3D Printed Villainous Skull of Ancient Fortune

  • Hey! After my first attempt at 3D printing a real life-size skull, I made a second try.

    I'm really happy to show the results as this one is way better than the other.

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    I can't describe what it feels like to have this on my desk :P

  • 12
  • It looks awesome! good job mate :)

  • @capt-galaxystar Thanks!

  • @whitedovahazz

    Looks great. Awesome job 👍

  • @nunoazuldimeter Glad you like it! Thanks :)

  • Top work. Congrats

  • Its not villanious tho?

  • @whitedovahazz all hail the whale lord

  • That looks nice! Do you plan on doing any other skull?

  • This thing looks awesome as heck! But I have a question: Do you think you can make a Sea Dogs' Cutlass the same way you made this awesome skull?

  • You wanna sell those to increase your Athena lvl? ^^

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