This game is absolutely fantastic, if you're not playing solo... This game seriously needs some kind of Solo or private servers.

  • @m1ke-da-1ke You noticed how Arena isn't a thing anymore, right? Because it ate up too many resources without a significant net gain for Rare, as well as the amount of reports of toxicity from the game mode? There's your answer: they aren't going to put a lot of effort into anything at the moment that doesn't give significant gains, and the few players doing Tall Tales currently that can't get them done with checkpoints and whatnot is so small as to not even be on their radar, especially not to create an entire new game-mode or "passive mode" functionality.

  • @maximusarael020 said in This game is absolutely fantastic, if you're not playing solo... This game seriously needs some kind of Solo or private servers.:

    Another tip I learned (and anyone correct me if not true) is that the streaks of light that come up from a Reaper's Chest are multicolored when there are fewer players on a server, but turn Gold when there at least 4 ships on the server. So check for that to see if the server is too populated for your liking.

    The streaks of light on Reaper Chests have nothing to do with how many ships are on the server. They indicate the type of reaper chest that is present. Gold streaks are for the chest that gives gold and the multicoloured streaks are from the chest that gives doubloons. Their emblem on the map table is also an indicator. A gold skull is for the gold chest and a red skull is for the doubloon chest.

  • @vakrisone Thanks for the clarification! I think it was Fuzzy that had that in one of his videos. Oh well.

    Still plenty of ways to look for how active the server is!

  • @vakrisone Ah this is where I got it from. And I guess it is 3 ships, not 4.

    If the first clip doesn't work, it's the section on "Server Ship Count" starting at about 1:25 in this video.

  • @m1ke-da-1ke why did I finish all tall tales, made ALL commendations, in a time, where checkpoints wasn't a thing and crews were more hostile than today and had no such issues...maybe got attacked 2 or 3 times...

    Get yourself a decent crew and do the tall tales with one can watch the horizon for other ships

  • @m1ke-da-1ke Rare has stated this game will always remain the way it is. I honestly Don't understand why people care if someone can unlock the same cosmetics without having to PvP... Like who honestly cares? Is it really that big of a deal if someone has to play longer to get the cosmetics? That's literally all we are talking about here is hours to unlock X cosmetics. The cosmetics that held and form of status symbol were from arena and they deleted that mode because they never added more cosmetics to earn so surprise everyone quit (over simplified version, there were a lot more issues than just lack of reward)

    Be thankful you at least have check points here. Those didn't exist for like a year or so? Tall tales, in terms of reputation and currency, are very unrewarding, they are all about the story with a weak amount of gold as a "reward" at the end. So being attacked when you're in the middle of some of the most unrewarding content in the game definitely feels even worse than being attacked by a 3 or 4 man crew. In the very least if they aren't going to give PvE servers for the casuals then give a sloop only server option. It's never going to happen though having the variety of ship types on a server is one of their foundational values for the game. Just like "Every ship you see will be a player, we will never add AI controlled ships"... well... about that last bit though...

  • @maximusarael020 said in This game is absolutely fantastic, if you're not playing solo... This game seriously needs some kind of Solo or private servers.:

    @vakrisone Ah this is where I got it from. And I guess it is 3 ships, not 4.

    If the first clip doesn't work, it's the section on "Server Ship Count" starting at about 1:25 in this video.

    I see what he means. Basically using the yellow chest spawn to confirm that at least 2 other ships are on the server.

  • @crowedhunter Your outfit is ugly, you are bad at doublegunning. Now to the depths with you. And its GINGER prince, you sausage.

  • I do agree. If I was playing among other solo sloopers it would be so much more exciting. Rather than "Oh another brigantine here to sink me, might as well log out now and go watch Netflix"

    The solo sloopers I've come across in game 90% of the time they just want to chat and enjoy each others company.

    Let's see brig crewmates try to solo sloop they'd be in circles

  • Honestly i dont think your encounter rate is so high. you state multiple times that u could do multiple Tall Tales without an encounter. This means u have multiple hours of gameplay without any ship annoying you. But when you do get sunk, u tend to bash with your head through the wall, instead of backing off and trying somewhere else (with eg.: Server hop, or close/open the tall tale again).

    Personally I never experience something like u desribe, not at that rate. Imo its very easy possible to be left alone for hours.

    Like some others pointed out though: It helps if you take precautions. CHeck the server when logging in, check for world events (always good if there are some, so people will leave you alone), and check for enemy reaper ships on the map, as well as emissaries on the according tables, and also: Check for incoming ships. You describe you never do that, but then get annoyed by people attacking and sinking you. The best way to avoid an attack is to have an eye out on the sea, and to react quickly. Its a mutliplayer PvP game after all.
    If you do get hunted though, dont try to force it, especially when solo slooping, since you will have a hard time. Solo sloop is the game`s hard mode.
    If you get hunted: scuttle and Relog / redo the Talltale.

  • @m1ke-da-1ke How about get good buttercup. Or if you don't like it don't play. Adapt or die. Solo Slooping is honestly OP right now with the fast respawn and how hard it is to get your mast knocked. Instead of complaining about people constantly fighting you why not fight back. As with everyone else. Nowhere does it say the game is for pure pve. Hell even the developers stated that part of the reason tall tale's aren't instanced is so that upon doing them multiple times they are more organic because other players can, will, and do interrupt your tale thus adding to the adventure. You will never get your special little private solo server so learn to deal with it or go play a different game.

  • Alright, this kind of thread deserves an award: Being the most depressing forum thread to read on the SoT Forums, hands down.

    To lighten the mood of this topic though, I think it's fair to say that no matter what comms you're using, players are just gonna keep attacking you because they simply can. Some crews are merciful, but a lot of them aren't. Tall Talers, loot or no loot, are ridiculously easy targets to attack because there's no real distinction from them to other players simply in the main game loop of piracy.

    The solution, while the easiest, no brainer idea anyone could come up with. I think there is a reason why 95% of the tall tales have you progress in the main world. It helps keep the servers populated, not just with ships with something to steal from, but average passersby trying to uncover a mystery. It makes the world dynamic and not all about getting treasure and turning it in like some intensive game of Capture the Flag.

    Your frustrations can be written off as bad luck, sure, but it is more of a sign that situations like this need prevention instead of relying on the good faith of the playerbase. Most players are brutalized like children whipped by their parents at a young age and just dish out the pain they were given, all for the sake of a pirate fantasy.

    Alternatively, you're not the only one going on these special adventures. Grabbing a decent sized crew will help you get ready for ridiculous fights, make stocking things up a little easier, and can even give you a chance to talk about the events you just witnessed during the tall tales. I promise you, if you can ask people on Xbox LFG, these forums or a decent chatting platform, you'll get people just as interested in tackling these story quests, and maybe, just maybe, they'll come with a little fighting spirit to help defend you.

  • @crowedhunter said in This game is absolutely fantastic, if you're not playing solo... This game seriously needs some kind of Solo or private servers.:

    @cptnpotbeard Dude, why are you coming out of nowhere just to be so mean? "Adapt or die"? You talk about a video game like Light Yagami eats chips.

    I'll take a banana.... AND CRONCH IT

  • @cptnpotbeard said in This game is absolutely fantastic, if you're not playing solo... This game seriously needs some kind of Solo or private servers.:

    @m1ke-da-1ke How about get good buttercup. Or if you don't like it don't play. Adapt or die. Solo Slooping is honestly OP right now with the fast respawn and how hard it is to get your mast knocked. Instead of complaining about people constantly fighting you why not fight back. As with everyone else. Nowhere does it say the game is for pure pve. Hell even the developers stated that part of the reason tall tale's aren't instanced is so that upon doing them multiple times they are more organic because other players can, will, and do interrupt your tale thus adding to the adventure. You will never get your special little private solo server so learn to deal with it or go play a different game.

    Sheesh, this is not how you want to approach a new player who is giving their honest-to-god effort and patience just to do some tall tales. Having issues with "faster respawns" and "harder to knock down mast" speaks to me that you are not great at fighting solos that are capable of defending themselves. This is not at all the scenario to even mention combat issues when the issue with the OP is the hostility of other players and the inability to start/finish a tall tale without server hopping for safety, taking away quite the amount of time for simply trying to complete a low/no-risk quest. In a lot of cases for people short on time, fighting, especially with nothing to gain should they strive to win, is a fight not worth having.

  • When it comes to trolls spawn killing you or intentionally trying to stop you from doing a tall tale, rare already sees it as a serious issue and has a solution for it, if you check HERE you will find all the info you need to report people for toxic behavior, word of advice, record the event, because rare does not ban on word alone, they need evidence.

  • @maximusarael020 said in This game is absolutely fantastic, if you're not playing solo... This game seriously needs some kind of Solo or private servers.:

    Another tip I learned (and anyone correct me if not true) is that the streaks of light that come up from a Reaper's Chest are multicolored when there are fewer players on a server, but turn Gold when there at least 4 ships on the server.

    I think it's that if a Reaper's Chest or Bounty is spawned on the server, that server has at least 3 ships on it. Whether it's the Chest (red/green) or the Bounty (gold) is determined randomly.

  • @d3adst1ck

    Yeah, it was from a Phuzzy Bond video. I linked it earlier in this thread. From what Phuzzy was saying it seems like the Reapers Bounty will only spawn on servers with at least 3 ships?

    But you're saying either the Reapers Bounty or Reapers Chest won't spawn unless there are 3 ships on the server?

    I have no idea, I was just going based off of what Phuzzy said. Sorry if I have the wrong information! I always appreciate a clarification.

  • Without trying to sound callous, blasé and condescending to your post, you pay your money and takes your chances as my family would say. You roll those dice and see what happens. Some sessions will take you to the highest highs, others to the lowest lows. It's all part and parcel of the SoT experience. I say this as a solo slooper myself, so I get it.

    Also... no to private servers, it goes against the whole ethos of the game. Nice try though.

  • In my opinion, for PVE purposes they could try an experiment where you can only play as Solo sloop and other ships in the server would be replaced by skelleton ships and spawn rates of skellie ships,krakens,megs would get increased.
    Those extra 4 skelly ships would shoot the player on sight.

    I think satisfies everyone. Otherwise solo sloop servers would be appreciated. Nobody wants to 1v4 a galleon or 1v3 a brig. People who do are streamers and you probably know their gamertag and watch their videos.

  • I play solo rather often to progress in commendations. Sell often if you care about loot, keep an eye out for reapers and what not and if you really wanna be careful you don't even have to raise a emissary at all to avoid detection..

    Its' playing for sure for solo's, I don't recommend doing any of the bigger PvE events however since those takes time and time isn't on your side when you are solo. No way you can beat a full Galleon crew if they roll up on you.

  • @nex-stargaze said in This game is absolutely fantastic, if you're not playing solo... This game seriously needs some kind of Solo or private servers.:

    @cptnpotbeard said in This game is absolutely fantastic, if you're not playing solo... This game seriously needs some kind of Solo or private servers.:

    @m1ke-da-1ke How about get good buttercup. Or if you don't like it don't play. Adapt or die. Solo Slooping is honestly OP right now with the fast respawn and how hard it is to get your mast knocked. Instead of complaining about people constantly fighting you why not fight back. As with everyone else. Nowhere does it say the game is for pure pve. Hell even the developers stated that part of the reason tall tale's aren't instanced is so that upon doing them multiple times they are more organic because other players can, will, and do interrupt your tale thus adding to the adventure. You will never get your special little private solo server so learn to deal with it or go play a different game.

    Sheesh, this is not how you want to approach a new player who is giving their honest-to-god effort and patience just to do some tall tales. Having issues with "faster respawns" and "harder to knock down mast" speaks to me that you are not great at fighting solos that are capable of defending themselves. This is not at all the scenario to even mention combat issues when the issue with the OP is the hostility of other players and the inability to start/finish a tall tale without server hopping for safety, taking away quite the amount of time for simply trying to complete a low/no-risk quest. In a lot of cases for people short on time, fighting, especially with nothing to gain should they strive to win, is a fight not worth having.

    Lol I play solo most of the time and can sink Gally's. Hence why I have no sympathy for people complaining about solo slooping being hard. Also I don't like people who complain about pvp in a game that clearly states it's a shared open world adventure where any type of interaction can occur. It's almost like they do zero research into the game and are just like oh some story, that looks nice, then complain the moment someone sinks they because they didn't bother to do the research to realize this isn't some story mode pve game. It's a PvPvE shared world sandbox.

    I do think most of the fault lies with rare and the completely unnecessary second start mode for pirates life that makes new players believe they will end up on a server just for stories. That feature should be removed because all it does is cause confusion for new players who think that if they Select Pirate's life instead of adventure they will be in some sort of passive story mode. But yeah, I lost my patience for people crying about pvp in this game years ago, especially since the sole reason I ever pre ordered and purchased the game almost 5 years ago was for the sole purpose of having an amazing naval combat game with pirates. People need to do their research or just adapt. This game will never have a pve mode. Dev's have stated that multiple times over the years. So to have people constantly ask for it get's real old because if they weren't so lazy and did some research they would understand that, instead of every new player coming and making the same complaint threads every time they get sunk.

  • Ahoy!

    The team have semi-recently given their thoughts on the topic of PvPvE and discussed it in an official Podcast here.

    There is also a thread for Custom servers here.

    Sea of Thieves will always be a shared world adventure game, with elements of both PvP and PvE but Joe did speak about Custom Servers about a year ago. These servers will not offer Gold or progression IF they become available to the public. Private Servers are still being tested with our Partners.

    Dropping anchor on this now.

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