im bad in close combat (controller xbox)

  • close combat in sot feels really weird for me cause in other games like halo where i have an accuracy between 55-70% im really bad in sot when it comes to close combat, maybe it feels so weird cause sot have no aim assist for controller player?. yesterday a two man sloop just wrecked me , they doubled gunned with an accuracy on 100% stunning skill but now im ask me how can i get better,is doublegunning possible with a pad ? or do those players using a keyboard n mouse? (i play on xbox only server) maybe someone have a tipp how to set up the series elite controller 2 for sot?

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  • @da-german420 why shouldn't double gunning not be possible on a pad?

    On the backpaddles I have A for jumping, X for interacting...I rarely use more than 2

    I got a chatpad attached to the controller for more keybindings, but that doesn't work on XBox servers

  • @schwammlgott sagte in im bad in close combat (controller xbox):

    @da-german420 why shouldn't double gunning not be possible on a pad?


  • Its a lost fight vs pc

  • @tossico94 sagte in im bad in close combat (controller xbox):

    Its a lost fight vs pc

    Man on man fights...mostly yes
    Everything else (shipfights for example), no

  • Practice Practice Practice!! I used to be the same. Try and get with a PVP server and just practice. Set your server controls to xbox controller only and that should help with the competition.

  • @schwammlgott said in im bad in close combat (controller xbox):

    @da-german420 why shouldn't double gunning not be possible on a pad?

    On the backpaddles I have A for jumping, X for interacting...I rarely use more than 2

    I got a chatpad attached to the controller for more keybindings, but that doesn't work on XBox servers

    Mostly the issue is that the meta is bunny hopping and and facerolling wasd to break hitreg even more. Can't really faceroll wasd with a joystick.

    It really needs a rework because it's obnoxious and overly gamey.

  • @scheneighnay sagte in im bad in close combat (controller xbox):

    @schwammlgott said in im bad in close combat (controller xbox):

    @da-german420 why shouldn't double gunning not be possible on a pad?

    On the backpaddles I have A for jumping, X for interacting...I rarely use more than 2

    I got a chatpad attached to the controller for more keybindings, but that doesn't work on XBox servers

    Mostly the issue is that the meta is bunny hopping and and facerolling wasd to break hitreg even more. Can't really faceroll wasd with a joystick.

    It really needs a rework because it's obnoxious and overly gamey.

    You can bunnyhop with an elite controller, put jumping on a backpaddle, like I did...
    Faceroll wasd? Is that this weird underwater moving?

  • @da-german420 Hey friend! I play controller on mixed servers as well - this is due to accessibility with my hands, controller is much easier for me to deal with over m+k.

    A few tips that I've learned:

    • Remap your controller - e.g. I have food on Y, throwables on Up d-pad and interact/weapons switch on right stick push - this means I don't have to move my fingers much in battle to switch weapons and also means if I am double gunning it's a faster switch between them.
    • Play around with your settings for sensitivity and weapon sensitivity and find what suits you and feels smoother and more reactive.
    • Practice - you'll get killed, but if you don't try you don't improve.

    Don't get me wrong, I am in NO WAY a top-tier PvPer with hand to hand and my strength is naval, and I am fortunate enough to sail in a crew so my role is cannon/bilge as compared to my m+k crew I am the weakest hand to hand PvPer, but these tips have helped me get better.

    Also, check out Saika - she is a VERY good controller user over on Twitch.

    Hope this helps!

  • I propose to finally fix the weapon swap on controller / enviroment interaction after 4 years.

    It's pathetic trying to swap weapon but being denied by game opening the average storage crate on deck and cannon reload instead.

    (Y interaction)

  • @tossico94 sagte in im bad in close combat (controller xbox):

    I propose to finally fix the weapon swap on controller / enviroment interaction after 4 years.

    It's pathetic trying to swap weapon but being denied by game opening the average storage crate on deck and cannon reload instead.

    (Y interaction)

    This happened less than 5 times in my over 3000 hours of playing...just watch out where you put your crates

  • @schwammlgott

    Then looks like u avoided pvp in 3000 hours.

  • @tossico94 sagte in im bad in close combat (controller xbox):


    Then looks like u avoided pvp in 3000 hours.

    Mostly I avoid it, but that's not the reason for this...on my ship they don’t stand in the way, borders don’t come far most times and bording others is my crews job, not really often they have this issue

  • @tossico94 that is beyond wrong I started on a one s and sunk and kill many pc players in arena or tdms its a matter of skill m&k vs controller isn't everything

  • I use a normal controller on Xbox servers and crossplay servers and you can 100% use a cutlass/gun loadout or double gun load out just fine on controller. You do need to tweak things like sensitivity so that it is more comfortable.

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