining popularity. If this goes even larger scale then rare might actually start seeing alliance servers as a problem and actively seek action against them.

    This might just be one of the if not the most well recieved updates in games history and I hope that rare wont let alliance servers ruin it.

  • @papatankers2041 said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    @thorumsu said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    @the-old-soul800 said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    Bearing in mind that in order for an alliance server to do this, they actually have to have everyone on their ships want to do this at the same time.
    Which is very unlikely.

    They would have one person on one ship asking to do this, and everyone else would say no, because they only thing they want to do that day is grind FotD, world events, or voyages for whichever faction, and say that if the ship their on switches to anything else, they're just going to leave.

    You are forgetting about the fact that Sea Of Bones is full off cool cosmetics including the most requested 2 curses of all time.

    Alliance server players WILL want those. In fact, they will be excited to get them easier.

    I encountered 2 alliance servers as of now. It will only go up.

    While true, once mmr balances out they are going to hit a wall and start seeing matches that they cant win even when numbers heavily favour them.

    This is only day 2 and this method is already gaining popularity. If this goes even larger scale then rare might actually start seeing alliance servers as a problem and actively seek action against them.

    This might just be one of the if not the most well recieved updates in games history and I hope that rare wont let alliance servers ruin it.

    They can just switch up crews.

    When they are all "sweat levels", they can just tank a few matches and make a server alliance again.

    Yes, this may seem like too much effort for those guys but remember, Alliance servers will want to have titles like this in LFG,


    A lot of people are mad about the fact that you can't PVE the 2 new factions already. Even passive mode requires you to sink ships. Alliance servers WILL use this to their advantage. And maybe make a penny or two.

  • @jester1027 said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    Rep should only be given to crews that have been matched up.


  • @goldsmen said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    A couple issues will come from this strategy, 1, it will keep boosting their mmr until they find an enemy that they cant deal with, and leave them with a high mmr, and it will take people forever to gain rep that way since only 1 invading ship can pop up per server to my understanding.

    But they will be invaded quicker as they have four potential targets. Instead of waiting 20 or so minutes for the next one after they sink the one that invaded ship #1, there could be a ship invading #2 in just a few.

    As well, the other day when a reaper came after me, then got invaded by some one else, we both fought, and only the person who invaded got any rep, i got nothing from it other than aim practice.

    That seems to be how it's supposed to work, perhaps OP saw it wrong ?

  • @pithyrumble said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    Tools not rules, this isn't arena. You're in Adventure now.

    Remember all those times you sank someone that didn't want to fight. Karma.

    If they didn't want to fight, they shouldn't have started up a PvPvE game, but you know that...

  • @lem0n-curry said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    @pithyrumble said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    Tools not rules, this isn't arena. You're in Adventure now.

    Remember all those times you sank someone that didn't want to fight. Karma.

    If they didn't want to fight, they shouldn't have started up a PvPvE game, but you know that...

    Yep. And if you don't wanna fight you really shouldn't hit that hourglass...

  • @pithyrumble said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    @lem0n-curry said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    @pithyrumble said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    Tools not rules, this isn't arena. You're in Adventure now.

    Remember all those times you sank someone that didn't want to fight. Karma.

    If they didn't want to fight, they shouldn't have started up a PvPvE game, but you know that...

    Hitting that hourglass should pit you against one other crew.

    You can't start fights when you're close to an opposing crew, guess that should be changed to cannot enter fights or be invaded while close to another ship with any allegiance.

    The argument that PvE Alliance servers use that they're not bothering others with their PvE grind, just went out the window BTW.

  • When this happen, don't try to win it all, aim at sinking one ship. Even if they aren't actually matched against you, it will merge them out of the server.
    That will force them to go through the process of setting up another alliance server.

  • @grog-minto said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    When this happen, don't try to win it all, aim at sinking one ship. Even if they aren't actually matched against you, it will merge them out of the server.
    That will force them to go through the process of setting up another alliance server.

    Thats actually very good suggestion. Didnt think of that

  • @grog-minto said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    When this happen, don't try to win it all, aim at sinking one ship. Even if they aren't actually matched against you, it will merge them out of the server.
    That will force them to go through the process of setting up another alliance server.

    The 2 alliance servers I landed on had my actual oppponent waiting in the back while "the fleet" guarded them. It seems this IS a way to get free wins.

  • @thorumsu they will most likely win yes. But any ship that has activated it's hourglass will be merged on a sink regardless if it was actually matched against you or not.

  • @grog-minto said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    @thorumsu they will most likely win yes. But any ship that has activated it's hourglass will be merged on a sink regardless if it was actually matched against you or not.

    They were not opt in. That is the weird part. As if they were just grinding wins for that one boat.

  • @thorumsu oh yeah then obviously this doesn't work in that situation.

    That's seems like a huge commitment in order to give free wins to a friend. :0

    At best it's like 3 sinks an hour. Even with a lot of loot on board and streaks, getting to lvl 100 is gonna take a lot of time...

  • @grog-minto said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    @thorumsu oh yeah then obviously this doesn't work in that situation.

    That's seems like a huge commitment in order to give free wins to a friend. :0

    At best it's like 3 sinks an hour. Even with a lot of loot on board and streaks, getting to lvl 100 is gonna take a lot of time...

    With a good enough streak... The reputation and the gold you get is insane. Like, it acutally gets crazy.

  • @magus104 but the game has matchmade the invading ship against one of the alliance as an attempt at relatively balanced fight.....harsh

  • Pretty certain this mechanic follows the "tools not rules" philosophy. Same as server hopping Reapers greifing Tall Tale ships to get some sort of kick out of it. Rare won't do anything to stop it, because "tools not rules". And now maybe PvPers will understand where PvEers have been coming from...

  • @mrat13 said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    Pretty certain this mechanic follows the "tools not rules" philosophy. Same as server hopping Reapers greifing Tall Tale ships to get some sort of kick out of it. Rare won't do anything to stop it, because "tools not rules". And now maybe PvPers will understand where PvEers have been coming from...

    Unfortunately I agree. Rare has said they specifically want the option for other crews to third party these fights. So they aren’t going to “patch” this but I personally think it is unsportsmanlike to lure people into traps. It is bad etiquette and it should be highly discouraged by the community. Natural third part, or even 4th or 5th party encounters are ok because everyone is fighting one another. Tag teaming is not ok.

  • @mrat13 said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    Pretty certain this mechanic follows the "tools not rules" philosophy. Same as server hopping Reapers greifing Tall Tale ships to get some sort of kick out of it. Rare won't do anything to stop it, because "tools not rules". And now maybe PvPers will understand where PvEers have been coming from...

    The two situations are not the same. One is a natural part of the game and the other is a flat out exploit.

  • @lem0n-curry said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    @goldsmen said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    A couple issues will come from this strategy, 1, it will keep boosting their mmr until they find an enemy that they cant deal with, and leave them with a high mmr, and it will take people forever to gain rep that way since only 1 invading ship can pop up per server to my understanding.

    But they will be invaded quicker as they have four potential targets. Instead of waiting 20 or so minutes for the next one after they sink the one that invaded ship #1, there could be a ship invading #2 in just a few.

    As well, the other day when a reaper came after me, then got invaded by some one else, we both fought, and only the person who invaded got any rep, i got nothing from it other than aim practice.

    That seems to be how it's supposed to work, perhaps OP saw it wrong ?

    They might get invaded quicker, but im pretty sure it does only give rep to the 2 paired up, which means you are waiting for it to be your turn each time.

  • @goldsmen said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    @lem0n-curry said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    @goldsmen said in PVP Server Alliance Exploit:

    A couple issues will come from this strategy, 1, it will keep boosting their mmr until they find an enemy that they cant deal with, and leave them with a high mmr, and it will take people forever to gain rep that way since only 1 invading ship can pop up per server to my understanding.

    But they will be invaded quicker as they have four potential targets. Instead of waiting 20 or so minutes for the next one after they sink the one that invaded ship #1, there could be a ship invading #2 in just a few.

    As well, the other day when a reaper came after me, then got invaded by some one else, we both fought, and only the person who invaded got any rep, i got nothing from it other than aim practice.

    That seems to be how it's supposed to work, perhaps OP saw it wrong ?

    They might get invaded quicker, but im pretty sure it does only give rep to the 2 paired up, which means you are waiting for it to be your turn each time.

    I could be wrong, but I don't think that's how it works. I watched Phuzzybond yesterday get rep for helping another brig sink an invading Reaper. The Reaper wasn't matched to Phuzzy and he still got credit for the sink. I wonder if it has to do with participation in the fight, like when you help another crew finish an event, meg, kraken, fort, etc.

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