Ledger reset

  • Just wondering; if I've stacked some loot before the ledger resets and then, once the ledger resets, sell the loot, will it count towards the new ledger or will I have to rejoin the server or refresh the game for sold loot to count towards the new ledger?

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  • it's entirely based on time and not on server.

    What you are talking about is something that people commonly do to get a head start on the next month.

    It even happens naturally to a lot of people without them even realizing it until after they notice lower numbers in the corner.

  • @oligy697 Once the old ledger resets in your area, the new one starts. Every loot delivered after that moment counts toward the new ledger.

  • @wolfmanbush Alright cheers, guess I better start stacking then!

  • @metal-ravage
    Question: Is it by region or time zone, or just midnight GMT? I haven't been able to find specifics anywhere.

  • @maximusarael020 said in Ledger reset:

    Question: Is it by region or time zone, or just midnight GMT? I haven't been able to find specifics anywhere.

    less than one hour from now for everyone as far as I know

    close at one time it'll just be different times for everyone like gold rush.

    @maximusarael020 said in Ledger reset:

    Thanks! That's what I figured, but I can never find anything definitive.

    yeah pretty sure it's midnight gmt

  • @wolfmanbush
    Thanks! That's what I figured, but I can never find anything definitive.

  • It just reset for everyone

    so y'all should be able to see that in game through your ledgers and anything sold now will go on the new ledger

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