Inquiry for gameplay

  • I'm going to make this less of a rant as possible. But is it appropriate for an entire server to gang up on 1 galleon ship that only had 2 players with open roll that no other players were joining in? I was with 1 random player who was assisting in increasing order of souls and multiple ships came at us. Me and the player knew there wasn't anyway to get away because of their faster ship and our lesser crew. We agreed to surrender and keep the skulls with our ship and they were paid everything else. At least 200k gold from all the captain chests and ghost chests we had. However, they and their other ships just sunk us and killed us and took the skulls. What is the ethical gaming rule when an entire server teams up against a 2 man crew that is understaffed on a galleon?

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  • I would also wish to point out that they even added our "ship" to the alliance and told us they had gotten the other server players to join them in game voice chat. If I'm not mistaken that is close to border line monopoly of the server. Any lesser me would think this is bullying but this is in fact a pirate game, however there are some margins that shouldn't be crossed due to ethical gameplay.

  • Were they supposed to stop and ask if you were under-crewed? You're in a galleon, the fastest ship in the game. Is it appropriate what they did? Absolutely. You had treasure, they wanted it, they caught you. They had made an alliance. Having a "server monopoly" is just fine. Not against rules, code, decorum, anything.

    It's rough not getting enough people in open crew, but that's the chance you take. They didn't do anything wrong.

  • But is it appropriate for an entire server to gang up on 1 galleon ship that only had 2 players with open roll that no other players were joining in?

    How are other players suppose to know, this Big giant of a beast with fire power to sink majority of the smaller ships and out number them, only powered by two pirates? seems to be a problem for the pirates who set sail without establishing a full crew.

    What is the ethical gaming rule when an entire server teams up against a 2 man crew that is understaffed on a galleon?

    With how Galleons tend to always chase down sloops because of there size and mostly they are solo (some see that as easy kill) It understandable they would gang up on a galleon. again, how they gonna know it only two players & the galleon set sail without preparing.

    I would also wish to point out that they even added our "ship" to the alliance and told us they had gotten the other server players to join them in game voice chat.

    How did "they add" you to an alliance? Did you not have a flag up yourself...seems to me you simply got betrayed. Alliances like these happen.

  • There are rules and we are obligated to abide by them to retain access but there isn't much that is ethical out there, everyone consented to the environment but not everyone is on the same page and we all know everyone isn't on the same page.

    There are gentlepirates but no obligations to be one or to meet expectations

    all you can do is minimize losses by minimizing risk and be prepared for the worst.

    people try to spin it one way or another but people get to do what they want out there and a lot of the time it's not pretty when so many people are on different pages.

  • No ethical rules, other than the obvious stuff - yelling slurs and harassing people on a personal level - see SOT’s policies on that.

    Otherwise it’s PIRATE ETHICS.
    Steal from the strong.
    Steal from the weak!

    It’s a pirate cartoon game. It’s fun to watch a pile of pixels splinter and sink. To see cartoon pirates sink with their ship.

    It’s not personal. It’s role playing.

    Get out there and remember you’re a pirate.
    You can form alliances with other pirates, but Pirates are inherently untrustworthy.

    Watch literally any Pirate movie or read any book with pirates.
    Go read “Treasure Island” - one of the biggest influences on pirate storytelling. The pirates in that book lie about who they are. Take over a ship. Then turn on their captain when he himself shows weakness.

  • The only time Server alliances break the TOS is when they have donations for priority queues to get into sessions, anything else is fair game and especially in organic sessions this experience will vary as it's a balancing act of wanting to get the most out of the session if others are legit willing and making sure you and them don't get betrayed from the start.

    In terms of ethics as long as they were not being toxic ie spewing all manner or nonsense in text and voice then its expected to get into combat from the moment you load into the game regardless if you are alone or not whilst setting up a crew and ship size.

    Open crew is not the best way to find people, I recommend to hop into the official and community discords to find people to join and join on you for the region you are playing and to match up with what you and the crew want to do at the time better, best advice as well is get to know the captains of captained ships that you encounter the most across various sessions especially those you encounter more than others, higher chance of less issues when folks recognize each other on the seas and know what to expect.

  • ganging up on a perceived threat is the norm. I just got out of a 4 way fight (well soft 2v1v1 because we had an unofficial alliance with one crew) that all started because a reaper V went after 3 emissary ships in the same general area and we all dogpiled the reaper before one ship turned traitor.

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