Dev Team, focus on fixing PvPvE now that the season has extended.

  • Recently, I have encountered so many bugs while doing PvPvE.

    • Black Screens (EDIT): They happen randomly. I play on an SSD and have no frame issues or render problems. It seems to happen sometimes when doing PvP and you last longer to respawn than other moments in the same session.
    • HitReg
    • People abusing the double gun exploit (EDIT): It seems that if you have two guns and as soon as you shoot, you sprint, you can change and shoot with the other one at a fast rate.
    • Moments when shooting yourself with the cannon sends you to another place (EDIT): Example: Aiming to a point and launching in an horizontal angle instead of how it supposed to work.

    I think you should focus part of your efforts on fixing this game breaking bugs now that we have time for another season. I know they are really complex, but they will help players to keep playing.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Black screens and hit reg are tricky for Rare to deal with, hence why they still exist. Send a support ticket for your cannon bug, I personally have not encountered it recently.

    Please SPECIFY what you mean by 'double gun exploit'

  • @capt-pilotes these are all items that are already on the teams radar.

    Also not the whole company is working on season 7, there are multiple development teams within rare.i dont know the exact amount but to give you an idea:

    • team 1 works on featureset x
    • team 2 works on adventure 5
    • team 3 works on featureset y
    • team 4 works on adventure 6
    • team 5 R&D towards hit reg issues and possible fixes
    • team 6 general bug/issue fixing

    There are most likely more teams and more stuff being worked on or in a different flow

  • @capt-pilotes nope the season has extended because they are fixing the next season

  • @capt-pilotes said in Dev Team, focus on fixing PvP now that the season has extended.:

    Recently, I have encountered so many bugs while doing PvP.

    • Black Screens
    • HitReg
    • People abusing the double gun exploit
    • Moments when shooting yourself with the cannon sends you to another place

    I think you should focus part of your efforts on fixing this game breaking bugs now that we have time for another season. I know they are really complex, but they will help players to keep playing.

    Thanks in advance.

    Maybe if they had 10 weeks they could upgrade to Unreal 5 as well….

    … I suspect these sorts of things take much more time. Listen to the official podcasts they’ve done. They give a rough estimate on an overhaul of hitreg as taking maybe 2 years.

    They seem to be actively working on black screen and the like so there is hope.

  • Black Screens
    People abusing the double gun exploit
    Moments when shooting yourself with the cannon sends you to another place

    Most of these aren’t even PVP related. As they also affect pve. Maybe pvpve?

    Black screen can be easy as, server bug or better yet your machine is aging?

    Hitreg will always be a issue with any video game. I have yet to play a game where hitreg isn’t a problem.

    DG exploit, explain?

    Ah yes. The cannon fired me someplace else…not my aim could been off?

  • @burnbacon

    Black screen can be easy as, server bug or better yet your machine is aging?

    True. Someone's machine could be aging, but almost every other videogame out there doesn't have this bad of a problem with spawning you back into the game after dying or respawning. To say that the person making this post just shouldn't be complaining as this is THEIR problem, is stupid because the problem is Rare. Obviously just like with every other game having better specs will make for better load times. But for Sea of Thieves it's not just a matter of a couple seconds of difference between different computers, but the fact that you can be blackscreened for upwards of 30+ seconds just because there's a lot of loot on someone's boat is ridiculous.

    Hitreg will always be a issue with any video game. I have yet to play a game where hitreg isn’t a problem.

    You say this as if every single game is just like Sea of Thieves where it's a literal 50/50 on whether you're going to do damage to someone or not. Yes, hitreg is a problem in other games, but to say something is idiotic as: Hitreg is an issue with every videogame, therefore Sea of Thieves is completely fine and you just need to suck it up! is completely ignoring the problem that Sea of Thieves hitreg is 100x worse than every other game out there. Sure, there is hitreg in games like Ovewatch, Rust, CSGO, Valorant, etc. But the hitregistration problems in those games are FEW AND FAR between. Hitreg on Sea of Thieves happens every other shot taken. So to say something as baseline as: WELL... every game HAS hitreg, therefore Sea of Thieves is completely justified in the fact that it's a 50/50 on whether you do damage or not is COMPLETELY acceptable. is moronic.

    DG exploit, explain?

    Pressing X twice after firing a weapon so you can skip the shooting animation and go straight to reloading. Allows for a couple tenths of a second of faster shooting.

    Shooting a weapon, pulling out your second weapon, and sprinting for a tenth of a second will allow you to skip the pullout animation and you can go straight to ADSing and you can fire the MOMENT the 1 second hardcoded lock is up. If you don't do the sprint to remove the animation, then you will only be able to fire at like 1.3 seconds. But using this exploit allows you to fire at exactly 1.0 seconds, the moment the hardcoded lock is up.

    Ah yes. The cannon fired me someplace else…not my aim could been off?

    If you are on a galleon and try to fire out of 4th cannon while aiming all the way towards the plank, then you'll hit the plank and all your momentum will be lost. There are also times where you can be on 2nd or 3rd cannon and the game will shoot you straight up into the air because of the waves. So yes, your aim COULD be off in some cases, but I think he's talking more so about when the game will just fire you straight up for no reason.

  • @ammo-pouches yes but sprinting to have no wield animation is not a bug. There’s always the mis conception that this is so. Rare listed in patch notes a few years ago the ability to cancel the animation by sprinting. You still cannot shoot any faster than the coded 1 second delay. They’ve done this with all weapons including the cutlass which has a wield animation as well. You are supposed to be able block, sprint while holding the block, and immediately be in a block without a wield animation after exiting the sprint.

  • @illbushido305

    Rare listed in patch notes a few years ago the ability to cancel the animation by sprinting

    I vaguely remember reading this. I could be wrong, but I think it wasn't that they put it into the game and started allowing it, but that they just added the 1 second hardcoded lock and put in the patch notes something like: People are using the sprint exploit to pull out weapons faster than expected, so we added a 1 second hardcoded lock to prevent you from shooting as fast.

    I could be wrong though, could you find the patch notes that this is in?

  • @ammo-pouches said in Dev Team, focus on fixing PvPvE now that the season has extended.:


    Rare listed in patch notes a few years ago the ability to cancel the animation by sprinting

    I vaguely remember reading this. I could be wrong, but I think it wasn't that they put it into the game and started allowing it, but that they just added the 1 second hardcoded lock and put in the patch notes something like: People are using the sprint exploit to pull out weapons faster than expected, so we added a 1 second hardcoded lock to prevent you from shooting as fast.

    I could be wrong though, could you find the patch notes that this is in?

    They just need to adjust the duration to 1.3 seconds to match the ADS time someone gets when letting the animation fully play. Would completely even the playing field.
    The current advantage comes from them being able to ADS and track targets slightly faster than their opponents.

  • @kommodoreyenser

    They just need to adjust the duration to 1.3 seconds to match the ADS time someone gets when letting the animation fully play. Would completely even the playing field.
    The current advantage comes from them being able to ADS and track targets slightly faster than their opponents.

    Yeah they could make the playing field a little more even if they increase the timer. But at that point there's still some advantages that you still have. For one, if you sprint and cancel the pullout animation then you can start sprinting around and strafing while waiting for the timer to be up. But if you let the animation play, you have to walk around and can't sprint strafe because if you do then the pullout animation will get reset because you didn't like the animation finish playing.

    And you could take this thinking with almost everything in the game. Like how you can't DPI switch when you're on a controller, so you have an advantage being on KBM because you can abuse these glitches. There's always going to be advantages and bugs that you can exploit because this game is so unbelivably laggy and bad. It becomes tedious to try and make everything fair. Like with juggling loot. A controller player can't look up while juggling loot on land, and they have to keep their camera aimed at the ground the entire time to have the best chance at not missing the grab, so that's an unfair playing field.

    Eventually the balance of the scales would be so miniscule that it would just be too tedious to try and make it a fair playing ground for everybody. Because of this, I don't really think that you should change the 1 second hardcoded lock because you can still do that on controller. It's not like some glitches like the DPI glitch where it's only accessible to KBM players.

  • @burnbacon said in Dev Team, focus on fixing PvPvE now that the season has extended.:

    Black Screens
    People abusing the double gun exploit
    Moments when shooting yourself with the cannon sends you to another place

    Most of these aren’t even PVP related. As they also affect pve. Maybe pvpve?

    Black screen can be easy as, server bug or better yet your machine is aging?

    Hitreg will always be a issue with any video game. I have yet to play a game where hitreg isn’t a problem.

    DG exploit, explain?

    Ah yes. The cannon fired me someplace else…not my aim could been off?

    Bro do you even play the game?

    Black screen has been confirmed countless times to be a server bug that happens on any high end SSD rigs.

    Hitreg at the moment is way worse than in any other popular game with shooting mechanics, no contest.

    DG exploits are well known in the community.

    The cannon desync is another well known bug thats been in the game for nearly half a year by now and usually happens after a server merge.

  • @capt-pilotes

    Hit reg or scuttle yourself.

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