steam russian store bug (what happened? Not sure that's a bug) with sot

  • sot is unavailable in my region rn. My region is Russia. Every other game is available tho (yes I checked EVERY game that I own. Was just interesting) I do still know how to donate ancient coins thoPost is created for publisher. No idea if they know about that. Why? I did nothing. I just wanna play ur game... I mean... I still can launch and play it, but not the ppl who still didn't buy the game

    ure discriminating me ohno
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  • It may have to do with the sanctions

    After a quick google search I found this.

    Microsoft suspends new sales in Russia

    As Rare is owned by xbox, which is owned by microsoft it seems as they've pulled SoT out of the russia, or at least new copies of it.

  • only sot? Every popular and not popular game is still available to purchase/play lol

  • oh nvm didn't saw lol

  • anyways can't get it how is this associated with the normal ppl, who is just living and not going to war. I hate this stupid world

  • @trappy-trapp If you buy games you pay tax to your government, they get those funds and use them to wage war in Ukraine, thats why Microsoft suspended new sales in Russia.

  • @ambrossa that's incredibly stupid move. I don't think any of these things will stop this. Better close this thread or nazis will appear.

  • @trappy-trapp I just wanted to explain how this associated with the normal people. Maybe it won't stop whats happening, but there still is a chance that people unhappy with all the sancions will tell their government to change the ways they do things.

  • @trappy-trapp its sad that innocent people are caught in the fray, however the same counts for innocent ukrainiens.

    however, this is how economy works, in order to hit The country purprating these foul acts you have to hit its economy multiple (combined) governments have issue sanctions and its good that large corporations are doing the same thing.

    of course i am not saying that every single person is guilty of these acts however the leadership of the country have made a choice and thus have made the bed for their citizens to lay in.

    ultimately it is Russia's leadership that chose to push their military arsenal into a neighbouring country, Russia's leadership chose to wage war to conquer Chernobil risking Radiation containment breach, they chose to Wage war in order to gain control of Europe's largest nuclear facility risking the facility and nuclear meltdown and furthermore they are the ones threatening Nuclear War by saying their Nuclear forces are activated.

    if they push that button nothing will matter anymore, games, economy etc because if one country pushes that button the only response is total nuclear annihalation

  • @ambrossa have u ever seen irl government listening to their community? No. Have u ever seen game devs/publishers listening to their community? No. That's why it's stupid. Don't explain things.

  • @trappy-trapp Yes I have, when my country decided to leave Soviet Union in 1990, people wanted that, they formed another government, seperate from the Soviet Union one and announced independance, it was hard but they managed to do it. We have been living and improving our country since then with democratic elections, changing our government every 4 years.

  • @ambrossa u guys better stop discussing irl things on a game forum. Anyways, u don't live in Russia, u can't speak for what's happening here cus u got no idea. Only propaganda knowledge. Ukraine too. No1 can speak about some country they never lived in.

  • @trappy-trapp Well the topic you posted is associated with real life events thats why the conversation went that way, but you are right we should stop this and this topic should be locked.

    @Musicmee hey, could You please drop anchor here?

  • Yeah, OP's post was answered and it's descended into politics. @deckhands

  • I can confirm that Microsoft have released a statement regarding Russia and it can be found here:

    We are unable to comment any further. Locking the topic.

    May the seas be in your favor.

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