First voyage as a pirate legend

  • I hit 50 with my 3 factions and unlocked pirate legend today. I was so excited I immediately went to an outpost and bought a voyage. After 2-3 of killing skeletons, following clues, and digging up treasure, I was ready to head to an outpost to sell the loot and start on the cargo runs. And that's when the other sloop showed up. They chased me all across the map for another 2 hours or so. Every time I tried to hop off my sloop to sell a piece of loot, one of them launched himself out of a cannon to kill me before I even hit land. I eventually ran into some thick fog and tried to turn out to throw them off. Instead they hit my mast with a chainshot, boarded, and I alt+F4'd the instant he killed me with his blunderbomb spam. If this is what it's going to be like every time I run an Athena voyage then I feel like I just wasted all that time even getting there.

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  • 2-3 hours of killing skeletons, following clue maps, and digging up treasure is what I meant. I did all of this solo so everything took forever.

  • Do you wanna be a runner or do you do it as a reaction to the intensity?

    Running for long amounts of time is incredibly inefficient but it's something you can do if you want.

    Will it be like that every time? probably not as the environment is random so you will have peace and conflict at unpredictable times.

    Running for hours is going to slow things down.

    You never have to be a fighter and you can run but if you want the best chance at success within a session you'll need to work fast, sell regularly, and be able to accept when randomness has caused you a loss and move on quickly from it.

    To be a successful pver you will need to look at the environment as business not ego or fear driven reactions to the randomness of hostility and interaction.

    The quicker you move and move on the more consistent you will be, over time consistency leads to significant accomplishment.

    It's not fun to lose, it's not fun to deal with some of what you will see and deal with out there, but with efficiency and consistency while chasing personal goals you will get to a point where you will get done what you set out to do.

    How much you are willing to put up with is your own personal journey to figure out but you are capable if you decide to dedicate to it.

    I've done and seen a lot of things. I have a very significant amount of experience and I lose regularly. Sometimes multiple times in a row. Losses are as much of a part of my journey as they ever were, it's just business. I set my goals, factor in the risks, put in the effort, play efficiently and cash in on consistency. What people do or say out there is irrelevant to my goals. It can be that way for you if you want to approach it that way.

    You definitely have it in you to get through it.

  • @wolfmanbush said in First voyage as a pirate legend:

    Do you wanna be a runner or do you do it as a reaction to the intensity?

    I usually run just because 90% of the time I play solo and I'm not very good at pvp in really any game despite my best efforts to improve.

    Just getting all my rep to 50 I made it a point to sell regularly, avoid servers with reapers, and keep my ship well stocked with supplies. Before, I actually had no problem just outrunning the bigger ships or boarding and anchoring the sloops that chased, or even using the big brain moves like baiting chasers off with rowboats or harpoon turning around sharp corners, but the guys that chased me today were shooting me in the water well before I could even get to their ladder for a board and ignored my attempts at deception. Being a solo casual player, I don't think I can handle these kinds of people regularly trying to chase me, which is what makes me think Athena's might not be worth it.

  • @kit8tails2616 said in First voyage as a pirate legend:

    @wolfmanbush said in First voyage as a pirate legend:

    Do you wanna be a runner or do you do it as a reaction to the intensity?

    I usually run just because 90% of the time I play solo and I'm not very good at pvp in really any game despite my best efforts to improve.

    Just getting all my rep to 50 I made it a point to sell regularly, avoid servers with reapers, and keep my ship well stocked with supplies. Before, I actually had no problem just outrunning the bigger ships or boarding and anchoring the sloops that chased, or even using the big brain moves like baiting chasers off with rowboats or harpoon turning around sharp corners, but the guys that chased me today were shooting me in the water well before I could even get to their ladder for a board and ignored my attempts at deception. Being a solo casual player, I don't think I can handle these kinds of people regularly trying to chase me, which is what makes me think Athena's might not be worth it.

    have you tried doing the veil voyages? they are quicker and more lucrative

    If you do veil voyages you can sell as you go.

    Opponents are random and skill levels vary, their reactions vary, their strategies and interests/personalities vary so you never really know what you might run into.

    I know you play solo but if you decide at some point that you want to, we can do a veil quest together sometime. It's not a guaranteed win but it'll be alright.

    Another option is you can just bring me in if there is an issue and I can see what I can do to help if I'm around. This way you can play how you prefer and you can just have some back up if you want it at some point.

  • @wolfmanbush I wanted to try the veil voyages but from the trailer I saw for them they looked like they would take longer and be more of a pain than even the regular voyages. Plus, the giant tornado thing they spawn would almost certainly attract attention that I would definitely not be able to handle.

  • @kit8tails2616 said in First voyage as a pirate legend:

    @wolfmanbush I wanted to try the veil voyages but from the trailer I saw for them they looked like they would take longer and be more of a pain than even the regular voyages. Plus, the giant tornado thing they spawn would almost certainly attract attention that I would definitely not be able to handle.

    they level up the flag faster

    might be slow to start as you gain experience but it's a good way to get some valuable athena items that you can sell along the way.

    once you get the hang of them they really become routine

    some of the maps might be tough if you don't know islands well but I'm pretty sure people use online guides that help out with that.

    the tornado is intimidating in theory but it's easier on the sloop, smaller target and they miss a lot more. just sell everything before doing the last part and all you have to lose is a flag that you can put back up and try again.

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