General Encounter rates far too low

  • The Encounter rate for Megalodons and Skeleton ships is far too low in this current update. I haven’t encountered a meg or skeleton ship while sailing in various sessions lasting a few hours each! Please fix this Rare!

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  • @cyberguardian77
    I think the spawn rate is lower if you are not high lvl Emissary

  • The Encounter rate for Megalodons and Skeleton ships is far too low in this current update

    I say it better than last season. I’ve been kraken more times then last 5 months. It great!

  • @zyrkal said in General Encounter rates far too low:

    I think the spawn rate is lower if you are not high lvl Emissary

    I can't say I've heard this being a thing ever before, and certainly haven't felt an impact in game. I don't mean to be that guy, but for the sake of getting correct information out there, "got a source on that?"

  • @zyrkal said in General Encounter rates far too low:

    I think the spawn rate is lower if you are not high lvl Emissary

    Not the case, its pure RNG when it comes to the Megs and what one comes up and when as you sail around. When it comes to the skalleons/skloops you can just hunt them down around the map as there are a few here and there in most sessions and you can get others via the Fleet event that pops up if you are focusing the commendation down as well.

    Kraken will always have a chance to spawn in the 5min time between events if there is none active at the time and will spawn on any ship that is not docked at an island or outpost at the time.

  • Megaldons haven't been any rarer for me, have you been making sure you're traveling in open ocean after about an hour of playing/being logged in?

    There seems to be an hour grace period before you can get one to spawn (i've never had one spawn within an hour of logging in), and of course sailing next to any island, sea post, outpost, shipwreck, or unnamed random rock will prevent one spawning too, so if you travel a lot in the crowded areas of the map you'll be hitting lots of obstacles keeping one away

    for me though, at least personal experience, megs haven't been any less common. I've been managing to get at least 2 a day, sometimes i can get 3

    Also i never run emissary, and i doubt that has anything to do with spawn rates. For megs at least, loot on board definitely has nothing to do with spawn rates

  • @cyberguardian77
    I've seen the usual amount of both, though I haven't slain any megs lately as they keep popping up when I'm in combat with someone else.

  • And yet islands won't stop spawning skeletons, ghosts and ocean crawlers

  • It’s been like this since the conclusion of the Shrouded Deep adventure. I’m baffled on why Rare hasn’t even acknowledged that the spawn rates are bugged.

  • @sailorkek said in General Encounter rates far too low:

    And yet islands won't stop spawning skeletons, ghosts and ocean crawlers

    oof, yes. It seems like i just get spawns back to back to back of them. Phantoms after phantoms, then a skelly / ocean crawler combo, then more phantoms

    today even i was parked at a island during a storm doing some storm fishing, and i kept having phantoms spawn behind me. I'd shoot them all, go back to fishing, and not even 5 minutes later hear the sound of more spawning

  • @jynn-n-tonic said in General Encounter rates far too low:

    Megaldons haven't been any rarer for me, have you been making sure you're traveling in open ocean after about an hour of playing/being logged in?

    Yes, I am very sure. My sessions are usually ~3-4 hrs each...

  • That's what I thought too, the spawn rates of skele and megs were very very low for Season 6.

    Two days ago was solo sloop. Fort of Fortune with reaper 5 and I was loading up on supps while they finished fort. Left Ancient Spire, was skele shipped immediately. Sunk it and grabbed the loot and sailed towards crows nest (from barnacle cay), got skele shipped immediately again. Two within 8 minutes or so.

  • @burnbacon said in General Encounter rates far too low:

    The Encounter rate for Megalodons and Skeleton ships is far too low in this current update

    I say it better than last season. I’ve been kraken more times then last 5 months. It great!

    Lol, in the single week S7 is out now i have already been krakened 3 times...

    Didn't mind that, since i needed 3 more for my comendation, so i have that one completed now :-)

  • @super87ghost

    The Kraken encounter rate specifically does seem to be a bit higher, which I don't mind, but skoops and megalodons are definitely lower than they were. Would love to see this encounter rate boosted a bit again.

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